Miami, FL
Berkeley Florist Supply
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Berkeley Florist Supply Reviews Summary


Florists | Miami, FL


2360 NW 23rd St, Miami, FL 33142, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Berkeley Florist Supply?

As of Jul 14, 2024, 343 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Berkeley Florist Supply's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
July 14, 2024
Last updated
July 14, 2024

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Berkeley Florist Supply's customer reviews analysis

The collected reviews of Berkeley Florist Supply present a dichotomous view of the company's customer experience. On one hand, the company is frequently commended for its broad selection of fresh flowers and floral accessories, with specific praise for the ability to purchase without pre-ordering and finding high-quality roses. Long-term customers, up to 30 years, have expressed a strong sense of loyalty, citing the exceptional variety, prices, and quality of the products. Customer service experiences seem to vary significantly; the knowledgeable and trusted sales representatives are lauded for creating a family-like atmosphere and providing expert advice, contributing to the company's positive reputation. Conversely, there are troubling accounts of poor service, including impoliteness, unprofessionalism, and lack of accountability from customer representatives, which has had a detrimental effect on the overall customer perception.

Positive Feedback

Berkeley Florist Supply enjoys a host of positive remarks, especially when it comes to the quality and variety of their flowers. Customers have shown appreciation for being able to regularly purchase a unique range of fresh flowers and floral accessories without the need for pre-ordering. Reviews express satisfaction with the high quality of roses and commend the company for their stunning product selection and competitive pricing. Sales representatives such as Jorge are particularly praised for their trustworthiness, knowledge, and the exceptional level of customer care provided. Additionally, the welcoming atmosphere and the sense of feeling like family are recurring positive observations that many customers have experienced.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the positive feedback, Berkeley Florist Supply has also garnered negative critiques that focus primarily on interactions with customer service representatives. Some customers describe distressing experiences including rudeness, dismissiveness, and a generally shocking lack of service skills. These incidents have not only involved in-person experiences but also extend to telephone communications, where staff have been described as arrogant and unhelpful. Problems with accountability and proper handling of orders, such as incorrect invoices and customer service representatives hanging up on customers, highlight significant operational flaws. Moreover, one customer noted a disappointing incident involving rotten spray roses and seeded eucalyptus, although they acknowledged this could happen at any florist.

Frequently asked questions about Berkeley Florist Supply

Can I purchase flowers from Berkeley Floriform Supply without pre-ordering?

Yes, customers have praised Berkeley Florist Supply for the convenience of walking in and purchasing a unique range of flowers and accessories without the need to pre-order.

What type of customer support can I expect from Berkeley Florist Supply?

Customer experiences with support at Berkeley Florist Supply vary. While some customers report exceptional service, feeling like part of a family, and commend their knowledgeable staff, others have experienced significant issues with rudeness, lack of professionalism, and poor handling of orders.

Does Berkeley Florist Supply offer a good selection and quality of flowers?

Many customer reviews highlight that Berkeley Florist Supply offers a wide variety of fresh and high-quality flowers, often noting the excellent quality of their roses and the unique and diverse range of products available.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Berkeley Florist Supply

Berkeley Florist Supply
Allie Adrian
5 months ago
I love how you can walk into this wholesale supply store and buy such a unique range of flowers and floral accessories. All of the flowers and foliage seen in these arrangements were purchased on a random Saturday with ZERO pre-ordering. I also obtained the stunning vases from Berkeley Florist Supply as well.
Berkeley Florist Supply
Isa Entreflores Flower Studio
2 years ago
I have been going to Berkeley since I opened my flower shop 6 years ago. Their roses are the highest quality I have worked with in Miami and you can find a wide variety of fresh flowers in the cooler. Jorge, my sales representative, is so trustworthy and knowledgeable that he always feels like I'm in good hands. He always takes good care of my orders. It is always a pleasure for me to go shopping there, they always make me feel like family.
Berkeley Florist Supply
Bereniz Mendoza
a month ago
I have been purchasing 100 roses faithfully every year for the last four. Not to include my random orders throughout the year. I have never came across a polite individual or someone with actual customer service skills. I try to just ignore the terrible customer service I receive yearly because I tell my self it is much easier to deal with it as it is only a one time ordeal. Last year I had to complain to the store owner because it was almost abuse the treatment I received. They changed my representative and I am placing an order for my grandmothers funeral, you’d think they’d give me some mercy based on the facts but omg it is just terrible. It is so hard to explain how terrible they treat their customers because it is more so shocking and mind blowing!! Yesterday, the rep hung up on me as I was asking if he could please send my invoice for the third time of asking. He just speaks to tell you what he needs and then hangs up. Last week he emailed me someone else’s invoice for another order I am placing and I politely brought it to his attention but it was like a nightmare having tot all through that because no one wants to hold themselves accountable and just say oh oops let me send correct one! They’ve been a nightmare overall and I am going to take my time to find someone else. Heard tropical florist might be able to help me and I will definitely look into it asap!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 70% of Berkeley Florist Supply's customers had a positive experience.

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Berkeley Florist Supply

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About Berkeley Florist Supply

Old-school wholesale store stocks a range of florist supplies, premium flowers & decor accessories.