Pet Shops
Pets At Home Sheldon

Pets At Home Sheldon Reviews Summary


Pet Shops | Birmingham


Green Retail Park, Wells, Coventry Rd, Birmingham B26 3JA

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Pets At Home Sheldon?

As of Jul 14, 2024, 674 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Pets At Home Sheldon's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
July 14, 2024
Last updated
July 14, 2024

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Pets At Home Sheldon's customer reviews analysis

The overall reputation of Pets at Home Sheldon is reflected positively in the reviews, denoting a notably favorable customer experience. Staff professionalism, knowledge, and friendliness are recurrent themes in customer feedback. Reviewers frequently commend the helpfulness and attentiveness of the team, specifically highlighting instances of staff going above and beyond to assist with product selection and provide educational interactions with the animals in the store. A recent refurbishment is also mentioned, contributing to the store's appealing ambiance. A single instance of dissatisfaction arises from a disagreement with store policy, which appears to be an isolated issue rather than a common trend. Overall, the consistency of positive staff interactions and quality of service suggests a strong company reputation and a customer-centric culture at this particular branch.

Positive Feedback

Customer feedback for Pets at Home Sheldon is predominantly positive, with the staff's helpfulness and friendliness singled out as key highlights. The approachability and animal knowledge displayed by the employees are frequently praised, enhancing the shopping experience for both parents and children. The proactive nature of the staff in offering help, alongside their willingness to provide detailed information and utilize resources such as nutritional notebooks, is commended. Positive comments also extend to the quality of the live animals and the advisement on pet care, as customers appreciate recommendations on cohabitable fish and the store's effort in ensuring the health and vibrancy of aquatic pets. Moreover, the recent store refurbishment has created an environment that customers find very aesthetically pleasing.

Concerns and Threads

Despite many positive comments, Pets at Home Sheldon has faced criticism related to strict adherence to company policies that may not align with customer expectations. One reviewer expressed frustration when they were denied the purchase of a flea and tick collar due to it being less than four weeks since their dog's last vet-administered flea treatment. This scenario portrays potential inflexibility in policy application and suggests a need for improved communication or customer service training to handle exceptional cases more sympathetically. However, this incident appears to be an outlier among the reviews, as no other negative trends are immediately evident from the provided feedback.

Frequently asked questions about Pets At Home Sheldon

Are Pets at Home Sheldon staff knowledgeable about pet care?

Yes, multiple reviews indicate that the staff at Pets at Home Sheldon are knowledgeable, not only about the products they sell but also about animal nutrition and care, often providing valuable advice and recommendations to customers.

Can I expect a good variety of healthy live animals at Pets at Home Sheldon?

Customers have reported positive experiences with the live animals at Pets at Home Sheldon, mentioning that the fish are healthy, vibrant, and are offered with helpful advice on their care.

Does Pets at Home Sheldon have a customer-friendly return or exchange policy?

While the reviews provided do not specifically mention a return or exchange policy, the overall high satisfaction with customer service suggests that the store likely addresses return or exchange issues in a customer-friendly manner. It's recommended to contact the store directly for specific policy information.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Pets At Home Sheldon

Pets At Home Sheldon
Amanda Pettman
2 months ago
I have just been in to buy Bobby a harness. Anish was very helpful and attentive. This is my nearest Pets at Home and have always had excellent service from all staff no matter when I have been in or required advice. Keep up the good work! 👍
Pets At Home Sheldon
5 months ago
The staff here are so nice !! The young female worker let my daughter watch her feed the guinea pigs and help , then after was speaking to my kids about animals . There always really friendly and to be honest don't get paid enough for what they do . The store has had a refurb so looks very nice also
Pets At Home Sheldon
Robski. P
9 months ago
If I could give 10 stars I would ✨️ this store is absolutely brilliant but even better than the products the staff are amazing, always very happy and ready to help, they offer you help all the time if you get lost looking for anything, they know alot about animals so any questions are answered 😊 the guy had a notebook with all nutritional information on all the foods they sell and look on your app for discounts, they really go above and beyond at this store and after visiting a fair few this sheldon branch outshine them all.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 90% of Pets At Home Sheldon's customers had a positive experience.

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Pets At Home Sheldon

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About Pets At Home Sheldon

Pet Shops
One-stop shop for pet food, toys, equipment & insurance, plus small animals, fish & reptiles.