Pet Shops
Paws For Thought

Paws For Thought Reviews Summary


Pet Shops | Leeds


143 York Rd, Leeds LS9 7RD

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Paws For Thought?

As of Jul 14, 2024, 1411 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.6 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Paws For Thought's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

Beautiful tortoises

Great setup and service

Great variety of supplies

Not overly priced

Helpful friendly staff

wealth of knowledge

Supported us to get her settled

Excellent pet store

impressed with this pet store

cares... look after their livestock properly

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
July 14, 2024
Last updated
July 14, 2024

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Paws For Thought's customer reviews analysis

Evaluating the collection of reviews for Paws for Thought Pet Centre, a pattern emerges highlighting the company's strong reputation among customers. The recurring themes in the feedback indicate a high standard of animal welfare, a broad range of products, knowledgeable staff, and a commitment to customer service. Reviewers consistently praise the variety of supplies and commend the guidance offered by the staff, who are described as not only friendly and accommodating but also as deeply informed and eager to assist. This expertise appears to extend across several pet domains—from aquatic to reptilian and avian care. While price sensitivity is mentioned, it does not seem to detract significantly from the overall positive customer experience. Instead, the cost is contextualized within the broader economic climate. Overall, the sentiment is overwhelmingly favorable, suggesting a well-regarded presence in the community for Paws for Thought Pet Centre.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects of Paws for Thought Pet Centre, as derived from customer feedback, include an exceptional level of staff expertise and customer service. Staff members are frequently commended for their depth of knowledge in various pet care areas, and their willingness to spend time with customers to share this expertise is particularly appreciated. Customers express gratitude for the practical advice and emotional support provided by the team, which has resulted in tangible improvements in their pets' lives. The quality and range of stock are also significant positives, with customers impressed by the variety of supplies available for a range of pets. Furthermore, the store's commitment to animal welfare is repeatedly affirmed, fostering trust and customer loyalty.

Concerns and Threads

Regarding the negative aspects, there is a limited but noteworthy concern among customers about the increasing prices of products at Paws for Thought Pet Centre. While these price hikes are somewhat attributed to the broader cost of living changes, it does resonate with customers who are price-sensitive or budget-conscious. This sensitivity to pricing could influence purchasing decisions and affect the frequency of visits. Nevertheless, it is important to note that despite this concern, the overall impression remains positive, with no severe implications for customer satisfaction or retention.

Frequently asked questions about Paws For Thought

What types of pets does Paws for Thought Pet Centre cater to?

Paws for Thought Pet Centre offers a wide range of products for various pets including mammals, aquatic species, reptilian creatures, and birds. They are known for their variety of supplies and knowledgeable staff who can assist with many types of pet care.

Do the staff at Paws for Thought Pet Centre offer advice and support for pet care?

Yes, customers consistently praise the knowledgeable and friendly staff at Paws for Thought Pet Centre for providing valuable advice and support in pet care, including guidance for first-time pet owners and individuals faced with pet-related challenges.

Are the product prices at Paws for Thought Pet Centre considered affordable?

The reviews indicate that while the store offers good prices and the staff advises on cost-effective options, there have been mentions of price increases possibly due to changes in the cost of living. However, customers generally regard the prices as fair considering the quality of products and services provided.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Paws For Thought

Paws For Thought
allan sutcliffe
2 months ago
Beautiful tortoises 🐢 I bought her yesterday little Lilly lovely staff too 😁
Paws For Thought
3 months ago
Great setup and service. Wanted some gravel for my fish tank and didn't know how much it would take. The gentleman on shop floor advised me correctly as I was looking at a bag and half. He said would only take one. Good prices on stock in shop and helpful service.
Paws For Thought
Jordan H.
a week ago
Great variety of supplies for all types of pets which is rare to see nowadays. Good welfare standards maintained for the animals on sale also!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 100% of Paws For Thought's customers had a positive experience.

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Paws For Thought

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About Paws For Thought

Pet Shops
Store selling reptiles, fish, small mammals and birds, plus pet supplies and accessories.