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Don Giovanni Reviews Summary


Italian Restaurants | Manchester


1, Peter House, Oxford St, Manchester M1 5AN

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Don Giovanni?

As of Apr 07, 2024, 2376 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 3.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Don Giovanni's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 7, 2024
Last updated
April 7, 2024

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Don Giovanni's customer reviews analysis

Don Giovanni - Italian Restaurant in Manchester showcases a mix of customer experiences that blend compliments with criticisms in its recent reviews. The overall company reputation is one that suggests inconsistency, with both commendable and less satisfactory elements. The restaurant is praised for its beauty, atmosphere, and some exceptional dishes recommended by patrons, indicating that the establishment does have the capability to provide a pleasant dining experience. However, customer service appears to be a recurrent theme of discontent. Reports of inattentive and dismissive staff members tarnish the restaurant's reputation. Furthermore, issues such as unexpected charges, unsatisfactory handling of food preparation, and occasional uncleanliness of facilities contribute to a less than ideal perception. The management's handling of service charges and staff tips also raises concerns about fairness and transparency, affecting the trust of customers.

Positive Feedback

Positive customer feedback for Don Giovanni focuses on the delicious quality of certain dishes and the pleasing ambiance of the establishment. The food, especially the risotto ai funghi, tartare di manzo, and appetizers, receives high praise, suggesting that the culinary aspect of the restaurant has the potential to satisfy. A welcoming initial greeting, occasional friendly staff, and a beautiful environment contribute to the positive experiences of diners. The availability of a theatre menu offering set prices for multi-course meals is appreciated for its value, while a birthday celebration was enhanced by the staff's provision of a complimentary cake, reflecting moments when the restaurant excels in customer service and offers a memorable dining experience.

Concerns and Threads

Key negative aspects of customer feedback concentrate on service-related issues and inconsistencies in food quality. The lack of attention from wait staff, long wait times for both seating and food, and incorrect order fulfillment point to systemic service problems. Experiences such as a steak served at the wrong temperature and ineffective responses to food complaints, along with dirty facilities and utensils, highlight operational weaknesses. Compounding these frustrations are allegations of dishonest financial practices such as dubious 'no show' charges and misleading service charges that do not benefit the staff, suggesting a lack of integrity that could damage customer trust and loyalty.

Frequently asked questions about Don Giovanni

Is Don Giovanni suitable for special occasions like birthdays?

Yes, Don Giovanni can be suitable for special occasions and has been noted for providing birthday cakes for celebrations. However, it's advisable to clearly communicate your needs with the staff to ensure a satisfactory experience.

Does the restaurant offer set menus or deals?

Don Giovanni does offer a theatre menu with set prices for two or three-course meals, providing value for those attending shows. Customers have found this to be a worthwhile option.

Should I be cautious about leaving my card details with Don Giovanni?

Recent incidents have raised concerns regarding the handling of card details and erroneous charges. It would be wise to monitor any charges closely and retain evidence of your bookings and payments.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Don Giovanni

Don Giovanni
Ursula McGillick
3 days ago
Beautiful food, staff were so nice, we were watching a show and asked for the theatre menu which is a set price for a two course or three course, well worth it. The toilets were dirty with two cubicles closed but we did mention it and it was cleaned straight away.
Don Giovanni
4 days ago
We popped in after a spa day, 18th birthday present from my daughter's Auntie. We all had a lovely meal. Unfortunately they didn't have rose prosecco, which is what we all ordered and my sister's and nieces meal had too many pink pepper corns, but apart from that it was enjoyable.
Don Giovanni
Muhammad Fasih
4 months ago
Strap in for a ride at Don Giovanni, where the atmosphere scores a solid 7/10, buzzing with energy but sometimes missing the thematic mark. The live music, while spirited, came with a bass so heavy it seemed to forget the restaurant’s actual theme, adding more confusion than charm. Food-wise, we’re talking a mixed bag. The lasagna (7/10) was decent enough, but the Pollo Chicken fluttered down at a meager 4/10, leaving much to be desired. If you’re coming here hyped for a culinary revelation, you might want to tone down those expectations. Service was the night’s shining armor, scoring an 8/10 with staff who were the epitome of friendliness and efficiency. But then, the plot thickens again with the Creme Brûlée – a classic case of “expectation vs. reality.” The menu promised a home-baked biscuit which, spoiler alert, was a no-show. The dessert itself? Let’s just say “basic” is being generous. However, not all was lost in the land of Don Giovanni. The mocktail was a delightful surprise – a beacon of hope in an otherwise sea of culinary mediocrity. In short, if you’re willing to pay a premium for an experience that’s akin to a culinary rollercoaster, with more dips than peaks, Don Giovanni might just be your thrill ride. But for those seeking a consistent and high-quality dining experience, this ride might be a bit too wild. 🎢🍴
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Don Giovanni's customers had a positive experience.

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About Don Giovanni

Italian Restaurants
Traditional dishes from pizza to steak served in a large modern venue with floor-to-ceiling windows.