Phoenix, AZ
Esporta Fitness

Esporta Fitness Reviews Summary


Gyms | Phoenix, AZ


2200 W Northern Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85021, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Esporta Fitness?

As of Apr 09, 2024, 985 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Esporta Fitness's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 9, 2024
Last updated
April 9, 2024

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Esporta Fitness's customer reviews analysis

Evaluating the mixed customer reviews for Esporta Fitness, the company's reputation appears to be inconsistent across various gym locations. A primary concern that arises is the cleanliness and maintenance of facilities, specifically locker rooms and restrooms, which has been noted as lacking by several reviewers. Issues of safety and professionalism have been mentioned, with reported incidents such as a break-in and inappropriate behavior in locker rooms causing concern. Customer service quality seems to be variable, with some staff members described as inattentive or preoccupied with personal devices, while others receive praise for their friendliness. The newly enforced locker room policy has also generated confusion and frustration among members who feel their access has been unfairly restricted. Despite the criticisms, some patrons commend the gym for its variety of equipment, affordability, and specific staff members who add value to their experience. The overall customer experience at Esporta Fitness thus seems to fluctuate greatly, depending on numerous factors, including location, staff interaction, and management policies.

Positive Feedback

Despite some negative feedback, Esporta Fitness has received several positive remarks highlighting key aspects of the customer experience. Customers appreciate the availability of equipment, with one reviewer mentioning the ease of access to machines during off-peak hours. The affordability of the gym is noted as an advantage, with competitive membership prices offering value for money. Commendations were given to the cleanliness of specific facilities, with one location's locker room and pool being described as clean. Instructors and staff, such as the aqua fitness class instructor and a diligent cleaner, received individual praise for their commitment and positive impact. Customers also speak highly of personal achievements made possible through the use of the gym's services, such as significant weight loss and improved wellness, indicating that for some, the gym effectively facilitates their fitness goals.

Concerns and Threads

Key negative aspects of customer feedback for Esporta Fitness revolve around several critical areas. Cleanliness and maintenance issues are a recurring theme, particularly in women's locker rooms and spa areas, as well as the children's care room. Concerns about hygiene standards are prominent where facilities are described as dirty or neglected. Safety and privacy have been compromised according to reports of break-ins and inappropriate behavior in locker rooms. Customer service appears to be a significant shortcoming, with employees often described as disengaged or displaying poor people skills. Additionally, members are dissatisfied with the administrative aspects, such as the handling of membership fees and late charges, which some perceive to be exploitative. The new policy regarding locker room access times has also instigated confusion and discontent, suggesting a lack of equitable communication and implementation across genders. These factors cumulatively contribute to a less favorable perception of the company for a notable portion of its clientele.

Frequently asked questions about Esporta Fitness

What are Esporta Fitness's peak hours, and are there times when equipment is more readily available?

Esporta Fitness experiences higher traffic during typical peak gym hours. However, according to customer reviews, equipment tends to be more accessible early in the morning before 7:30 AM or later in the evening after 7:30 PM, reducing wait times for machines.

Does Esporta Fitness offer child care services, and what are the hygiene standards for these areas?

Esporta Fitness does provide child care services, which can be very convenient for busy or single parents. However, some members have raised concerns regarding the cleanliness and sanitation of the kids' care room, suggesting that the hygiene standards may not be consistently upheld.

How consistent is the customer service experience across different Esporta Fitness locations?

Customer reviews indicate a mixed customer service experience across Esporta Fitness locations. Some staff members are noted for being friendly and helpful, while others have been described as inattentive or preoccupied. The level of customer service may vary depending on the specific employees present and the location visited.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Esporta Fitness

Esporta Fitness
3 months ago
This is hands down the worst club in America. They never have toilet paper. The staff is not existent. Don't leave anything in your vehicle unless you want to broken windshield. This place should be condemned
Esporta Fitness
Marcel Williams
3 weeks ago
Today in the women’s locker room, there was a notice up saying that the locker rooms were going to be closed 10 minutes before the facilities closed. This is to start March 15. These notices also said that members get two warnings before their accounts are marked for being in the locker room 10 minutes or less before close. I went to the gym with my boyfriend today, and he did not see any of those notices up in the men’s room. I really hope that somebody just forgot to put them up, and that this isn’t an arbitrary rule assigned to people who use the women’s locker room. Even if this rule is applied fairly to all members of ESPORTA, I still think it’s kind of ridiculous. Do you ever go to a restaurant and they tell you to finish eating your meal five minutes before they close so they have time to bus your table and be out of the restaurant right before they close? I don’t think so. The membership pays for you to be able to use the facilities until they are closed. Closing the locker rooms 10 minutes before facilities close essentially means that the facility is closing at 7:50. Because who isn’t going to stop by the locker room when they’re done with their workout? You might as well just change the hours if you are unhappy with spending 10 extra minutes at the facility. And If this rule only applies to half of the people who attend the gym, then we have an entirely different issue on our hands.
Esporta Fitness
patty zou
2 months ago
This location is good and front desk is nice and friendly! Gym have enough machines for people! Musics is cheerful ! But women lock room and spa are not clean. Pool is cold .
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Esporta Fitness's customers had a positive experience.

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Esporta Fitness

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About Esporta Fitness

Esporta Fitness is a premium fitness club at an outstanding value. Gym amenities may feature state-of-the-art strength equipment, cardio machines, free weights, a newly developed modern functional training area, and more!