Martial Arts
Sbg Manchester
SBG Manchester Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu logo

Sbg Manchester Reviews Summary


Martial Arts | Manchester


12 Sheffield St, Manchester M1 2ND

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Sbg Manchester?

As of Apr 14, 2024, 54 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Sbg Manchester's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 14, 2024
Last updated
April 14, 2024

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Sbg Manchester's customer reviews analysis

Analyzing the collected reviews for SBG Manchester Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu offers insight into a generally commendable company reputation and favorable customer experience. Recurring themes in the feedback include a warm and welcoming environment, particularly cited by parents who enrolled their children and individuals new to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). The high-quality instruction from coaches, who are applauded for their expertise and approachability, seems to significantly contribute to the reputation of SBG Manchester. Customers consistently highlight the technical proficiency provided during classes, and the friendly and ego-free culture established by both staff and fellow members. However, an instance of customer service dissatisfaction was noted regarding membership cancellation and billing issues, which implies a need for improvement in administrative communication and support.

Positive Feedback

Enthusiastic customer feedback highlights several key positive aspects of SBG Manchester. The foremost praised attribute is the quality of coaching provided by head coach Chris and others, who are credited with being highly skilled, welcoming, and capable of offering constructive feedback to practitioners of all levels. The coaches' abilities to cater to beginners and advanced participants have reinforced SBG Manchester's status as a beginner-friendly hub for martial arts training. Moreover, the environment created by both the staff and the club members is routinely described as supportive and encouraging. Attendees particularly value the chance to train in a diverse and humorous community where making friends and personal growth are just as important as the martial arts education itself.

Concerns and Threads

While overwhelmingly positive, SBG Manchester's customer experiences are marred by an isolated administrative issue. Specifically, one customer expressed dissatisfaction with the handling of their membership freeze and cancellation, which resulted in unanticipated charges and a perceived lack of responsive communication from the gym's support staff. This highlighted administrative lapse suggests an area that requires attention to ensure membership terms are clear and that exceptional circumstances are managed with greater customer empathy and responsiveness. Maintaining effective communication channels with patrons, especially around billing queries, is crucial to uphold the otherwise stellar reputation of SBG Manchester.

Frequently asked questions about Sbg Manchester

What is the experience level required to start training at SBG Manchester?

SBG Manchester welcomes individuals of all experience levels, from complete beginners to advanced practitioners. The coaches are adept at tailoring their instructions to accommodate the diverse skill set of their members.

Does SBG Manchester offer trial classes for new members?

Yes, SBG Manchester provides an opportunity to experience their classes firsthand with a free trial. This allows potential members to gauge the training environment and coaching style before committing to a membership.

Are there any measures in place to support members in case of emergencies that prevent them from attending classes?

SBG Manchester offers a membership freeze option for individuals facing emergencies that require extended absences. However, members are advised to communicate promptly with the gym's support staff to discuss any changes or special accommodations needed for their membership.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Sbg Manchester

Sbg Manchester
Tim Hill
6 months ago
Went and did a lesson with Chris the head coach. Very warm, welcoming and useful tips. Incredible ability to generate pressure on top. Strongly recommended if you're looking for a good BJJ gym in central Manchester
Sbg Manchester
Chris Jackson
a year ago
Started my son today on his MMA journey in the child classes. The team very welcoming and the coaching excellent. Great expertise and learning. Was a new / different environment and thanks to Levi and to Jay for patience and encouragement for my son, he got involved and really enjoyed it. Highly recommend!
Sbg Manchester
Charlie Cornall
a year ago
I joined SBG over a month ago now, and was completely new to BJJ! The team have been very welcoming, everyone has a learning mindset, and encourage new starters to get stuck in/improve. Paddy is an excellent coach and I look forward to training each week 🥋
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Sbg Manchester's customers had a positive experience.

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About Sbg Manchester

Martial Arts
SBG Manchester is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) club in Manchester. Established in 1999 by Karl Tanswell, SBG Manchester is the United Kingdom HQ of SBG International. We offer classes to adults, kids and ladies and have beginners classes every day. We also offer 6 week beginners courses. SBG Manchester has produced a number of BJJ Black Belts Including 3rd Degree black belts Casey Jones and Chris Coltrane who coach each week as well as Jason Tan, Glyn Powditch, Matt Inman, Martin Stapleton and Alex Enlund who often visit. SBG Manchester founder Karl Tanswell was a pioneer on the UK MMA scene, producing some of the countries finest athletes. His legacy continues through our MMA Fight Team.