Thistle Vets
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Thistle Vets Reviews Summary


Vets | Edinburgh


1 Alcorn Rigg, Clovenstone Dr, Edinburgh EH14 3BF

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Thistle Vets?

As of Apr 24, 2024, 356 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Thistle Vets's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

the best practice I have used

super supportive and attentive

best service from a vets i’ve ever had

make you feel looked after

Brilliant vets & helpful staff

dealt with everything with kindness, compassion and professionalism

Great service

absolutely brilliant and the personal service

would still recommend the company

welcoming and Scott has been excellent

not being caring enough about the pets

thinking the cat had suffered before her death

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 24, 2024
Last updated
April 24, 2024

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Thistle Vets's customer reviews analysis

Thistle Vets appears to be a reputable veterinary clinic that provides compassionate and professional pet care, according to a set of recent customer reviews. The practice has shown excellence in managing sensitive situations such as the euthanasia of pets, where they have demonstrated empathy and attentive support to pet owners during difficult times. A trend in positive experiences reflects customers' appreciation for prompt services, helpful advice through modern communication channels like PetsApp, and the attentive care provided by both veterinarians and nursing staff. However, there is a significant critique on the inconsistency within the practice, particularly at the Clovenstone branch, which has been reported to offer subpar diagnostics and a lack of empathetic care, leading to adverse health outcomes for a pet. This perceived variability in service quality at different branches may hint at operational and oversight issues that could impede the clinic's reputation among customers seeking consistent and reliable pet healthcare.

Positive Feedback

A majority of Thistle Vets' customers report highly positive experiences, highlighting the clinic's compassionate care, professionalism, and responsive service. Customers feel that the empathy shown by the staff, especially during the critical times of a pet’s life, is exceptional. Moreover, the expediency in handling emergencies and routine medical procedures is frequently praised, suggesting efficient practice management and customer service. The availability of modern communication methods for post-operative care and quick responses to inquiries further indicate the clinic's commitment to customer convenience and pet health. The practice also gains commendation for its helpful staff and reasonable pricing, factors which significantly enhance the overall customer experience. These attributes contribute to a solid foundation for the company's reputation as a provider of high-quality veterinary care.

Concerns and Threads

Nevertheless, Thistle Vets faces criticism that underscores areas for improvement. Specifically, the Clovenstone branch receives negative feedback for inadequate diagnostic services, which allegedly resulted in the serious deterioration of a pet's health. This incident raises questions about the consistency of medical care across different locations and suggests a potential lack of thoroughness or oversight. An additional concern emerges from an instance where a lack of clear communication may have led a pet owner to feel their animal suffered unnecessarily. These critiques, while less frequent than positive comments, could significantly detract from the clinic's reputation if not addressed and can lead to customer attrition in the long term, particularly if these are not isolated incidents but part of a systemic issue within the practice.

Frequently asked questions about Thistle Vets

What services does Thistle Vets offer for pets with serious health conditions?

Thistle Vets provides compassionate and professional care for pets with serious health conditions, including expedient handling of emergencies and dignified management of end-of-life situations, as reported by customers.

How responsive is Thistle Vets to post-operative care inquiries?

The clinic has been noted for its prompt responses to post-operative care inquiries through their utilization of modern communication platforms like PetsApp, typically replying within a few hours.

Are there any differences in the quality of care between Thistle Vets' various locations?

While many customers experience excellent care across Thistle Vets locations, there have been instances of inadequate diagnostics and treatment at the Clovenstone branch, suggesting variability in service quality that potential customers may want to consider.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Thistle Vets

Thistle Vets
Andy MacArthur
3 months ago
Having owned cats and therefore using vets for over 20 years, Thistle Vets are the best practice I have used. Even though they are a large practice, the service and professionalism is second to none and you can tell they actually care about the wellbeing of your pet. They came into their own when sadly I have had to have two of my cats put to sleep and Thistle Vets were so caring and handled everything with such dignity to my cats and my family, that was when I knew I had made a wise decision to make Thistle Vets my go to Veterinary Clinic. Do the same as you will not be disappointed.
Thistle Vets
Douglas Ellis
3 weeks ago
I have visited Thistle Vets twice in the last couple of weeks and the services provided have been amazing. Firstly, I had to visit urgently as my family dog was very unwell and nearly 16 years old had to unfortunately be put to sleep. They were super supportive and attentive to my families needs. Secondly was for my cats neutering and just a week later my cat has fully recovered and any questions I had were answered via the PetsApp and I got a response within a couple of hours. Honestly, the best service from a vets i’ve ever had. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 💕
Thistle Vets
Maja Hermanowska
3 weeks ago
I have used thistle vets for a long time, I usually praise them but the clovenstone practice they own is ridiculous! I have went with my ferret 3 times to be told nothing was wrong with him! I paid near £200 for checks to then have my boy heave from pain. I took him to the chesser practice as I couldn’t look at him in this much pain. The chesser practice did proper checks, suggested a health route, gave him antibiotics and I paid less than for getting nothing at Clovenstone! My ferret is now in heart failure due to the practice not being caring enough about the pets they treat. I am now taking all my pets to the chesser practice as I am afraid there is something the current practice didn’t catch.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 80% of Thistle Vets's customers had a positive experience.

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Thistle Vets

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