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Pho Viet Reviews Summary


Vietnamese Restaurants | Edinburgh


15 Dalry Rd, Edinburgh EH11 2BQ

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Pho Viet?

As of Apr 25, 2024, 904 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.7 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Pho Viet's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

best dinners we had

very good and the food

Highly recommended

Their signature roast duck was fabulous

staff were all lovely and welcoming

good, very nice waiters

broth was beautifully rich in flavour

taste from Vietnam

my pho was soooo good and delicious

Service was a bit cold

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 25, 2024
Last updated
April 25, 2024

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Pho Viet's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of Pho Viet based on the recent reviews appears to be highly positive. Customers overall have had exceptional dining experiences, punctuated by the authentic and delicious Vietnamese cuisine offered at the restaurant. A recurring theme in the customer feedback is the authenticity and quality of the food, with particular praise for traditional dishes such as Pho Bo, roast duck, and grilled pork with fried spring rolls. Portions are described as generous and the dishes as flavorful and well-presented. The service is generally commended for its efficiency, even during busy times, contributing to a welcoming atmosphere. However, there are some instances of service being perceived as 'cold' or 'inconsistent'. Additionally, a few customers found particular dishes, such as the bun bo hue, to be below their expectations in terms of authenticity or spice level.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects as conveyed in customer feedback include the high quality of food at Pho Viet, with numerous customers highlighting the traditional Pho Soups, roast duck, and other Vietnamese specialties as tasteful, tender, and authentic. The generous portions and fast service also receive considerable praise. The atmosphere of the establishment is described as 'lovely and cozy', facilitating a pleasant dining experience. Extra notes of appreciation are given for the restaurant's accommodation of dietary preferences, offering a variety of vegetarian and vegan options with commendable flavors. The Vietnamese coffee is another highlight, frequently described as nicely balanced and a perfect finale to the meal. The efficient service even during peak hours is highlighted, with customers noting the welcoming and attentive staff.

Concerns and Threads

On the other hand, the negative aspects reflected in customer feedback are relatively few but worth noting for potential improvement. The service experiences inconsistencies, with some customers labeling it as 'a bit cold' upon arrival. Such experiences may detract from the otherwise warm atmosphere. Additionally, some dishes receive mixed reviews; the bun bo hue is mentioned as lacking traditional spice and flavor. The beef in betel leaf also faced criticism for its dry and crumbly texture. Price seems to be a minor concern, especially with items like the Vietnamese coffee, which although enjoyed were noted to be 'pricey'. These aspects suggest room for Pho Viet to enhance their customer service approach and review dish preparations to ensure consistency in the quality and authenticity that many patrons have come to expect.

Frequently asked questions about Pho Viet

Does Pho Viet offer vegetarian or vegan options?

Yes, Pho Viet offers a good variety of vegetarian and vegan options, including a vegetarian version of Bun Bo Hue, and the feedback on these options has been very positive in terms of both variety and flavor.

Is Pho Viet able to accommodate customers without reservations during busy times?

According to customer reviews, Pho Viet makes an effort to accommodate walk-in customers even during busy times, with reports of guests being seated promptly after a short wait.

How does the quality of Pho Viet's dishes compare to authentic Vietnamese cuisine?

Reviews indicate that customers, including those with Vietnamese backgrounds, find the dishes at Pho Viet to be authentic and reminiscent of the flavors from Vietnam, particularly praising the traditional Pho and seafood options.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Pho Viet

Pho Viet
4 months ago
We found this amazing restaurant in google maps and gave us one of the best dinners we had at Edinburgh. We ordered two traditional Pho Soups and it was super tasteful and warm. The dessert was also amazing (I wish I have ordered two) ✨💕
Pho Viet
4 months ago
I really recommend this restaurant. The service was very good and the food and also the drink came so fast and was very delicious. I had a Pho Bo with raw beef which was so tender and tasty. Also the atmosphere there was authentic.
Pho Viet
Mine Mai
4 months ago
The best Vietnamese place in UK. The portion of Pho is bigger than the one I had before one of the Vietnamese restaurant in Edinburgh. I still think it’s worth. Staff are friendly and nice place to chill with your partner and also with friend. Highly recommended.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 90% of Pho Viet's customers had a positive experience.

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Vietnamese Restaurants