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Little Hoi An Reviews Summary


Vietnamese Restaurants | Glasgow


26 Allison St, Glasgow G42 8NN

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Little Hoi An?

As of Apr 16, 2024, 190 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Little Hoi An's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 16, 2024
Last updated
April 16, 2024

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Little Hoi An's customer reviews analysis

The overall reputation of Little Hoi An is generally positive based on the latest reviews. Customers frequently praise the quality of food, describing it as 'excellent', 'clean', 'delicious', and 'super fresh'. Moreover, the customer service is repeatedly highlighted as a significant positive aspect; staff members are noted for being exceptionally welcoming, attentive, and friendly, contributing to the restaurant's warm atmosphere. The atmosphere of the restaurant itself is another point of commendation, with patrons enjoying the cozy, clean environment and the ability to see into the spotless kitchen. While the dining space is described as 'tiny', this seems to contribute to Little Hoi An's charm rather than detract from the dining experience. The flexibility of BYOB (bring your own bottle) service is frequently appreciated by diners. A recurring critique, though limited, pertains to specific food items, with a mention of bland tofu, but these instances are few and overshadowed by the overall positive experiences shared by customers.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects of customer feedback include the high quality of the food at Little Hoi An, with numerous reviews expressing satisfaction with the flavorful, fresh, and clean dishes. Special commendations are frequently made for the authentic Vietnamese cuisine and the variety of food, including good vegetarian options. Another unanimous highlight is the level of customer service, with staff characterized as genuinely caring, engaging, and helpful, further enhancing the dining experience. The restaurant's atmosphere is noted as being particularly conducive to an enjoyable dining experience, with a cozy, warm ambiance and excellent cleanliness standards. The BYOB policy is well-received, allowing customers to pair their meals with their preferred beverages, which is recognized as a bonus that adds value to their overall experience.

Concerns and Threads

While overwhelmingly positive, the feedback for Little Hoi An does include some criticisms. Despite the high praise for food quality, there are isolated comments regarding certain dishes, such as the tofu skewers being described as bland. Seating and space constraints are noted due to the restaurant's small size, which might impact the comfort of some diners and contribute to a feeling of being crowded at peak times. While this is often seen as part of the charm by many, it could deter those seeking more spacious dining arrangements. The use of plastic cups for the BYOB service may not align with the expectations of some customers who prefer standard glassware.

Frequently asked questions about Little Hoi An

Does Little Hoi An accommodate dietary restrictions such as vegetarian options?

Yes, Little Hoi An offers a variety of dishes that cater to different dietary needs, including vegetarian options.

Is it necessary to book a table at Little Hoi An?

Considering the limited space and the popularity of the restaurant, it is recommended to book a table to ensure you have a spot.

Can I bring my own alcoholic drinks to Little Hoi An?

Yes, the restaurant operates a BYOB policy, which is highly appreciated by customers, though you may want to bring your own glass if you prefer it to the provided plastic cups.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Little Hoi An

Little Hoi An
Caoimhe Barrett
3 months ago
Food here is excellent and the service was also great! The food came really quickly and was piping hot. My only complaint was that my tofu was a little bland (I got the skewers with peanut sauce) but the rest was delicious!
Little Hoi An
Jennifer Swan
a month ago
Quiet little place down a side street not a lot of tables but they are packed someone leaves someone comes in the atmosphere is amazing can see unto kitchen and its spotless! Food tasted amazing couldn't have asked for nicer staff so attentive and welcoming ❤ added bonus of BYOB
Little Hoi An
Lynn Mcadam
3 months ago
In for dinner a few times and Little Hoi Ann has a great buzz about it! The food is really clean and delicious and the staff and owner are a delight. Reasonably priced and affordable. I love it!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Little Hoi An's customers had a positive experience.

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About Little Hoi An

Vietnamese Restaurants