New York, NY
Steak Restaurants
Peter Luger Steak House

Peter Luger Steak House Reviews Summary


Steak Restaurants | New York, NY


178 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11211, United States

Trustguide Rating

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What do customers say about Peter Luger Steak House?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 12234 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Peter Luger Steak House's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
January 21, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Peter Luger Steak House's customer reviews analysis

The collective customer insights portray Peter Luger Steak House as a cherished establishment, with an enduring legacy and sustained reputation. The highly positive reception is concentrated on the renowned dry-aged porterhouse steak, purported as 'the best steak' by numerous patrons. Consumer reviews consistently convey satisfaction with the quality and cooking of the meats, which seem to justify the restaurant's price point, deemed fair in the context of New York steakhouse standards. Notably, the service earns commendation for its professionalism and attentiveness, adding to a warm and traditional ambiance that customers appreciate. Conversely, critiques emerge pertaining to accessory aspects such as unremarkable sides, and operational choices like the cash-only policy, which detracts from the overall modern dining experience. While the steakhouse ambiance is celebrated, some reviews suggest a need for refreshment in terms of cleanliness and maintenance, evinced by reports of chipped plates and stained menus.

Positive Feedback

Positive customer feedback is heavily focused on the exemplary quality of the steaks offered at Peter Luger Steak House, particularly the dry-aged porterhouse, which receives consistent acclaim for its flavor and expert preparation. The historic and traditional atmosphere of the steakhouse significantly enhances the dining experience, acting as a quintessentially New York setting admired by locals and tourists alike. Service staff, often highlighted by name, are noted for their professional demeanor and efficient handling of customer needs. Additionally, the portion sizes, including substantial servings of wine, contribute positively to the perceived value. The presence of a reservation system ensures customer anticipation is met with necessary food preparedness and service readiness.

Concerns and Threads

Although Peter Luger Steak House excels in its steak preparation, customers have pinpointed areas where the dining experience falls short of expectations. The accommodations for payment are limited to cash or debit, a policy that customers find inconvenient, and out of step with contemporary payment trends, inviting criticism in several reviews. Touchpoints of customer experience such as sides and ancillary menu items, although not the primary draw, receive lackluster feedback and are singled out as lacking the special quality of the main courses. With its historical appeal, there's an expressed need for upkeep, as instances of worn dishware and furnishings have been called out, potentially marring the restaurant's high-end image. Finally, despite the praise for food quality, some patrons harbor the perspective that the legendary status of Peter Luger may not eclipse the competitiveness of other steakhouse experiences in New York City.

Frequently asked questions about Peter Luger Steak House

Is a reservation required to dine at Peter Luger?

Yes, securing a reservation is highly recommended to ensure a seat at Peter Luger, as it is a popular destination and often fully booked.

What forms of payment does Peter Luger accept?

Peter Luger Steak House has a cash-only policy, but they do accept debit cards. Be prepared to have either cash or a debit card available when dining.

Are there vegetarian options available at Peter Luger?

While Peter Luger is predominantly known for its steaks, there are some non-meat options available such as salads and sides. However, the selection may be limited.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Peter Luger Steak House

Peter Luger Steak House
julia barinova
a month ago
It was my first ever experience at this steakhouse and I was very excited. Old, rustic, traditional, interesting place. I would say prices are not insane versus the expectation based on their reputation. Ordered steak and rib steak. Rib steak is a bit fatter. Very large servings of wine under 20 per glass, very friendly staff. Great experience. I do recommend. It's not overrated.
Peter Luger Steak House
Sukkaj Noonvongsa
3 weeks ago
Visiting Peter Luger is a must for any steak enthusiast. The classic New York steakhouse ambiance sets the stage for a memorable meal. The star is undeniably the dry-aged porterhouse – juicy, flavorful, and cooked just right. The staff's friendly demeanor and the historic setting make it a perfect spot for steak lovers seeking an authentic NYC steakhouse experience. Be sure to bring your appetite! Absolutely, securing a reservation is crucial, and it's reassuring to know that the quality of the steak at this NYC steakhouse is reasonably priced[50$-100$/person] compared to others. Enjoy your meal!
Peter Luger Steak House
Vacation Joe
5 days ago
The place has two floors and a bar on both levels. There’s outdoor seating when the weather is permitted. Our waiter was Stephen.He did an amazing job with service and taking care of our needs. You could order a steak from 1 to up to 4 people. We ordered a steak for 3. It was a T-bone configuration Filet mignon in the middle and strip steak on both sides The steak is perfectly well, aged and cooked with perfection. They cook it at 600 degrees according to the chef. It sounds like they got a special oven and why it comes out unique. To me, it’s one of the best steaks I ever ate,no matter where I go in the world.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Peter Luger Steak House's customers had a positive experience.

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Peter Luger Steak House

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About Peter Luger Steak House

Steak Restaurants

Cash-only steak icon where old-school waiters serve aged beef in a German beer hall setting.
