Allied Surveyors Scotland
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Allied Surveyors Scotland Reviews Summary


Surveyors | Glasgow


Herbert House, 24 Herbert St, Glasgow G20 6NB

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Allied Surveyors Scotland?

As of Apr 13, 2024, 12 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Allied Surveyors Scotland's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 13, 2024
Last updated
April 13, 2024

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Allied Surveyors Scotland's customer reviews analysis

Analysis of customer reviews for Allied Surveyors Scotland reveals a generally positive company reputation with an overarching theme of customer appreciation for knowledgeable and friendly personnel. The reviews suggest that staff from various offices, including Glasgow North and Falkirk, are praised for going above and beyond in their customer service delivery, with specific commendations for their courteousness, efficiency, and willingness to resolve queries promptly. Nevertheless, the feedback also indicates a notable incident involving logistical issues and perceived neglect of a smaller client, suggesting room for improvement in the company's responsiveness and issue resolution for clients of all sizes.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects derived from the customer feedback of Allied Surveyors Scotland encompass a series of compliments directed at individual staff members and offices for their exemplary service. Clients have consistently reported high satisfaction with the professionalism, promptness, and friendliness of the staff. Specialists named in the reviews, such as Daniel and Ian from the Glasgow North and Elgin offices respectively, have been spotlighted for their exceptional service, working efficiently and offering personalized attention to the client's needs. The positive sentiment extends across both domestic and commercial service offerings, with a repeated emphasis on the company's responsive communication and thoroughness in fulfilling the client's expectations.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the positive feedback, Allied Surveyors Scotland has faced criticism in an instance that negatively impacted its overall customer experience. Specifically, one lamentable episode involved a client experiencing problems related to a lack of proof for a key posting and unsatisfactory communication from the company, culminating in a short, dismissive response. This singular account highlights occasional service lapses particularly in handling smaller clients, with an underlying implication of insufficient attention to detail or accountability. The term

Frequently asked questions about Allied Surveyors Scotland

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Allied Surveyors Scotland

Allied Surveyors Scotland
Mike McKenna
5 years ago
The Glasgow north office (EM) recently assisted me with a home report for my property. I found E highly knowledgeable and easy to communicate with. First class service and I will use AS again in the future.
Allied Surveyors Scotland
Russell Malcolm
9 years ago
We left keys for our business premises so AS could survey for their client. They tell us keys were posted to our solicitors, but these were never received. After repeated enquiry, delays, and considerable logistical difficulties for us, we asked AS for either proof of posting, or for reimbursement of the cost of key cutting. They gave us a short negative reply and provided neither. Small clients are clearly too much trouble for Allied Surveyors to bother with.
Allied Surveyors Scotland
deborah far
6 months ago
Massive thank you to Daniel at Glasgow North who went above and beyond to resolve our query in super time!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Allied Surveyors Scotland's customers had a positive experience.

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Allied Surveyors Scotland

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About Allied Surveyors Scotland

Welcome to the Glasgow North Office which is based in the heart of the West End of Glasgow. The office is run by Grant Robertson and Keith Denholm, who between them have 50 years’ experience of undertaking property inspections throughout the City. The valuation team is in turn supported by a great group of Administrative Assistants and together they form a formidable partnership, with experience and depth of knowledge second to none. We are able to provide advice on all aspects of residential property including Home Reports, Development Appraisals, and Valuations ranging from the smallest flat to the largest house. Whatever your requirements you can be sure we will be able to help.