Steak Restaurants
Gaucho Manchester

Gaucho Manchester Reviews Summary


Steak Restaurants | Manchester


2A St Mary's St, Manchester M3 2LB

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Gaucho Manchester?

As of Mar 22, 2024, 1947 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Gaucho Manchester's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
March 22, 2024
Last updated
March 22, 2024

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Gaucho Manchester's customer reviews analysis

Analyzing the latest reviews for Gaucho Manchester, the overall company reputation appears to be strongly positive, with particular praise for the quality of the steak and customer service. Customers frequently mentioned the expertly cooked and flavored steaks and framed their dining experiences as special, with the restaurant atmosphere and the professionalism of the staff being recurrently noted highlights. While the atmosphere is generally appreciated, there are allusions to the dim lighting and live music volume, which, although intended to enhance ambiance, may not suit all preferences. The cost of extras, such as bottled water, is a point of contention for some customers, suggesting a need for clearer communication about what is included in the meal and the price. Despite these few critiques, the recurring testimony of returning customers and intentions to revisit implies a solid and favorable reputation in Manchester's dining scene.

Positive Feedback

The positive feedback for Gaucho Manchester is characterized by commendations on the culinary excellence and customer service excellence. The steak receives specific praise for its quality, cooking, and flavor, with several diners claiming it to be among the best they have experienced. The customer service is highlighted as friendly, professional, and attentive, contributing significantly to the dining experience. Moreover, the ambiance of the restaurant, featuring elegant decor and live music, along with occasional complimentary items such as desserts for special occasions, is repeatedly mentioned as creating a memorable and enjoyable atmosphere. These positive aspects suggest that Gaucho Manchester delivers a high-end dining experience that meets and exceeds customer expectations.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the overwhelming positivity, certain criticisms emerge from the reviews, which could inform potential aspects of improvement for Gaucho Manchester. Some diners found the restaurant's setting to be too dark, affecting the enjoyment of the atmosphere and the practicality of taking photographs. Additionally, there is feedback regarding the loudness of the live DJ, which while appreciated by some, may detract from the dining experience for others. The cost of the experience is also noted, particularly incidental charges such as bread and bottled water, which were not expected to be as high as they were by some customers. Such instances underline the need for clear communication regarding what is complimentary and what incurs additional charges.

Frequently asked questions about Gaucho Manchester

Is the bread served at Gaucho Manchester complimentary?

No, the bread served at Gaucho Manchester is not complimentary and will be added to your bill if you choose to have it.

Does Gaucho Manchester offer live music?

Yes, Gaucho Manchester provides live music to enhance the dining experience. However, please note that some customers have found the music to be a bit loud.

Is Gaucho Manchester suitable for special occasions?

Yes, many customers report that the high-end atmosphere, excellent food, and diligent service make Gaucho Manchester a suitable destination for special occasions.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Gaucho Manchester

Gaucho Manchester
Keting He
3 days ago
Food is good however heavy taste recommend if you like tasting all your flavours. Setting is too dark for good picture. The table that we booked wasn’t the best location however lovely manger and staff. Steak was top notch 100% would come back just for the steak.
Gaucho Manchester
Holly T
3 months ago
Overall I had a lovely meal here for my birthday recently. The beef bar sampler was absolutely perfectly cooked and flavoured. Cannot fault the food at all! The service is equally as good as the food, polite, friendly and professional. Will always revisit Gaucho when in Manchester, its a perfect spot for what I would describe as a high end dinner (my opinion based on places I dine). The building and decor are absolutely stunning. Little warning in case anyone isn't aware; when they ask if you want bread when you sit down, this is not complimentary (which I've experienced in lots of places), this will be on your bill. As will bottles of water at £5 a bottle. Absolutely my mistake as usually expect tap water to be free, didn't think about the fact it would be bottled water. May be common sense for most but worth mentioning in case anyone makes the same mistake I did! £10 on water feels a bit ridiculous regardless of where you are! All things considered I absolutely loved it and will be back in the future. Gaucho know how to do good food!
Gaucho Manchester
Adam Ramouz (ramoose)
6 days ago
One of the best steak places I have ever been to. I am a regular at the killer and carter brand but this is a cut above excuse the pun! A warm welcome from every member of staff from start to finish. Our waiter Marcello explained the full menu to us and even brought out a steak board showing us the different steaks. We could tell he was an experienced waiter who took his job seriously which is few and far between nowadays. We will be back!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Gaucho Manchester's customers had a positive experience.

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About Gaucho Manchester

Steak Restaurants
Designer furnishings & cowhide fabrics create a lavish backdrop for Argentine food & wine.