Rendezvous Reviews Summary


Chinese Restaurants | Edinburgh


10a Queensferry St, Edinburgh EH2 4PG

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What do customers say about Rendezvous?

As of Apr 13, 2024, 579 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.2 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Rendezvous's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 13, 2024
Last updated
April 13, 2024

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Rendezvous's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of Rendezvous Chinese Restaurant is somewhat mixed based on the latest customer reviews. While several patrons commend the restaurant for its traditional offering and authentic taste, others share disappointment, particularly regarding certain dishes' taste and value for money. The pleasing atmosphere and consistent quality of food stick out as common highlights, with the deep-fried shredded beef, hot & sour soup, and Kung Po chicken receiving praise for flavor and authenticity. In contrast, the egg fried rice and salt and pepper squid have attracted criticism for lack of flavor and perceived poor value. The restaurant's obscure location is noted, but the décor and the extensive menu add to the appeal for some. The owner and staff receive accolades for their politeness and efficiency, suggesting that customer service is a strength. However, the overall customer experience appears divided with strong sentiments on both sides of the spectrum, reflecting individual preferences and expectations when it comes to Chinese cuisine.

Positive Feedback

Positive customer experiences at the Rendezvous Chinese Restaurant primarily highlight the authentic taste of traditional dishes and the restaurant's atmosphere. The owner, Mr. Chan, is commended for his passion and warm service. Regular customers, some over several decades, testify to a consistently high quality of food suggesting a dependable dining experience, with specific dishes like hot & sour soup and deep-fried shredded beef receiving specific praise. The ambiance of the restaurant, from its location to its old-fashioned décor, adds to the charm, enhancing the dining experience for some patrons. Customer service has been consistently described as excellent, with staff who are attentive, polite, and efficient. Additionally, some customers find the prices reasonable and the portions large, providing good value for money and satisfaction with the quantity of the food served.

Concerns and Threads

Critique towards Rendezvous Chinese Restaurant centers around the dissatisfaction with specific dishes and the perceived value for money. Some customers found the egg fried rice bland and lacking in expected ingredients, such as egg, which was a letdown for a staple dish. The salt and pepper squid also received negative feedback regarding its portion size versus cost, with a customer highlighting the meager quantity of squid relative to the price. This issue of quantity versus cost appears to be a recurring theme among the negative aspects of customer feedback. A potential barrier to attracting new clientele is the challenge of locating the restaurant, which could deter those unfamiliar with its setting. While the negative reviews are fewer than the positives, they are strongly worded and reflect personal disappointment that could influence the perspective of prospective customers.

Frequently asked questions about Rendezvous

What are some recommended dishes at Rendezvous Chinese Restaurant?

Customers have specifically recommended the restaurant's hot & sour soup, deep-fried shredded beef, and Kung Po chicken as standout dishes. The spare ribs were also mentioned as a favored starter.

Is Rendezvous Chinese Restaurant suitable for large groups or banquets?

Yes, the restaurant has been praised for successfully catering to banquets and large groups, with at least one reviewer recommending it for such occasions without reservation.

Does Rendezvous Chinese Restaurant offer value for money?

Opinions on value for money vary among customers. Some find the food reasonably priced with large portions, while others feel that certain dishes, like the salt and pepper squid, do not offer adequate quantity for the price.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Rendezvous

Han Stw
10 months ago
I had a nice lunch here at Rendezvous restaurant. The place can be a bit hard to find as it is less obvious (go in through the door and take the stairs up). Quite an extensive menu! I ordered the bean curd family style and egg fried rice. It also came with some crackers. The bean curd dish was delicious. I asked for it to be spicy and indeed it was spicy which was nice! Overall it was a good experience.
Daisy Palacios
3 weeks ago
Went here hoping we will enjoy a good Chinese food as it was recommended by our friend. Only to find out, it didn’t live to our standard. As someone who is Asian, this is not what I am expecting it to be. If only I knew it’s doesn’t taste good. I could have stayed home and cook Chinese dinner my self. It is also expensive. A salt and pepper squid cost £15.00 but I could only count the squid. It looks mouthful because of the crumbs but it’s only a few. Trust me. I think I only ate 5-7pcs of small slices of squid. Also, the egg fried rice is the worst fried rice I ever tried. It tastes bland. I couldn’t even see an egg on it. What a shame! Will not come back. Sorry and will not recommend. Thank you.
Terence Lee
5 months ago
Excellent authentic Chinese food, warm young owner Mr Chan operates with passion and heart. Highly recommend for gourmets looking for Chinese food in Edinburgh.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Rendezvous's customers had a positive experience.

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About Rendezvous

Chinese Restaurants
A fixture since 1956 for Cantonese and Pekingese dining in a spacious room with lunch buffet deals.