Los Angeles, CA
Carpet Cleaning Services
Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.

Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc. Reviews Summary


Carpet Cleaning Services | Los Angeles, CA


Trustguide Rating

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What do customers say about Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 47 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.'s publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 29, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.'s customer reviews analysis

Quality Carpet Cleaning has garnered a reputable status, as indicated by several customer reviews emphasizing their timeliness, professionalism, and proficiency. Commendations frequently point towards the company's ability to provide quick service responses, as well as the technicians' courteous and respectful attitude during in-home services. However, there are contrasting opinions regarding pricing transparency and sales tactics. Upselling attempts by technicians, although a standard practice in various service industries, have been critiqued by some customers, prompting concerns about pricing integrity and customer comfort during service interactions. Additionally, a distinct disparity between advertised prices and final charges has raised questions about the company's pricing policies. Despite the few issues regarding sales practices and cost clarity, the overall snapshot of Quality Carpet Cleaning's customer feedback is substantially positive, with the majority of customers expressing satisfaction with both the customer service and the end result of the cleaning services.

Positive Feedback

The positive aspects of customer feedback on Quality Carpet Cleaning predominantly emphasize the swift and accommodating service, skilled technicians, and remarkable cleaning results. Clients consistently appreciate the prompt response times and the company's aptitude for emergency services, which showcases the business's commitment to customer needs. Technicians are celebrated for being punctual, friendly, and displaying a professional demeanor throughout their work. The quality of the cleaning, including the ability to notably refresh and brighten household fixtures like couches and carpets, has also been highlighted. Further plaudits include the absence of 'hidden' costs, with several customers validating that the price quoted at the time of booking was honored at the service's conclusion, reinforcing the company's reliability in financial dealings.

Concerns and Threads

However, discernible through customer experiences are concerns surrounding pricing and sales practices at Quality Carpet Cleaning. Some customers report feeling blindsided by significant price jumps from initial quotes to actual service charges, which creates discomfort and dissatisfaction. In addition, there have been instances where customers found the upselling of additional services intrusive and distressing, primarily when the initial sales discussion did not include these offerings. Moreover, feelings of overcharge expressed by a customer for their cleaning service point to a need for clearer communication and justification of pricing structures, especially when specialized treatments like hand brushing for area rugs are involved. These critiques, although less frequent than positive remarks, are noteworthy and suggest that while the majority of interactions are positive, there is room for the company to improve its pricing transparency and sales approaches.

Frequently asked questions about Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.

Is there a guarantee on the cleaning services provided by Quality Carpet Cleaning?

Quality Carpet Cleaning provides a 30-day warranty on their cleaning services, ensuring that if customers are not satisfied with the work, there is recourse available to address any issues.

Are the price quotes given over the phone by Quality Carpet Cleaning reliable?

In most cases, customers report that the price quoted at the time of booking is the price charged upon service completion. However, there have been instances of price differences between initial quotes and final charges, so it is advisable to discuss and confirm all potential costs during the initial call.

Can Quality Carpet Cleaning handle emergency cleaning services?

Yes, Quality Carpet Cleaning is commended for their rapid response to emergency cleaning service requests, often being able to send a technician within 24 hours to address urgent needs.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.

Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.
Haley Industrial
2 months ago
I called at 9am and they were here at 11am cleaning our coach and adj chair. Absolutely quick and fast not to mention a great job. Would recommend Angel did a awesome job. Would use them again. Good price..
Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.
Chuck McCollum
a year ago
Mark was very helpful on the phone; he explained the what the cleaning process would entail for our sofa and quoted me the exact price. Lorenzo was the technician who came to our place and performed the service. He was friendly and professional; he did a very thorough job and we are quite happy with the result (regretfully, I do not have a before and after shot to share, but I was actully quite amazed at how much our couch was brightened and freshened by the cleaning). So, you might ask, if we're so happy--why only four stars? It's a pet peeve of mine; Lorenzo tried to upsell me on an additional fabric treatment to the tune of $150. When I declined, he immediately dropped the price to $100 but I still declined it (he was so quick to drop the price it makes me think the markup must still be pretty hefty even so--but that's beside the point). If Mark had initially mentioned it over the phone, and I had declined it then, it wouldn't have bothered me to have the technician bring it up again on the spot, just to make sure--but I really hate the practice of upselling. Other than that, everything was first rate! Service: Upholstery cleaning
Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.
a year ago
I paid 790 dollars for 2 hours work. It was for 4 bedrooms carpet, carpet stairs that goes to second floor, and 3 handmade area rug which sizes are 5 by 8 and one 6 by 9.5 and one machine rug 5 by 8. He said that each area rug would take 30 minutes because he has to hand brush them but it was 7 minutes for each and he spend 30 second to a minute to do hand brush. I believe i was overcharged. What do you think? Services: Upholstery cleaning, General carpet cleaning, Pet stain & odor removal, Area rug cleaning
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Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Quality Carpet Cleaning, Inc.'s customers had a positive experience.

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Carpet Cleaning Services