Phoenix, AZ
Arizona Capitol Museum
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Arizona Capitol Museum Reviews Summary


Landmarks | Phoenix, AZ


1700 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85007, United States

Trustguide Rating

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What do customers say about Arizona Capitol Museum?

As of Jul 14, 2024, 1409 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Arizona Capitol Museum's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

Loved it! Wish I had more time that day.

See different rotating art and history exhibits.

The admission is FREE!

THANK YOU for not doing this.

Our guide was very nice.

Craig was an AMAZING tour guide.

Interesting and free!

Rich history in this place.

A nice way to get out but still in the ac.

Interesting capitol museum.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
July 14, 2024
Last updated
July 14, 2024

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Arizona Capitol Museum's customer reviews analysis

The Arizona Capitol Museum has garnered a strong reputation for being an educational and memorable destination, particularly for those interested in Arizona's history and governance. Customer feedback emphasizes the museum's broad array of artifacts, well-maintained exhibits, and the interactive learning experience it provides. Repeat visitors note the addition of new elements and exhibits, enhancing their learning experience across multiple visits. The professional and friendly demeanor of the staff, alongside the well-preserved architecture and accessibility features such as elevators, contribute positively to the overall customer experience. The free admission is a recurring positive theme, boosting the museum's accessibility and appeal. Visitors are advised to allocate sufficient time to fully engage with the diverse historic content, spanning several floors, and to take advantage of the guided tours for a more enriched experience.

Positive Feedback

The most consistent positive aspects highlighted in customer feedback focus on the museum's comprehensive historical offerings and dynamic exhibits. Patrons appreciate the opportunity to engage with Arizona's past, from the history of the USS Arizona to the intricacies of the state's political journey. The presence of knowledgeable volunteers and the option to take guided tours, where available, significantly enhance the educational value. Furthermore, the museum's family-friendly atmosphere and free admission are frequently praised aspects that make it an accessible and attractive destination. Accessibility features such as elevators for all floors and amenities like restrooms contribute to a comfortable visitor experience. The professionalism and friendliness of the staff are repeatedly commended, creating an inviting and supportive environment for visitors.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the wealth of positive feedback, there are a few areas where the museum could enhance the visitor experience. Some customers expressed a desire for more comprehensive coverage of all Arizona governors, suggesting room for improvement in the representativeness of the exhibits. While the museum's smaller size is generally perceived as a plus, it may leave some visitors wishing for more expansive content. The comments about the renovation activities in the legislative chambers indicate that ongoing maintenance efforts can occasionally interfere with the full experience of the museum's offerings. Although these critiques are relatively minor, they suggest opportunities for the museum to further expand and finescale its historical narratives and displays to satisfy all aspects of Arizona's rich heritage.

Frequently asked questions about Arizona Capitol Museum

Is there an admission fee for the Arizona Capitol Museum?

No, admission to the Arizona Capitol Museum is free for all visitors.

Are guided tours available at the museum?

Yes, visitors have the option to tour the museum on their own or participate in guided tours to gain additional insights and fun facts about Arizona's history.

How much time should I allocate for a visit to the museum?

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Arizona Capitol Museum

Arizona Capitol Museum
Sonia Fuller
2 months ago
Loved it! Wish I had more time that day. Very interesting information about Arizona. The artifacts were amazing. The security and staff there were professional and friendly as well! A definite place to go for families! 😀
Arizona Capitol Museum
7 months ago
Tour the AZ Capital Museum, Senate, and House of Representatives The historic Capitol building housed the Arizona Territorial and State Legislature until 1960 and Executive Offices until 1974. The building was then restored and rededicated as the Arizona Capitol Museum, officially opening in 1979. Tour on your own or take a guided tour (to learn fun facts like how the statue on top was picked because it was the cheapest in the Sears catalog at the time). See different rotating art and history exhibits throughout the year. Learn the timeline of Arizona becoming a state. See artifacts recovered from the USS Arizona. (My favorite was the wine bottle and glasses given by President Gerald Ford to the last remaining survivors to toast their fallen comrades) Check out the original office of the governor and portraits of governors past. Have fun watching the model railroads running all through a variety of Arizona scenes. See the beautiful tile state seal and find out how it came to be. (And how it was made by artists in another state, after just reading a description, and learn what they left out). Finish by browsing the gift shop for items with the state seal, postcards, books, and more. Also, be sure to step inside the Senate and House of Representatives to see where our local government meets. You can stand in the public gallery and see the chambers (even while currently being renovated). Be sure to walk through the Wesley Bolin Plaza that is home to multiple memorials dedicated to different ways and figures
Arizona Capitol Museum
Brandi S.
7 months ago
The Arizona Capitol Museum was incredible! The building was originally constructed from 1899-1901. This museum is 4 floors with both an elevator for those who need one as well as stairs. There is vast history to learn about the building, the USS Arizona, Arizona governors, etc. Each floor has restrooms. Be sure to grab a map from the desk in the front entrance. The admission is FREE! Allow yourself at least an hour to pour through the history enclosed in each room of each floor.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 100% of Arizona Capitol Museum's customers had a positive experience.

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Arizona Capitol Museum

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About Arizona Capitol Museum

Restored circa-1901 capitol now offers a peek into old statehouse chambers & the governor's office.