Houston, TX
Carpet Cleaning Services
Stanley Steemer Houston
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Stanley Steemer Houston Reviews Summary


Carpet Cleaning Services | Houston, TX


13225 FM 529, Houston, TX 77041, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Stanley Steemer Houston?

As of Apr 15, 2024, 2825 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Stanley Steemer Houston's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 15, 2024
Last updated
April 15, 2024

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Stanley Steemer Houston's customer reviews analysis

Overall, Stanley Steemer enjoys a commendable reputation based on the customer reviews provided, characterized predominantly by positive customer experiences. The majority of reviewers cited punctuality—highlighted by instances of teams arriving on time or even early—as a strong aspect of the company’s service delivery. Furthermore, expertise and courtesy appear to be core attributes of Stanley Steemer's staff, with several reviewers noting the professionalism, knowledgeability, and informative nature of the employees. Customer satisfaction is underscored by the consistent mentioning of satisfactory outcomes in terms of cleanliness and overall service quality. Equally, customers appreciate the thorough explanations provided by the technicians regarding the cleaning processes and found value in the additional advice shared. Attention to detail and a respectful attitude towards customers’ homes were also praised. However, an outlier in the feedback signals potential issues with pricing transparency and service expectations that did not meet with the quoted pricing, particularly for a service involving stone versus tile cleaning that resulted in nearly double the expected cost, and subsequent dissatisfaction with the finished work and customer service follow-up.

Positive Feedback

Stanley Steemer's strengths are highlighted through several frequently mentioned positive customer experiences. Renowned for their timeliness, many reviewers expressed pleasant surprise when crews arrived early or on the dot. The courteous and professional demeanor of the service teams is consistently emphasized, with customer interactions described using terms such as 'wonderful,' 'fantastic,' and 'extremely polite.' Company representatives like Jose, Blas, Larry, Jonathan, Raymond, and others received individual praise for their exemplary service, suggesting that the company hires employees who are knowledgeable and skilled at their jobs. A theme of thoroughness runs through the feedback, with customers noting comprehensive walk-throughs and updates during the cleaning process. The company's additional touches like electronic notifications and friendly crews also contribute to a positive customer experience. Moreover, the apparent commitment to customer satisfaction and high-quality work indicated by repeated intentions to use Stanley Steemer's services again speaks volumes about the company's success in fostering positive customer relations.

Concerns and Threads

Despite numerous positive reviews, Stanley Steemer's reputation is not without its blemishes, particularly regarding accurate pricing and service outcome expectations. A central concern arises from an incident involving a significant pricing discrepancy during a shiftover from what was initially quoted online to the final charge, especially when dealing with specialty surfaces like stone. This particular experience points to an urgent need for clarity and honesty in the company's pricing structure. The issue of misleading quotes and unexpected upcharges can undermine trust and lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction. Furthermore, the situation was exacerbated by an unmet promise of rectifying service errors and miscommunication within the company, revealing possible inefficiencies in customer service and post-service follow-up. These negative experiences, though isolated, are serious enough to warrant attention as they can significantly impact the company's reputation and customers' likelihood of recommending the service or using it again.

Frequently asked questions about Stanley Steemer Houston

Does Stanley Steemer provide an accurate quote prior to service?

Stanley Steemer offers online quotes, but customers should be aware that these are subject to change depending on the actual services required and the condition of the areas to be cleaned. One review highlighted an issue where stone cleaning was priced much higher than the initial quote for tile cleaning.

How do Stanley Steemer employees treat customers' homes?

The reviews frequently note the employees' respectful and careful treatment of customers' homes. The service teams are described as taking a detailed approach to cleaning and handling customer's belongings with care.

Are Stanley Steemer technicians knowledgeable and informative?

According to customer reviews, Stanley Steemer's teams are highly knowledgeable and informative, often walking customers through the cleaning process and sharing valuable advice on maintaining their cleaned spaces.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Stanley Steemer Houston

Stanley Steemer Houston
Stefanie Arufe
a week ago
Jose and Blas were wonderful! Arrived on time, kept me informed, moved things carefully, left the carpets looking new and smelling fresh, and were kind, courteous, and informative. Highly recommend!
Stanley Steemer Houston
Cool Whip
3 weeks ago
Thank you, Tony, David, Edward for cleaning our stairs and hallway. This carpet was scary looking after years of pets & kids😅 Yall (Did a GREAT job!!) Thank yall So Much its Beautiful to look at again and smells Great ! 💝
Stanley Steemer Houston
Jeff Hebert
2 weeks ago
Larry and Jonathan did a fantastic job and walked me through each step of what they were going to do. My service was long overdue due to my inexperience. I will be using the service every few years as planned and I am hoping I can have Larry and Jonathan take care of my house along with Stanley Steemer. I couldn’t ask for a more polite, honest and thorough team taking care of our family’s needs! Thanks Larry and Jonathan!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Stanley Steemer Houston's customers had a positive experience.

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Stanley Steemer Houston

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About Stanley Steemer Houston

Carpet Cleaning Services
Stanley Steemer proudly provides professional cleaning services in Houston, TX and surrounding communities. Since our start in 1947, Stanley Steemer has served homes and businesses across the nation, trusted by generations to clean your carpet, upholstery, air ducts, hardwood, tile and grout, area rugs, and more. Stanley Steemer technicians are professionally trained and certified to deep clean your space using powerful, proprietary equipment, our proven and reliable process, and family-safe cleaning solutions. Best of all, we make it easy to schedule a cleaning with our online instant quote tool and 24/7 availability. Call or visit our website to book your cleaning with Stanley Steemer today!