Rehab Centres
Turning Point - Smithfield Detox

Turning Point - Smithfield Detox Reviews Summary


Rehab Centres | Manchester


Thompson St, Manchester M4 5FY

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Turning Point - Smithfield Detox?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 47 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Turning Point - Smithfield Detox's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 23, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Turning Point - Smithfield Detox's customer reviews analysis

An analysis of the recent reviews for Turning Point - Smithfield Detox indicates a substantially positive company reputation, with a trend of experiences that reflect exceptional staff support and commendable medical supervision. The customer feedback recurrently praises the quality of the food served and acknowledges the comfortable and clean facilities provided. Additionally, clients highlight their successful recovery outcomes, accentuating the effectiveness of the center's rehabilitation programs and contributing to the organization's strong image in aiding individuals towards sobriety and improved mental health. While the quantity of information is limited, the unanimous positivity in the reviews suggests that negative feedback, if any, is rare or non-existent among these testimonials.

Positive Feedback

Turning Point - Smithfield Detox appears to excel in several key areas according to customer feedback, with multiple reviews highlighting the high caliber of care from staff members. Clients feel well-supported, specifically noting the availability and attentiveness of the team. The facility is frequently described as professional, caring, and effective in helping individuals overcome addiction. The cleanliness and comfort of the center are further praised, indicating an environment conducive to recovery. The culinary offerings are consistently described as exceptional, contributing positively to the overall experience. Clients also celebrate personal achievements of sobriety following their stay, pointing towards successful treatment outcomes. Such satisfaction with the services provided has led to personal recommendations and heartfelt gratitude from the clients.

Concerns and Threads

Based on the reviews provided, there are no explicit negative aspects mentioned by the clients of Turning Point - Smithfield Detox. The customer feedback is overwhelmingly positive, without any mention of shortcomings or areas of improvement. However, the absence of negative comments in the accessible reviews should not be interpreted as a lack of any issues whatsoever. Prospective clients should consider that these reviews may not capture a fully balanced view, as issues may exist but are not reflected in this particular set of testimonials. For a complete understanding of possible downsides, a more extensive analysis including a wider range of reviews might be necessary.

Frequently asked questions about Turning Point - Smithfield Detox

What type of staff support can I expect at Turning Point - Smithfield Detox?

According to recent reviews, clients can expect highly supportive and always available staff, characterized by their professionalism and caring nature. These reviews frequently mention the exceptional level of personal support provided to clients throughout their recovery program.

How is the quality and variety of food at the facility?

Customer feedback repeatedly praises the food at Turning Point - Smithfield Detox as amazing and exceptional. Clients are impressed with both the quality and the taste of the meals prepared by the culinary team, suggesting that the facility places a high priority on food service.

Is Turning Point - Smithfield Detox successful in helping clients achieve sobriety?

Reviews suggest that the facility is highly effective in assisting clients to reach and maintain sobriety, with several clients reporting significant periods of being sober post-treatment and expressing deep gratitude for the impact it has had on their life and mental health.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Turning Point - Smithfield Detox

Turning Point - Smithfield Detox
Kevin Burnett
a week ago
absolutely amazing staff always on hand to support you.I can not thank them enough and the food is amazing a special thank you you to you all you do a amazing job they all deserve the credit for the care and consideration they show I just like to say a big thank you kev
Turning Point - Smithfield Detox
Mike Prowle
6 months ago
Simply brilliant. Staff were great, sessions really useful. Medical supervision outstanding. Really clean and comfortable. Food was ridiculously good. Thank you so much.
Turning Point - Smithfield Detox
Darren Beswick
5 months ago
Staff was great food was exceptional and i appreciated everyone who supported me on my stay there
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Turning Point - Smithfield Detox's customers had a positive experience.

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Turning Point - Smithfield Detox

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About Turning Point - Smithfield Detox

Rehab Centres

At Smithfield Detoxification (Detox) we support both men and women who have an alcohol and/or drug dependence who require in-patient care and support.Residential Detox is an opportunity to come to a service in order to physically detoxify your body from a substance and make that important step from being physically dependent on a substance to being abstinent.
