Rehab Centres
Start Recovery
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Start Recovery Reviews Summary


Rehab Centres | Leeds


10 Holt Ave, Adel, Leeds LS16 8DH

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Start Recovery?

As of Apr 24, 2024, 14 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Start Recovery's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

turned a massive corner

healthier and happier

saved my life

inner strength and ability to change

completely life changing

open up and deal with my issues

instrumental in my own recovery

already feel positive about life

work out a successful strategy

can't thank Mark enough

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 24, 2024
Last updated
April 24, 2024

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Start Recovery's customer reviews analysis

An analysis of the recent testimonials for Start Recovery indicates a highly positive company reputation with an exceptional overall customer experience. Mark, as the principal facilitator, is repeatedly praised for his empathetic approach, non-judgmental demeanor, and effective communication skills. Customers highlighted their gratitude for the personalized care and the transformative impact his guidance had on their lives. Tools and strategies provided by Mark were cited as effective in managing cravings and overcoming personal struggles with addiction. The shift from local services to Mark’s method appears to have been a critical factor in many customers’ recovery, suggesting his approach fills a necessary gap in traditional addiction services. With consistent themes of improved health, happiness, and a newfound grasp on life, the feedback denotes consistent satisfaction and personal breakthroughs.

Positive Feedback

Customers of Start Recovery universally commend the service, particularly Mark's personalized and understanding approach, which has significantly aided their journeys to improved well-being. Mark's ability to foster an environment free from judgement stands out as a cornerstone of the positive experiences shared by clients. His easy-going nature and ability to genuinely listen and comprehend the individual challenges faced by each client have not only facilitated open communication but have reportedly led to the development of effective coping strategies for addiction. These strategic tools, alongside his tranquil and accommodating sessions, have empowered clients to deal with their issues and reclaim control over their lives, yielding healthier and happier lifestyles. Furthermore, Mark's ability to convey complex issues with clarity, and his tailored support outside traditional regimented frameworks, are recurrently noted as pivotal in aiding recovery.

Concerns and Threads

The compiled reviews for Start Recovery present a challenge in highlighting negative feedback, as the testimonials provided are overwhelmingly positive. None of the reviews explicitly mention dissatisfaction, regret, or negative experiences associated with the service provided by Mark or the company as a whole. Given the absence of critical comments in the given dataset, it's not possible to objectively outline specific key negative aspects without additional data or negative reviews that delineate such experiences. However, it is worth acknowledging that the reviews are solely from clients who have chosen to share their positive experiences, which may not represent the experiences of all customers.

Frequently asked questions about Start Recovery

What specific methods does Start Recovery use to assist with addiction?

Based on client testimonials, Start Recovery utilizes personalized strategies and tools tailored to each individual's needs. Mark's approach is characterized as non-judgmental, understanding, and capable of handling complex emotional challenges, suggesting a bespoke treatment strategy rather than a one-size-fits-all method.

Can I expect a supportive and non-judgmental environment when working with Mark from Start Recovery?

Yes, multiple reviews highlight the supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere fostered by Mark. Clients describe feeling at ease, being able to communicate openly, and receiving empathetic support throughout their recovery process.

Is Start Recovery suitable for individuals struggling with long-term addiction issues?

According to customer feedback, Mark from Start Recovery has been effective in assisting individuals with long-term issues and helping them develop successful strategies for staying clean and sober. Clients express a sense of renewed hope in managing addiction, suggesting the service is beneficial for long-standing challenges.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Start Recovery

Start Recovery
Hannah Hoffman
7 months ago
I reached out to Mark about 6 months ago as I have a very close friend that was really struggling with alcohol. He had tried local addiction services and AA but was getting nowhere with his recovery. He seems to have turned a massive corner in understanding his Demons, and has learnt the tools to overcome the cravings, when life becomes overwhelming. He's a new man, im eternally grateful. Thank you Start Recovery!
Start Recovery
Tommy K
4 years ago
It took me a long time to find the courage to finally seek help and talk to someone. I felt quite nervous and embarrassed goin into my first meeting but mark is a nice guy and these feelings didn’t last long. He doesn’t judge and is easy to talk to which made it easy for me to open up. With marks help I am now in a much better place in life, healthier and happier. Best thing I ever did. Would recommend 100%
Start Recovery
Ryan Sewell
4 years ago
Mark saved my life. He has always found a way to explain the difficulties around what I was experiencing and his calm manner and tranquil surroundings helped me overcome my internal struggle. If you’re wanting help then look no further. It will be the best thing you can do
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 100% of Start Recovery's customers had a positive experience.

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About Start Recovery

Rehab Centres
Private drug and alcohol counselling services in North Leeds. We help people with alcoholism (AUD's), substance misuse disorders (SUD's), addictions, problem gambling or any other addictive behaviours by using effective talking therapies. Professional counseling for people in Leeds struggling with addiction. We help families of people having problems with alcohol or drugs in the Leeds, Harrogate, and Bradford areas of Yorkshire. We believe alcoholism and drug treatment should be de-stigmatised and accessable. We do not label our clients alcoholics or addicts, and aim to deliver the most up to up to date, scientifically relevant information and latest evidence based advice to all our clients.