Chicago, IL
Landscape Gardeners
Christy Webber Landscapes
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Christy Webber Landscapes Reviews Summary


Landscape Gardeners | Chicago, IL


2900 W Ferdinand St, Chicago, IL 60612, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Christy Webber Landscapes?

As of Jun 12, 2024, 78 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Christy Webber Landscapes's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

makes the whole area safe & clean

makes the whole area safe & clean

regarded as one of the best

highly recommend their services

absolutely everything I had imagined

our yard now feels like a hidden country garden

very friendly and detailed oriented

Beautiful installation, kind and thoughtful team

treated my property as if he was landscaping his very own home

I felt embarrassed and shamed

disrespected and unappreciated

show your neighbors how you disdain their presence

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
June 12, 2024
Last updated
June 12, 2024

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Christy Webber Landscapes's customer reviews analysis

Christy Webber Landscapes has garnered a multifaceted reputation based on customer reviews. Highly praised for their swift and professional service, they are noted for their ability to create safe, clean and aesthetic environments, as seen in the installation of a retaining wall for a school playground. Design expertise is a recurrent theme, with Christy Webber herself being lauded as a top landscape designer, and lead designers like Tony and Andrew Kibbe receiving personal commendations for their efforts in understanding and realizing client visions. Despite the appeal of their work and the acknowledged attention to detail, their reputation is marred by incidents of perceived customer disrespect and disregard for community spaces. A particular customer highlighted an encounter with a dismissive staff member, feeling belittled and unappreciated for a small-scale purchase. Additionally, complaints about inconsiderate behaviors towards the public, like road blockages by their equipment, have surfaced, showing a dichotomy in customer experience based on interaction level and project scope.

Positive Feedback

Positive feedback for Christy Webber Landscapes emphasizes their quick completion of projects, professionalism, and aesthetic design skills. Customers express satisfaction with the company's ability to execute landscaping plans that not only meet but surpass expectations. Whether it's working with schools to improve playground safety or transforming a small city yard into a serene garden, there's a consistent theme of the company successfully capturing client visions. The designers, especially Tony and Andrew Kibbe, are noted for their accommodating attitudes and detailed work, ensuring that projects are well-crafted and fit within budgetary constraints. Positive testimonials frequently highlight the team's courtesy, the transformative quality of their landscaping, and the personal investment the designers show in each project.

Concerns and Threads

Despite many positive experiences, Christy Webber Landscapes faces criticism related to customer service and community interactions. One particular review describes a negative encounter with a staff member, stemming from a perceived lack of appreciation and assistance with a special request, which left the customer feeling shamed and ignored. The lack of a direct means of escalating concerns exacerbates such customer service issues. Additionally, their operational inconsiderateness, like obstructive equipment placements and disruptions to neighborhood cleanliness, reflect poorly on their community relations, pointing to a potential weak spot in logistics and respectful engagement with areas surrounding their projects.

Frequently asked questions about Christy Webber Landscapes

How does Christy Webber Landscapes ensure that their designs align with their clients' visions?

Designers from Christy Webber Landscapes, such as Tony and Andrew Kibbe, work closely with clients to understand their ideas and preferences. They are commended for creating detailed plans that incorporate clients' requests and offer flexibility in terms of phasing the work according to budget and schedule.

Can Christy Webpber Landscapes handle time-sensitive projects without disrupting daily activities?

Yes, Christy Webber Landscapes has demonstrated the ability to complete projects quickly and efficiently, such as installing a retaining wall for a school playground in less than two days, minimizing impact on school activities.

What can I do if I have a negative experience or a special request when dealing with Christy Webber Landscapes?

While reviews suggest a potential challenge in contacting the company to escalate concerns, perseverance with contacting their office remains the best option. Customer feedback also points to the importance of clear and direct communication from the outset to help ensure your requests are understood and fulfilled.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Christy Webber Landscapes

Christy Webber Landscapes
Katherine Wildermuth
5 years ago
Christy Webber put in a retaining wall on our school playground to keep dirt/mud from sliding down the hill onto the play area. The wall is fantastic & makes the whole area safe & clean & gives the playground a finished look. Plus the kids love to walk across the wall like a balance beam! Christy & Ben were awesome to work with & completed the job in less than 2 days so it didn't impact school activities. I highly recommend Christy Webber Landscaping!
Christy Webber Landscapes
William Green
2 months ago
Christy is fantastic. She is regarded as one of the best landscape designer there is.
Christy Webber Landscapes
beautiful espana
a year ago
I've been gardening for 20+ years. I've been buying my flowers annuals and perrenials at CW for 10 years if not more. I spend approximately $1,000 a year. Not much but all I can afford. I understand that I am not their biggest paying client but I believe we smaller customers should be appreciated too. Every year at the end of May, I put in a special request. The special request is Persian shields, white & purple mexican heather, pentas and especially, vanilla marigolds. There's never been an issue. Within a week, I received a call and I pick up my order. In the Fall, I special request Durango marigolds. This year, I was taken aback by the look of most flowers at CW. By May 30, they looked really bad and beaten. I was surprised because normally I leave with $400 bill and this time, I could not even get to $75.00 On May 30th, I put in my special request. I was met by a 5'10" older woman with gray hair and wearing a long skirt. As I put in my request with another associate, this older associate started to inquire about my special request. She took over and started to explain that it's late in the season and she went on to berate me openly about waiting to put in this special request. I attempted to explain that I do not garden early - usually the first week in June so the flowers last throughout the summer into the Fall. She continued to question me. I felt I was put on the spot and ridiculed for "waiting". No other year, with no other associate, have I been made to feel this way. I felt embarrassed and shamed. She went onto check her inventory and told me she had 12 racks coming in and they had pentas and Persian shields. The others she would have to check with her growers but seemed unlikely. She said I would have to pick from what's on the racks. I again asked her could she please inquire and she looked at me blankly. I asked if I would be receiving the customary call to update me and she said yes. I knew by her look that I would not receive a call. I did not receive a call. I attempted to contact CW offices 12x and there's no option to raise a concern directly. After 10+ years & $10,000+ of supporting CW, I feel so disrespected and unappreciated.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 70% of Christy Webber Landscapes's customers had a positive experience.

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Christy Webber Landscapes

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About Christy Webber Landscapes

Landscape Gardeners
Landscape provider for residential & commercial areas, from design to maintenance & enhancements.