Martial Arts
Black Widow Martial Arts Academy

Black Widow Martial Arts Academy Reviews Summary


Martial Arts | Birmingham


858 Washwood Heath Rd, Ward End, Birmingham B8 2NL

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Black Widow Martial Arts Academy?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 103 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.6 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Black Widow Martial Arts Academy's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 21, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Black Widow Martial Arts Academy's customer reviews analysis

The Black Widow Martial Arts Academy has garnered positive reviews, indicating an overall robust company reputation and a satisfying customer experience. Themes reoccurring in the feedback include the quality of instruction, the inclusivity and attention given to students of all levels, especially beginners, and the academy's focus on not only physical but also mental development through martial arts. The Sunday women's classes led by instructor Bushra, in particular, have been highlighted for their positive impact on skills, confidence, and mindset. The instructors are consistently praised for their knowledge, approachability, and dedication to pushing students toward their personal best. Despite a diverse range of experiences, the common element is the focus on technique, enthusiasm for teaching, and community feeling within the gym. There are a few complaints about hidden charges and uniform costs, but such issues appear to be isolated and not representative of the general customer experience.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects from the customer feedback about Black Widow Martial Arts Academy include the high level of connectivity with beginners and the tailored intensity of the workouts. Instructors are noted to be particularly adept at making new members feel welcomed and ensuring their progression into becoming 'a beast' despite obstacles. The academy's work on mental and psychological aspects through skilled instructors like Bushra has been commended for boosting confidence and improving mindset in addition to the physical training. Customer service is mentioned positively, with staff described as 'nice and helpful'. Moreover, the duration of membership (up to 3 years for some) and consistent equipment quality reinforce the gym's value for money and investment in customers' long-term growth and satisfaction.

Concerns and Threads

While the majority of reviews are overwhelmingly positive, there are mentions of dissatisfaction regarding potential hidden charges and issues with uniform costs at Black Widow Martial Arts Academy. These concerns indicate a possible lack of transparency or a mismatch in expectations between the gym and some of its clients. It's suggested that these charges were not apparent to some customers from the outset. However, it is also advocated by a member that the gym remains upfront about these costs. While the gripes appear to be in the minority, they do highlight areas where communication or policy clarity could be improved to ensure customer satisfaction across the board.

Frequently asked questions about Black Widow Martial Arts Academy

Are there any additional costs to be aware of when joining Black Widow Martial Arts Academy?

Some members have mentioned initial concerns about hidden charges and uniform costs; however, others have reported these potential charges to be laid out transparently from the beginning. It’s recommended to inquire about all associated costs, including membership fees, grading, and uniforms, before joining.

Is Black Widow Martial Arts Academy suitable for beginners?

Absolutely. The academy is noted for its strong beginner-friendly programs. Experienced coaches provide a supportive environment for newcomers and ensure that even those with no prior martial arts experience can progress and build their skills effectively.

Does the academy focus only on physical training?

No, the academy appears to place significant importance on both physical and mental development. Classes are structured to enhance fitness, technique, and overall skill, but also to foster mental strength, confidence, and a positive mindset.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Black Widow Martial Arts Academy

Black Widow Martial Arts Academy
a month ago
I have been going to black widow since august, to be honest its way better than any others the intensity and level of connectivity to begginers is so amazing. coaches will make sure to make you a beast no matter what the obstical is.
Black Widow Martial Arts Academy
2 months ago
I was a part of the Sunday women's classes with Bushra, which have now come to an end. I gained so much through joining the classes and learning from Bushra. The classes helped me not only in Muay Thai, learning techniques, skills, and helping with my fitness. They also helped me develop my confidence and help with my thinking. Training in martial arts is connected with your mindset, and Bushra is able to identify where your head is and help you to take it to where you want it to be through Muay Thai. I'd like to thank Bushra and my fellow trainees for our time together.
Black Widow Martial Arts Academy
Noema Malecová
3 months ago
Black widow is a great place to learn Muay Thai with main focus on the right technique. All teachers are very helpful, knowledgeable and ready to push you to your limits so your cardio level can improve very quick. They offer also women sessions every Sunday with Bushra who breaks down every detail nicely and makes sure you understand and enjoy your sessions. Highly recommended!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Black Widow Martial Arts Academy's customers had a positive experience.

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Black Widow Martial Arts Academy

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About Black Widow Martial Arts Academy

Martial Arts

Black Widow Martial Arts is the Premier Marital Arts Academy in Birmingham. We offer Mixed Martial Arts, Thai Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing and Personal Training for all age groups. There are separate Ladies Classes and Kids Classes. We also do Toddler Thai Boxing Classes. Join us Today.
