Martial Arts
Rick Young Blackbelt Academy

Rick Young Blackbelt Academy Reviews Summary


Martial Arts | Edinburgh


9A Duke St, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 8HG

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Rick Young Blackbelt Academy?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 90 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Rick Young Blackbelt Academy's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
March 2, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Rick Young Blackbelt Academy's customer reviews analysis

The reputation of Rick Young Black Belt Academy is overwhelmingly positive, as reflected by the latest customer reviews. Patrons frequently commend the academy for its exceptional coaching, led by Rick, who is universally acknowledged for his mastery and extensive experience in martial arts. The atmosphere is repeatedly depicted as welcoming and inclusive, with a strong emphasis on equal treatment and mutual respect. This inclusive environment seems to resonate with a diverse clientele, including women who appreciate the safe and respectful space for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training. A recurring theme is the sense of community fostered at the academy, with many reviews highlighting the family-like atmosphere and the supportive relationships formed among students and instructors. Another consistent aspect is the structured approach to training, with a focus on fundamental techniques and differentiation for beginners, as well as a clear emphasis on core values such as discipline and humility. The customer experience is described as challenging yet rewarding, making the academy a highly recommended choice for both novices and seasoned martial artists.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects highlighted in customer feedback include the academy's highly skilled and knowledgeable coaching, led by Rick, who is praised for his ability to make martial arts accessible to all skill levels. The rigorous and comprehensive training is lauded for its balance of challenge and enjoyment, with the added value of teaching important life values. The nurturing and family-like atmosphere is a standout quality, with students expressing how friendships are fostered within the academy, contributing to its appeal as a 'second home'. A strong sentiment of mutual respect and humility is promoted, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for all practitioners. The professionalism of the staff, coupled with a meticulously clean facility, further adds to the academy's exceptional standing. For visitors and locals alike, the warm welcome and inclusivity make training at Rick Young Black Belt Academy a gratifying and enriching experience.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the torrent of positive reviews, discerning key negative aspects from the feedback provided is challenging because the reviews are primarily laudatory. No specific mentions of dissatisfaction or negative experiences have been reported in the recent reviews. It is important to note the potential for confirmation bias, as individuals with negative experiences may be less inclined to leave public feedback, or such instances may simply be absent from the current selection of reviews. Without any evidence of negative remarks, it is not possible to provide an objective analysis on this aspect based on the available feedback.

Frequently asked questions about Rick Young Blackbelt Academy

What kind of atmosphere can I expect at Rick Young Black Belt Academy?

You can expect a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive atmosphere. The academy is known for its emphasis on mutual respect and humility, fostering a strong community spirit among students and instructors.

Does the academy have training suitable for beginners?

Yes, Rick Young Black Belt Academy caters to all levels of ability, from complete beginners to advanced martial artists. Beginners can look forward to focused technique training and an emphasis on fundamentals.

Is Rick Young Black Belt Academy a good place for women to train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

Absolutely. The academy is commended for its respectful environment where women feel safe and valued. The sense of community and mutual respect ensures a positive experience for female practitioners.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Rick Young Blackbelt Academy

Rick Young Blackbelt Academy
Roan & Wojtek HanumanEdinburgh
4 months ago
Fantastic club with great atmosphere everyone that trains there is very friendly and positive. Rick is a master of his craft and an exceptional coach with decades of experience teaching and completing at the highest level. Can’t recommend enough
Rick Young Blackbelt Academy
Nardina Aricò
a year ago
It has been a remarkable journey for me over the past 7 years at Rick Young Black Belt Academy. I feel so grateful to have been a part of such a supportive and empowering environment. My skills in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu have grown so much, and I credit that growth to the expert guidance of Professor Rick and the welcoming atmosphere of the academy. As a woman, I have felt truly valued and respected in my training journey. Professor Rick's experience and knowledge in martial arts is nothing short of exceptional, and he has a special way of making the techniques accessible to all students. The training sessions are always challenging, yet so rewarding. I have met some of my closest friends here, and the kindness and support from both instructors and students create a warm and welcoming environment. It is truly a special place, where individuals come together to support each other in their martial arts journeys. If you're looking to improve your martial arts skills and overall well-being, I cannot recommend Rick Young Black Belt Academy enough. With Professor Rick's expertise and the supportive community, it is truly a remarkable place to train.
Rick Young Blackbelt Academy
Carmen & Ali
a year ago
We’ve been attending this gym for many years. Rick is an amazing instructor with a huge amount of knowledge. The gym is super inclusive because Rick is keen on creating an environment where everyone is equal, regardless of gender, creed, physical condition, etc. the only thing that matters is the respect you show on the mat to others, yourself and the learning process. As a woman BJJ might feel scary because of the closeness of the sport, but the sense of respect at Rick's trickles down and as a result women feel safe and welcomed.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Rick Young Blackbelt Academy's customers had a positive experience.

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Rick Young Blackbelt Academy

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Martial Arts