Atlanta, GA
World Of Coca-Cola
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World Of Coca-Cola Reviews Summary


Landmarks | Atlanta, GA


121 Baker St NW, Atlanta, GA 30313, United States

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What do customers say about World Of Coca-Cola?

As of Mar 14, 2024, 29416 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of World Of Coca-Cola's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
March 14, 2024
Last updated
March 14, 2024

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World Of Coca-Cola's customer reviews analysis

Analysis of World of Coca-Cola reviews collectively portrays a generally positive customer experience, particularly highlighting the tasting room as a standout attraction. This venue appeals to those with an affinity for the Coca-Cola brand and its history, presenting memorabilia and advertising from different eras. The educational component, including the history and secrets of Coca-Cola, is well-received. However, the crowd management seems to present a challenge, with visitors feeling like part of 'a herd of cattle' and expressing a desire for a more leisurely, self-guided tour experience. Parking availability and cost are noted concerns, with patrons suggesting the necessity to arrive early or opt for alternative transportation. Despite these issues, the unique experience and variety of international flavors available for tasting contribute positively to the company's reputation. The gift shop is also mentioned as a notable highlight, offering a wide array of Coca-Cola themed merchandise without the need for museum entry.

Positive Feedback

Positive feedback for World of Coca-Cola mainly revolves around the 'Taste It!' zone, where guests can sample an array of Coca-Cola flavors from around the globe. This unique experience is consistently praised and acts as the cornerstone of customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the display of Coca-Cola's historical archives, along with the insights into the brand's expansion and global influence, receives positive recognition. The presence of interactive elements, such as the 3D mini movie and secret vault containing the original formula, are additional aspects that resonate favorably with visitors. The gift shop's expansive and varied merchandise serves as a positive endnote to the experience, with many guests appreciating the availability of unique memorabilia.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the overall favorable response to World of Coca-Cola, customers cite several drawbacks that impact their experience. Overcrowding and the feeling of being rushed through the exhibits appear to be recurrent negative aspects, detracting from an otherwise enjoyable visit. The staff's handling of crowds and the structured tour path receive criticism, as visitors prefer more freedom to explore at their own pace. Parking poses a significant inconvenience, with limited availability and a steep flat rate cost. The Beverage Lab, which disappoints by not delivering on the promise to allow guests to create and try their own beverage, is an example of certain displays not meeting visitor expectations. The entry price is also a point of contention for some, as they question the value for money, particularly if only interested in the tasting section, suggesting the need for segregated access or varied pricing options.

Frequently asked questions about World Of Coca-Cola

What is the best time to visit the World of Coca-Cola to avoid crowds?

To avoid large crowds, it is recommended to visit the World of Coca-Cola early in the morning or during weekdays. Additionally, purchasing tickets online and arriving at your designated entry time can help mitigate the congestion.

Is there alternative parking available near World of Coca-Cola if the dedicated lot is full?

If the dedicated parking lot is full, there are several off-site parking options available in the vicinity of the World of Coca-Cola. Visitors are encouraged to arrive early to secure a spot or to consider public transportation as an alternative.

Can visitors purchase Coca-Cola memorabilia without entering the museum?

Yes, the gift shop at the World of Coca-Cola offers a wide array of Coca-Cola themed merchandise and is accessible to the public without the need to enter the museum.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for World Of Coca-Cola

World Of Coca-Cola
Susan Herrera
2 weeks ago
Very much a place to embrace your love of Coca-Cola. A lot of vintage advertising elements. The tasting room at the end of the exhibits offers many flavors of Coca-Cola products from around the world. It was very busy when we went, and the many children with lots of sugar and some caffeine in their systems was a bit much for me, personally. Parking w as already full by 11am, and I had to search for other options. I was able to find one, but it was a little frustrating having to search for available parking. When attending, be sure and purchase your tickets online, and you can enter at your entry time with just the QR Codes they send you as digital tickets.
World Of Coca-Cola
Roni Sabisch
3 days ago
I loved this place! One of the reasons to visiting Atlanta was for World of Coca-Cola and it did not disappoint! Coke is an American staple, and so many of the exhibits scream Americana, and it's so fun! Definitely the best part is the tasting room where the have tons of different sodas from around the world you get to try. Great for a group of two or the whole family!
World Of Coca-Cola
Jan Rosenberg
a week ago
Visited in October 2014. I had a great time. I love Coke. It was very interesting to learn about the history and the secrets of Coca-Cola, and to see the memorabilia and the ads from different eras and countries. My favorite part was the Taste It! zone, where I got to try different flavors of Coca-Cola and other drinks from around the world. Some delicious, some not that much. Loved it! The World of Coca-Cola is a great place to visit for anyone who loves Coca-Cola.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of World Of Coca-Cola's customers had a positive experience.

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World Of Coca-Cola

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About World Of Coca-Cola

Memorabilia, films & exhibits (some interactive) about soft drink that debuted in Atlanta in 1886.