Rehab Centres
Turning Point Scotland

Turning Point Scotland Reviews Summary


Rehab Centres | Glasgow


Turning Point Link Up Project, 112 Commerce St, Glasgow G5 8DW

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Turning Point Scotland?

As of Apr 24, 2024, 11 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Turning Point Scotland's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

great staff too

Brilliant friendly staff

best thing that ever happened to me

helped me turn my life around

extremely thankful to the wonderful staff

could not find a single accomplishment

Thanks for nothing

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 24, 2024
Last updated
April 24, 2024

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Turning Point Scotland's customer reviews analysis

Turning Point Scotland Glasgow Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Residential Service has, according to recent customer reviews, a strong reputation for facilitating significant positive changes in the lives of its clients. Repeatedly, reviewers credit the establishment with turning their lives or the lives of their loved ones around, underlining the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program and its staff. Staff competence and friendliness are recurrent themes in the feedback, with specific mentions of lifesaving interventions and excellent support. Flexibility and considerateness are also highlighted with regards to visiting hours. Such endorsements suggest that for those seeking earnest change, this facility offers a valuable service. However, it is worth noting that, notwithstanding the predominantly positive feedback, there are critical reviews pointing to a lack of responsiveness to communication attempts, which could indicate potential shortcomings in administrative or support aspects of the service.

Positive Feedback

The positive aspects of Turning Point Scotland Glasgow Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Residential Service are reflected vividly in the majority of the recent reviews. Customers speak highly of the transformative impact of the program, lauding the service for offering the necessary guidance and tools for recovery. The commitment and hard work of the staff are consistently praised, with many attributing their newfound sobriety and improved quality of life to the support they received. The staff’s dedication is often described as life-changing, and some reviewers express their deep gratitude for the personal investment made by team members. Moreover, the program has been perceived as supportive by the family members of those in recovery. A sentiment of trust in the program’s potential to inaugurate a positive future for clients concludes the common thread of client satisfaction detailed in the feedback.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the overwhelmingly positive feedback, Turning Point Scotland Glasgow Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Residential Service has some negative reflections in customer reviews. The most prominent criticism pertains to the organization's communication practices - there is an explicit expression of dissatisfaction with ignored emails and unanswered phone calls. This could signify that while the in-person experience and rehabilitation services may be life-affirming, some aspects relating to administrative efficiency or customer support fall short. The statement 'Thanks for nothing' suggests a deep disappointment with an aspect of the service, although without further context, it is challenging to pinpoint the specific nature or consistency of the issue.

Frequently asked questions about Turning Point Scotland

What sort of experience can I expect from Turning Point Scotland rehabilitation services?

Based on customer feedback, you can expect a supportive and transformative environment focused on recovery. Many clients credit the service with significantly improving their lives with the assistance of dedicated staff. However, experiences might vary, and it is crucial to ensure open lines of communication with the service providers.

How accommodating is the service in terms of visiting hours and staff support?

Turnaround Point Scotland is commended for its brilliant staff and flexible visiting hours, indicative of a supportive and client-centric approach. You can expect a friendly environment where family involvement is welcomed.

What should I do if I encounter communication issues with the service?

If your emails or calls go unanswered, it might help to reach out directly via alternative communication channels or visit in person, keeping in mind that customer reviews suggest potential room for improvement in this area.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Turning Point Scotland

Turning Point Scotland
Cass Wallace
4 months ago
You really want to get your life squared up,I mean really really want to, this is the place.great staff too.
Turning Point Scotland
Siobhan Baxter
9 months ago
Brilliant place changed my kids dad life around. But when he was in last August 2022 lost his brother . But the staff also saved his life he didn't know he had 2 burst ulcers . Brilliant friendly staff and brilliant with visit hours .
Turning Point Scotland
George Hunt
3 years ago
I owe so much to this establishment and staff at Garscube Rd Glasgow, They put me on the correct path n gave me the tools whether to succeed or fail !!! Definitely the best thing that ever happened to me (and my families) Life; and I can't praise them enough for their effort and I will never forget their hard work. 🤓 And I'm pretty sure they don't forget how much work they put into getting me into soberiety ☺️ ☺️
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 71.43% of Turning Point Scotland's customers had a positive experience.

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Turning Point Scotland

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About Turning Point Scotland

Rehab Centres
Turning Point Scotland Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Residential Stabilisation service supports individuals with a primary focus of stabilising their alcohol and drug use which may include optimising Opiate Replacement Treatment (ORT), managing benzodiazepine use and medicated assisted detoxification from alcohol. During this period of stabilisation, individuals will be supported to achieve positive outcomes and develop skills, such as resilience, and improve confidence, in order to maintain stability and facilitate effective move on to the community. Aftercare will consist of continued supports within the recovery hubs to provide continued engagement during the period of re-integration back into the community.