Property Management
Southside Property Management

Southside Property Management Reviews Summary


Property Management | Edinburgh


20 Nicolson St, Edinburgh EH8 9DH

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Southside Property Management?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 1052 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.6 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Southside Property Management's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 29, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Southside Property Management's customer reviews analysis

An analysis of the latest reviews for Southside Property Management reflects a notably positive reputation, characterized by a high level of tenant satisfaction. A recurring theme in these testimonials is the appreciation for the attentive and personal service delivered by various property managers, with specific commendations for Georgia, Ryan, Ione, Leighvi Collins, and Rebekah. Efficient communication and prompt issue resolution emerge as significant contributors to the customer experience. The provision of welcome packages to new tenants is highlighted as a thoughtful and appreciated gesture. However, there is a singular note of criticism regarding the cleanliness of a room upon move-in. Despite this, the general consensus suggests that Southside's approach is perceived as customer-centric and superior relative to other agencies in the market, with recommendations being a common trend amongst reviewers.

Positive Feedback

Southside Property Management's customer feedback is overwhelmingly positive, with particular praise for their responsive and supportive nature. Property managers are consistently recognized for their helpfulness and prompt attention to inquiries and maintenance needs. The personal touch added by Southside through welcome packages is frequently mentioned, enhancing the tenant's moving experience. Furthermore, their professional and patient approach in handling tenant questions and concerns is commendable. The agency's capacity to quickly resolve issues, including emergency situations such as lockouts, and their preference for personalized property viewings are key aspects that contribute positively to customer satisfaction and differentiate them within the Edinburgh letting market.

Concerns and Threads

Despite an extensive list of positive attributes, Southside Property Management's feedback includes a minor criticism pertaining to room cleanliness upon tenant move-in. The specific mention of a dusty floorspace indicates room for improvement in their pre-tenancy cleaning protocols. This isolated complaint, however, is overshadowed by the largely positive feedback and does not appear to be a widespread issue among tenants. Nevertheless, it suggests that there is an opportunity for Southside to reinforce their cleaning standards to ensure consistent quality across all properties they manage.

Frequently asked questions about Southside Property Management

How responsive is Southside Property Management to maintenance requests and other issues?

According to recent reviews, Southside Property Management is highly responsive to maintenance requests and tenant issues. They are known to address concerns promptly and communicate effectively with tenants.

What unique aspects can I expect from Southside Property Management's service?

Tenants have praised Southside for their personal touches, such as welcome packages upon move-in, and the dedicated customer service provided by their property managers. Customized 1 on 1 property viewings and professional, warm assistance in settling down are also highlighted.

Are there any negative aspects reported by tenants of Southside Property Management that I should be aware of?

The reviews are overwhelmingly positive; however, an isolated complaint was made regarding the cleanliness of a room below the bed upon move-in. This highlights an area for improvement but seems to be an exception rather than a common issue amongst tenants.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Southside Property Management

Southside Property Management
Ayo Arowosegbe
a month ago
Southside Properties has been exceptional on my quest for a shelter. I was 3.5hours away when I was looking for accommodation but they were very understanding and supportive. From the applications team to my property manager , Georgia, they have been amazing. Prompt response to mails and ensuring transparency is interesting. Thank you so much and I recommend them to whoever is looking for accommodation .
Southside Property Management
4 weeks ago
Overall very friendly letting agency, certainly much better to work with than some other agencies in Edinburgh! We were given a cute little care package when we picked up the keys for our new flat which was a nice touch as well. Generally good response times for issues, and our property manager Ryan has been so helpful in fixing the various bits and bobs we’ve needed and figuring out any problems we’ve had. Definitely would recommend this agency!
Southside Property Management
2 days ago
Very customer-centric agency. Always on top of their communication game and resolve issues pretty quickly. My property manager Ione has been an absolute joy!! Oh there’s a nice little welcome package when you join the family!!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Southside Property Management's customers had a positive experience.

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Southside Property Management

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About Southside Property Management

Property Management

Property Letting & Management Based in Central Edinburgh
