Wedding Venue
Manzil Banqueting Hall

Manzil Banqueting Hall Reviews Summary


Wedding Venue | Manchester


29 Bury New Rd, Cheetham Hill, Manchester M8 8EQ

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Manzil Banqueting Hall?

As of Apr 13, 2024, 874 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 3.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Manzil Banqueting Hall's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 13, 2024
Last updated
April 13, 2024

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Manzil Banqueting Hall's customer reviews analysis

The overall reputation of Manzil Banqueting Hall, as derived from the customer reviews, showcases a venue with good food quality and decent facilities, which contributes positively to its standing. Customers indicate satisfaction with the flavors and variety offered in the buffet, as well as the venue's capacity, which seems adequate for larger gatherings without significant waiting times for seating. The cleanliness of the establishment is also mentioned as satisfactory, reflecting an attention to maintaining a presentable environment. However, there are consistent themes in the feedback about staff inattentiveness, which seems to impact the overall experience negatively. Moreover, concerns surrounding the quality control of the food, particularly the lentils, have been raised. While some customers praise the venue for its value for money and special functions, the management of logistical aspects like parking and respect for the surrounding neighborhood during late hours have been points of contention. These elements collectively influence the company's reputation, suggesting that while the core offerings are strong, there is room for improvement in customer service and external impact aspects.

Positive Feedback

Customers frequently praise the variety and taste of the food at Manzil Banqueting Hall, noting menus well-received for family meals and larger functions. The venue's size is also highlighted as a positive feature, accommodating guests comfortably and mitigating the need for waiting. Cleanliness and tidiness remain a benchmark of the establishment, contributing to an overall decent atmosphere that customers find appealing during events. The prayer room, in particular, is commended for being proportionately larger than those in similar venues, adding a touch of thoughtfulness to the facility's services. Furthermore, individual instances of exceptional service are noted, with some customers reflecting on the hard work and support provided by staff members during special events, emphasizing occasions where the management has taken steps to ensure events ran smoothly. The venue's positive aspects suggest a potential for memorable experiences when operational elements align effectively.

Concerns and Threads

Key areas of concern for customers pertain to the level of attentiveness from the staff, with reports of having to repeatedly request basic services such as drinks. Instances of oversight, like the barrier not being lifted for parking and the resultant inconvenience, have also been mentioned. Additionally, the parking facilities themselves attract criticism due to their size and upkeep, indicating a need for upgrades or better maintenance. A significant negative impact comes from the disturbance caused to the local neighborhood by late-night activities at the venue, particularly the setting off of fireworks past midnight. This has led to criticisms regarding a lack of respect for night hours and the local community. Such factors detract from the customer experience and overshadow the positive attributes, suggesting that while the venue has strengths, it must address these operational and community relational issues to improve its reputation and customer satisfaction.

Frequently asked questions about Manzil Banqueting Hall

Does Manzil Banqueting Hall offer a variety in its buffet menu?

Yes, customer reviews frequently commend Manzil Banqueting Hall for offering a good variety of food on their buffet menu.

Are there any known issues with the parking facilities at Manzil Banqueting Hall?

Some guests have mentioned that the parking area is not very large and that it may need better maintenance. There was also an instance where the entrance barrier was not lifted in a timely manner, causing inconvenience.

Does the management of Manzil Banqueting Hall ensure a smooth experience during events?

The management has been recognized for their efforts to provide a smooth experience during events, with most feedback being positive about event handling. However, there have been some incidents that suggest there is room for improvement in coordination.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Manzil Banqueting Hall

Manzil Banqueting Hall
Ashley Deen
4 years ago
A fairly good buffet. There’s a good variety of food. However the lentils were off and sour. The restaurant was reasonably clean. The staff were inattentive - had to ask many times to get a drink. Probably will not return.
Manzil Banqueting Hall
Faizan Anwar
a month ago
Great food, decent atmosphere. Place is big too so usually don't have to wait too long for seating.
Manzil Banqueting Hall
Mr A
5 years ago
Went their to attend a function, the food was good and the facilities were good too and my reason for knocking off the 1 start is due to the car parking area which was not very large and had grass growing all around the edges along with other plants so was not very tidy.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Manzil Banqueting Hall's customers had a positive experience.

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Manzil Banqueting Hall

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About Manzil Banqueting Hall

Wedding Venue
Large halal, no-alcohol venue offering traditional dishes plus the chefs' own signature dishes.