Los Angeles, CA
Property Management
Los Angeles Property Management Group

Los Angeles Property Management Group Reviews Summary


Property Management | Los Angeles, CA


10960 Ventura Blvd Second Floor, Los Angeles, CA 91604, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Los Angeles Property Management Group?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 359 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Los Angeles Property Management Group's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 16, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Los Angeles Property Management Group's customer reviews analysis

Analyzing the reviews for Los Angeles Property Management Group (LAPMG) presents a nuanced picture of the company's reputation. A strong customer experience is repeatedly noted, characterized by professionalism, efficiency, and effective communication. Technicians like Saul Hernandez receive specific praise for their knowledge and prompt service. The LAPMG online portal simplifies the maintenance request process, evidencing the company’s technology adaptation to improve tenant experiences. Furthermore, collaboration with contractors seems to be commendable, as revealed by feedback that extols LAPMG's organization and cooperative demeanor. However, the spectrum of experiences varies significantly with some dissatisfactions reported, particularly regarding management responsiveness, a change in pet policy after application submission, and issues involving mismanagement that allegedly led to property degradation over time. These discrepancies suggest a certain inconsistency in service quality that can tarnish the company's reputation.

Positive Feedback

Positive customer feedback underscores LAPMG's reputation as a responsive and professional property management team. Customers commend the prompt and efficient repair services with technicians who are not only skilled but also courteous. The organization's digital adeptness is demonstrated through the use of an online portal that streamlines maintenance requests, enhancing the convenience for residents. Collaborative relationships with contractors depict LAPMG's competency in project synchronization and support, thus facilitating smoother workflow. The team's ongoing commitment is reflected in the praise of certain employees who have gone above and beyond to provide excellent service, which instills a sense of reliability and trust among customers.

Concerns and Threads

The negative feedback for LAPMG indicates areas where improvement is necessary. Concerns have been raised about inconsistent communication and management, with some older reviews reflecting dissatisfaction due to a manager being unresponsive over an extended period, leading to unresolved owner questions and mismanagement of tenant issues. Noteworthy is a situation where the company reportedly failed to conduct an essential walk-through upon tenant departure, resulting in lost property. Additionally, some customers report administrative oversights such as changing a listing to 'no pets' after accepting applications, which implies potential unreliability in certain operational protocols. These complaints reveal a contrast in performance levels within different facets of the company, which could impact the trust of prospective and current clients.

Frequently asked questions about Los Angeles Property Management Group

How does LAPMG handle maintenance requests?

LAPMG utilizes an online portal for tenants to submit maintenance requests. This system is designed to streamline the reporting process and allows for repairs to be addressed promptly, as evidenced by customer feedback.

Is the LAPMG staff responsive and easy to work with?

The majority of customers find LAPMG staff, including technicians and managers, to be professional, friendly, and responsive. Some reviews, however, mention issues with management responsiveness, indicating that experiences may vary.

Does LAPMG ensure transparency in rental policies and tenant agreements?

While many customers report satisfactory interactions with LAPMG, there have been complaints of policy changes after application submission, such as the introduction of a 'no pets' policy. It is recommended that potential tenants confirm all aspects of rental agreements before applying.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Los Angeles Property Management Group

Los Angeles Property Management Group
Victoria Offerman
2 weeks ago
Saul Hernandez From Los Angeles property management group Was by far the best technician I’ve ever had come out and do a repair on my Apartment. He was thorough and knowledgeable and fixed what needed to be done quickly and Correctly! Thank you Saul we appreciate your hard work!
Los Angeles Property Management Group
Jason Fernandez
4 weeks ago
We have worked with many different management companies throughout the years and it has been an absolute pleasure working with the entire team at LAPMG. They are extremely organized, professional and communicate in a timely manner. They always make sure we have all the necessary information in order to complete our work. The entire team is always available to lend a hand and provide support, which in turn help us to complete the work they require more efficiently. Everyone is a pleasure to work with. The entire team, from supervisors to building managers, are always friendly and approachable. Maintenance work is stressful enough as it is, but working with LAPMG is a breath of fresh air. We are all grateful for their support. They are an amazing company to work with and we all look forward to the opportunity of servicing their properties for years to come!
Los Angeles Property Management Group
Mark Palacios
a month ago
I work for several property managements and let me start off by saying this companies employees are very communicative and get stuff done for there Clients. I love working with them and I never hear bad complaints from there tenants . Thank you Elaina genesis Mayra and Jorge for making things very easy for me and my team to provide our service . I truly recommend this property management company to anyone looking for a professional team .
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Los Angeles Property Management Group's customers had a positive experience.

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Los Angeles Property Management Group

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About Los Angeles Property Management Group

Property Management

Los Angeles Property Management Group has been providing professional property management in Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley For Over 20 Years. Whether your investment is in apartments, retail, warehouse, or office properties, Los Angeles Property Management Group brings the same level of dedication in delivering impeccable service and maximum profits to you, each and every month. If you're working with a management company now, and are considering a change, we'll guarantee that our transition team will deliver a seamless switch, with no disruption to existing services. We provide the highest caliber of service to each and every one of our clients.
