Rehab Centres
The Oad Clinic

The Oad Clinic Reviews Summary


Rehab Centres | London


25A Eccleston St, London SW1W 9NP

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about The Oad Clinic?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 29 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of The Oad Clinic's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
January 8, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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The Oad Clinic's customer reviews analysis

The OAD Clinic's reputation, based on the provided customer reviews, appears to be overwhelmingly positive, with numerous clients attesting to life-saving interventions and exceptional care. A recurring theme across the feedback is the clinic's individualized approach and flexibility, as well as its high level of professionalism and understanding. Clients have expressed appreciation for the clinic's capacity to deal with complex cases and the supportive nature of the staff. Several reviewers highlighted the clinic's non-judgmental and accommodating atmosphere. The evening appointments and a sense of personal attention are particularly valued by clients with tight schedules or those who require privacy. Moreover, the attractive location and environment of the clinic contributed positively to the overall customer experience.

Positive Feedback

Customers consistently praised The OAD Clinic for its exceptional service and personal care approach. The clinic's staff is frequently lauded for their professionalism, patience, kindness, and non-judgmental attitude, which seem to foster a welcoming environment for clients. The services provided by the clinic are deemed life-saving by many reviewers, highlighting successful treatments for addiction. The accessibility of the clinic, including out-of-hours appointments and responsive communication, is valued by clients with busy schedules or specific privacy needs. The quality of treatment, along with the clinic's high standards and elegant facilities, has satisfied clients seeking both effective medical intervention and a comfortable experience.

Concerns and Threads

In the context of the reviews provided, overt negative aspects are absent. All customers have expressed satisfaction with their treatment, describing positive life changes and high levels of care. Given the absence of critical feedback, it is not possible to identify negative elements from the current set of reviews. However, it is vital to note that the reviews presented may not reflect all client experiences, and potential negative aspects may exist but are not captured within this dataset.

Frequently asked questions about The Oad Clinic

What kind of treatments does The OAD Clinic provide?

The OAD Clinic provides treatments for addiction and substance misuse, including but not limited to Buvidal treatment and buprenorphine injections. The clinic takes a comprehensive approach, addressing underlying reasons for the illness.

Does The OAD Clinic offer flexible scheduling for appointments?

Yes, The OAD Clinic offers flexible scheduling, including evening appointments, to accommodate clients' needs and provide a more personalized care experience.

How does The OAD Clinic ensure patient confidentiality?

The OAD Clinic places strong emphasis on patient confidentiality. Reviews suggest the clinic remains true to their word, ensuring only necessary parties are aware of a patient's treatment, maintaining a high level of discretion.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for The Oad Clinic

The Oad Clinic
Peter Sheath
5 months ago
To whom it may concern, A couple of weeks ago I found myself in an absolutely awful place. I had been in recovery, from my own mental health and substance misuse issues for well over 20 years. Due to an unfortunate series of events I started using drugs again, just to cope with what I was going through. I approached Doctor Oscar D'Agnone, and his Non Medical prescriber Mark Kendrick who gave me a rapid appointment for assessment. I cannot begin to tell you how impressed I have been with the whole process. In many ways, because of what they did and how they did it, I am in no doubt that it saved my life. Confidentiality was and still is very important to me and they have remained absolutely true to their words, ensuring that only those that need to know, know that I am in treatment. I would not hesitate to recommend the OAD, Doctor D'Agnone and Mark Kendrick to anyone undergoing anything similar. I believe the the service that the OAD offer is second to none and I cannot even imagine finding anything the comes close in terms of quality, safety, being well led, being very effective in everything they do, going the extra mile in, not only, demonstrating but ensuring a seamless no wrong door approach to caring, being appropriately and safely responsive. By ensuring that the right person is in place at the right time ensuring a seamless and timely response is offered as much as is physically possible. As far as my own personal experience, of the OAD clinic has been concerned, I can do nothing other than give personal praise and gratitude because they really could not have been any more effective in helping me achieve my goals/aims/ambitions/dreams. Quite a lot of the work we have undertaken together has, because of my own personal commitments, been undertaken outside usual working hours. Personally I have found this so highly person centred, trauma informed and harm reduction focused. My first few assessment type appointments were done in the evening around 6.30/7.30 PM which suited me fine. Working in this way, in my own time within my own space, has really helped and I honestly could not have committed to anything done differently. I really do hope that Doctor D'Agnone, Mark Kendrick, the rest of the clinic and their current ethos will continue. It is a much needed resource and, for people like myself, is absolutely crucial. Should you require any further information please contact me. Many thanks PS
The Oad Clinic
Nathan Browning
a year ago
The OAD clinic has literally saved my life. I have been with them since 2018 and wouldn’t change for the world. They are friendly, helpful and never judge. Amazing place and would highly recommend them. You will be welcomed with a smile. Thank you and see you later this month. Nathan
The Oad Clinic
Faye Paddock
2 years ago
The clinic have been so helpful. They have made the service they provide friendly and professional at the same time. They don’t just deal with the one issue, they try to help the patient deal with the underlying reasons for their illness. After receiving treatment from several clinics in the past, OAD is beyond comparison, their services are above any other we have received. Would highly recommend.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of The Oad Clinic's customers had a positive experience.

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The Oad Clinic

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About The Oad Clinic

Rehab Centres

We provide Mental Health, Drug Addiction, Alcohol Recovery and Painkiller Dependence treatment in our Central London clinic. Bespoke outpatient treatment programmes, including detox, rehab, relapse prevention, psychotherapy and counselling.
