San Francisco, CA
Property Management
Azari Property Management
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Azari Property Management Reviews Summary


Property Management | San Francisco, CA


333 Beale St Apt 6j, San Francisco, CA 94105, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Azari Property Management?

As of Apr 13, 2024, 424 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Azari Property Management's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 13, 2024
Last updated
April 13, 2024

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Azari Property Management's customer reviews analysis

Azari Property Management appears to have a predominantly positive reputation, with numerous testimonials lauding the company's professionalism, responsiveness, and quality of service. Staff members, including Jen, Manzar, Elena, Nic, and others, are frequently commended for their commitment and effective communication, ensuring clients feel valued and prioritized. The positive experiences span multiple aspects of the company's services, from property repairs and maintenance to seamless leasing and management processes. However, there is a notable negative review which reports serious issues such as delays in repair work, poor communication, and additional financial impositions, suggesting inconsistent experiences among clients. While positive feedback is prominent, this outlier serves as a reminder of the diverse nature of customer experiences and the impact of negative incidents on overall reputation.

Positive Feedback

On the positive side, Azari Property Management is often cited for its exceptional customer service and professionalism. The company and its staff, particularly Jen, Manzar, and Elena, are praised for their responsiveness and attentiveness to clients' needs. Successful and timely project completions, like bathroom and bedroom renovations, alongside proactive resolution of accounting issues during HOA management transitions, have been well received. Active involvement from the owner, Manzar, is mentioned positively in numerous instances, indicating strong leadership and investment in client relationships. Subcontractors commend the company for valuing their expertise and prompt payments, which suggests a high level of respect and professionalism extended to partners as well as clients.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the overall favorable feedback, there are significant concerns raised in a critical negative review detailing poor experiences with repair delays, lack of response from the management team, and financial discrepancies. This particular review highlights issues such as ongoing leaks, unaddressed maintenance, and additional costs incurred due to inadequate equipment provided by the company. The problems mentioned include an attitude perceived as unwelcoming from the owner and a lack of adequate compensation for the inconveniences suffered. These issues point to potential deficiencies in operational processes and customer support that could mar the company's reputation if not promptly and efficiently addressed.

Frequently asked questions about Azari Property Management

What specific services does Azari Property Management offer?

Azari Property Management offers a range of services, including property repairs, maintenance, leasing, HOA management, and accounting. They provide support for various property-related needs, ensuring smooth transitions during management changes and working closely with clients and subcontractors for quality service delivery.

How responsive is Azari Property Management to maintenance requests and issues?

According to most reviews, Azari Property Management is highly responsive to maintenance requests, with staff like Kelly H. being praised for handling issues with diligence and expertise. However, there have been isolated instances where the company's responsiveness to repair needs has been questioned.

Does Azari Property Management work well with subcontractors and vendors?

The feedback from subcontractors points to a positive work relationship, citing qualities like a seamless and professional approach, excellent communication, and prompt payments. Azari Property Management is perceived as valuing the partnerships with its subcontractors, indicating a strong and respectful collaboration.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Azari Property Management

Azari Property Management
Niño David Angelo Astrero
2 weeks ago
Choosing Azari Property Management has proven to be one of my best choices. Their staff, Jen, goes above and beyond to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Her professionalism, responsiveness, and commitment to offering first-rate service have continuously amazed me. I heartily recommend Azari Property Management.
Azari Property Management
2 weeks ago
They did a wonderful job in my bathroom and bedroom. It was done on time and very professional .Thank you Manzar and Elena I’m very pleased with the results.
Azari Property Management
Chris Corvi
5 days ago
I had a great experience leasing my SF condo with Azari Property Management. It was a pleasure working with Manzar and Jina throughout the entire process and they truly made me feel like I was their top priority and went above and beyond in every way. I highly recommend working with Azari Property Management for all of your real estate needs!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Azari Property Management's customers had a positive experience.

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Azari Property Management

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About Azari Property Management

Property Management
At Azari Property Management, our philosophy is to make customer service a top priority, both for the property owner and the tenant. Our vision is to make property management easy and peace of mind for our investors.