Fish & Chips
Merchant Chippie
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Merchant Chippie Reviews Summary


Fish & Chips | Glasgow


155 High St, Glasgow G1 1PH

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Merchant Chippie?

As of Apr 16, 2024, 1050 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Merchant Chippie's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 16, 2024
Last updated
April 16, 2024

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Merchant Chippie's customer reviews analysis

An analysis of the recent reviews for Merchant Chippie suggests that the establishment is generally well-regarded for its traditional fish and chips, with consistent praise for the taste and quality of food—specifically the fish's freshness and the light, crispy batter used. The ambiance is frequently described as simple but cozy, appealing particularly during the winter season, and continues to attract both regular customers and new patrons drawn by positive feedback. An area of contention lies in the operational aspects, notably during peak times and in relation to side items like mushy peas and tartar sauce which are reported to not be included and not freshly made. Despite some positive comments about service, there has also been dissatisfaction, particularly an incident involving a third-party delivery service, which impacted the perceived value and customer service.

Positive Feedback

Merchant Chippie has garnered positive feedback, largely attributed to the high quality of its fish and chips. Customers rave about the fish's fresh taste and the consistency of the batter being light, crispy, and non-oily. These key aspects contribute to the culinary strength at the heart of its reputation. Service is frequently described as friendly, complementing the cozy atmosphere which is appreciated by patrons. The culinary variety, including unique items such as a deep-fried Mars bar and battered pizza slice, has received particular acclaim. These products help to differentiate the eatery and contribute to its appeal as an authentic and enjoyable fast-food experience. The presence of repeat customers and being recommended as the ‘best chippie in Glasgow’ by some also signal a solid position within the competitive market.

Concerns and Threads

Despite many positives, there are notable areas where Merchant Chippie falls short, impacting customer experience. Some reviews recount negative experiences such as finding a hair in food and dishes being overly greasy. These incidents highlight lapses in hygiene and consistency in food preparation. Other criticisms include the temperature and freshness of the sides, like soggy chips and non-fresh mushy peas and tartar sauce, which detract from the traditional offering. Moreover, service complaints, particularly pertaining to a negative experience with delivery through a third-party service, not only resulted in a customer being out of pocket but also culminated in dissatisfaction with the restaurant's response to the situation. Such incidents can diminish the perceived value for money and question the company's customer service efficacy.

Frequently asked questions about Merchant Chippie

Are there any vegetarian options available at Merchant Chippie?

Merchant Chippie offers a variety of items including deep-fried Mars bars and battered pizza slices. However, for specific vegetarian options, customers are advised to inquire directly with the restaurant.

Does Merchant Chippie offer a student discount?

While the shop is located near a university and student accommodations, it is recommended that students inquire directly with Merchant Chippie regarding potential discounts.

What is the best time to visit Merchant Chippie to avoid a long wait?

As Merchant Chippie is a small establishment, it's recommended to avoid peak hours to secure seating. Planning a visit outside of traditional meal times might reduce waiting times.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Merchant Chippie

Merchant Chippie
Carola Galletti
5 days ago
We liked it, but out of the three of us one found a hair in her fries and everything was a bit too greasy. Taste was awesome though!! Definitely worth a try if you want authentic fast food fish and chips! The fish was really tasty
Merchant Chippie
Sadie B
3 months ago
Fish was great! Deep fried Mars bar was a first - if you love warm, gooey chocolate you can't go wrong with it! Piping hot mushy peas. Lots of regulars came through while I was there. Simple vibe, solid fish!
Merchant Chippie
Joe Chan
2 months ago
This is a full FIVE STAR for sure! Food is everything, they speak for themselves. Server is friendly and feels very cosy even in winter by the window. You will somehow bypass this shop on your way to the Cathedral anyway, why not just pop in to try.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Merchant Chippie's customers had a positive experience.

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Merchant Chippie

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About Merchant Chippie

Fish & Chips
Informal counter-service outlet serving seafood entrees alongside fish ’n’ chips & hearty sides.