Palace Of Holyroodhouse
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Palace Of Holyroodhouse Reviews Summary


Landmarks | Edinburgh


Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8DX

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What do customers say about Palace Of Holyroodhouse?

As of Apr 09, 2024, 17768 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.6 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Palace Of Holyroodhouse's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 9, 2024
Last updated
April 9, 2024

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Palace Of Holyroodhouse's customer reviews analysis

The Palace of Holyroodhouse, based on recent reviews, holds a strong reputation as a historic and educational attraction that captivates visitors with its royal heritage and architectural splendor. Customers frequently express admiration for the property, indicating an enriching experience underpinned by the informative audio tour, which seems vital in enhancing visitor understanding and appreciation of the site's history. A recurring theme is the appreciation of the unique opportunity to explore Scottish history deeply, particularly with stories about Mary, Queen of Scots. The well-maintained interiors, gardens, and the ruins are other aspects that consistently impress guests. However, the no-photography policy within the palace draws some criticism, and there are varied opinions on the value proposition, with a minority finding the experience less satisfactory in terms of content and cost. Additionally, the contrasting view of the modern Scottish Parliament building is sometimes seen as detrimental to the historical ambiance of the location.

Positive Feedback

Visitor experiences at the Palace of Holyroodhouse are predominantly positive, with the location being lauded for its stunning historical and architectural attributes. Guests have noted the audio tour as a highlight, providing a comprehensive narrative that enriches the visit and deepens the understanding of British monarchy and Scottish history. The educational impact is significant, with reports of visitors, including children engaged in school history, gaining more from their visit than typical academic settings. The Palace's aesthetic features, such as the luxurious state apartments, the serene palace gardens, and the dramatic ruins of Holyrood Abbey, receive consistent praise. The staff's welcoming nature, especially during special events like Valentine's afternoon tea, adds a layer of satisfaction to the guest experience. Dog-friendly amenities, such as the cafe and shop, also contribute positively to the experience of pet owners.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the overwhelmingly positive reviews, some visitors have expressed concerns that detract from their overall satisfaction with the Palace of Holyroodhouse. The most notable negative aspects include the ban on photography inside the palace, which is a point of contention for those wishing to document their visit. A minority of guests consider the admission price to be on the higher side, particularly in relation to the perceived quantity and quality of the exhibits inside. Furthermore, the pace and content of the tour may not meet everyone's expectations, and individuals with minimal interest in monarchical history may find the experience less engaging. The exterior view marred by the sight of the modern Scottish Parliament building is also a point of disappointment for some practitioners of historical escapism hoping for a fully immersive experience in the historic environment.

Frequently asked questions about Palace Of Holyroodhouse

Is the audio tour at Palace of Holyroodhouse worthwhile?

Yes, the audio tour comes highly recommended by past visitors as it provides detailed historical context and stories about the palace, its inhabitants, and events that shaped it.

Can I take photographs inside the Palace of Holyroodhouse?

Photography is not permitted inside the palace to preserve the dignity of the residence and the experience of the visit; however, photography is allowed in the gardens and outside areas.

Is the admission price for the Palace of Holyroodhouse considered value for money?

Opinions on value for money vary among visitors. While some find the admission price to be high, others believe the rich historical experience and access to various parts of the palace, including the audio guide, justify the cost.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Palace Of Holyroodhouse

Palace Of Holyroodhouse
Nicole D
a week ago
I absolutely LOVED this royal residence! What an amazing place to explore Scottish history. Make sure to grab the audio tour as it is very informative. Then, make sure to go out back to the gardens and the Abbey ruins - STUNNING!!! The pictures don't do justice to how beautiful the ruins are. While we had no trouble walking up and getting tickets, we were there in the off season, and the summer is LOADED with tourists.
Palace Of Holyroodhouse
Sukhmani Singh
2 months ago
Would highly recommend visiting the palace to learn more deeply about the British monarchy and history in general. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the palace and was quite intrigued hearing history with the help of the audio. Every hall/room has a history to it so it was quite interesting. The palace was definitely the historic place I enjoyed the most. If you want, by the end of the tour, you can ask the staff to stamp your ticket by treating it as a donation. This will mean that you can visit the palace free for 1 year.
Palace Of Holyroodhouse
Valeria Sandoval Carrasco
a month ago
Highly recommendable, surprisingly beautiful interiors. They don’t allow photos inside which made me hesitate coming here since I didn’t know what there was. There is so much history here, a lot about Mary the Queen of Scots. The multimedia guide came with the cost of admission and you’ll definitely need it as there’s few signs inside
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Palace Of Holyroodhouse's customers had a positive experience.

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Palace Of Holyroodhouse

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About Palace Of Holyroodhouse

The 16th-century palace of the Stuarts, with tours of royal reception rooms, antiques & relics.