Vietnamese Restaurants
Non Viet Restaurant
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Non Viet Restaurant Reviews Summary


Vietnamese Restaurants | Glasgow


536 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow G2 3LX

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Non Viet Restaurant?

As of Apr 20, 2024, 828 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.6 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Non Viet Restaurant's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 20, 2024
Last updated
April 20, 2024

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Non Viet Restaurant's customer reviews analysis

The overall reputation of Non Viet Restaurant based on recent reviews appears to be very positive with numerous patrons reporting high satisfaction regarding both the food quality and service. Many reviews highlight the freshness and flavor of the food, as well as the sizeable portions offered. Customers have consistently praised the menu variety, with specific mentions of traditional Vietnamese dishes like pho, summer rolls, and tofu curry. The dining environment is described as peaceful, cheerful, and evocative of an Asian ambiance. The staff is frequently commended for being friendly and accommodating, contributing to a welcoming customer experience. While there is an indication of a busy atmosphere that sometimes results in a wait for food, patrons suggest the quality and experience are worth this minor inconvenience. An analysis of feedback reveals key elements that contribute to the company's reputation, including the quality and authenticity of the food, generous portion sizes, friendly service, and a pleasant dining environment.

Positive Feedback

Many customer reviews for Non Viet Restaurant express positive feedback highlighting the establishment's quality Vietnamese cuisine. Customers consistently rave about the large portions and the fresh taste of dishes such as beef pho, summer rolls, and various vegetarian options. Food authenticity seems to be a driving factor in customer satisfaction, with mentions of traditional flavors and cooking techniques. The service is often described as 'lovely' and 'accommodating,' creating an overall satisfactory dining experience. Customers find the ambience of the restaurant to be cheerful and peaceful, complimenting the dining experience further. The frequency in which freshness and flavor are noted suggests that Non Viet Restaurant's commitment to these aspects is recognized and lauded by its patrons.

Concerns and Threads

Despite overwhelmingly positive remarks, a small degree of customer feedback for Non Viet Restaurant indicates room for improvement. The most notable concern centers around the waiting time; customers have experienced delays due to the busy nature of the restaurant, particularly during peak dining hours. Although many customers consider the wait for food worthwhile, this could be an area where management might focus on optimizing service speed and kitchen efficiency. Additionally, a single incident where a wrong dish was served—a vegan version instead of the ordered pork belly dish—was mentioned. While quickly rectified by the staff, it highlights the potential for order-related errors during service that can impact the customer experience.

Frequently asked questions about Non Viet Restaurant

Is Non Viet Restaurant suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

Yes, Non Viet Restaurant offers a variety of vegetarian and vegan options as mentioned in customer reviews. Patrons have specifically praised dishes such as the vegan broth in the spicy hue soup and tofu curry.

Does the restaurant require reservations, or can customers walk in?

According to customer feedback, walk-ins are generally acceptable, especially for lunch. However, for dinner or during peak hours, booking a table is recommended to ensure seating availability.

Does Non Viet Restaurant offer delivery services?

Yes, the restaurant does offer delivery services. Reviews indicate that the quality of food is maintained well during delivery, matching the dine-in experience.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Non Viet Restaurant

Non Viet Restaurant
dave fallon
4 months ago
Really good Vietnamese food that's not too badly priced. I always go for a beef pho and suffice to say it was good. The portions are large so a small bowl was plenty! The summer rolls were also really tasty and my wife enjoyed her meal which was some kind of thick stew. Always happy finishing off with a Vietnamese coffee, definitely something to try if you haven't had the chance.
Non Viet Restaurant
Last Official Channel
3 weeks ago
The front staff were friendly and accommodating to us. We ordered seafood and beef pho, crispy and fresh spring rolls. None of them disappointed us.
Non Viet Restaurant
B Giddy
2 months ago
incredible food, lovely service - thoroughly impressed & satisfied! the vegetables were all so fresh and the vegan broth in the spicy hue soup was so flavourful. thankyou for a brilliant first meal in glasgow 🌟
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Non Viet Restaurant's customers had a positive experience.

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About Non Viet Restaurant

Vietnamese Restaurants
Vietnamese spring rolls, noodle soups, banh mi & rice dishes prepared in easygoing surrounds.