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Zips Cleaners Reviews Summary


Dry Cleaners | Washington, DC


4418 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Zips Cleaners?

As of Apr 10, 2024, 297 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 3.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Zips Cleaners's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 10, 2024
Last updated
April 10, 2024

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Zips Cleaners's customer reviews analysis

The overall reputation of ZIPS Cleaners, as derived from recent customer reviews, appears to be troublingly negative. Customers frequently report their dissatisfaction with both the quality of services provided and the customer service experience. Key elements influencing the company's reputation include damaged or lost garments, inadequate stain removal, and the handling of customer complaints. There is a consistent theme of disappointment where items were either not cleaned properly or returned in a poorer condition than when they were deposited, including incidents of clothing being given back with stains untouched or with new damage such as rips or incorrect alterations. The responsiveness of ZIPS Cleaners to these issues is also brought into question, with reports of unhelpful or confrontational staff and a lack of follow-through on claims and resolutions. The variety in service quality across different locations indicates a possible inconsistency in the company's operations.

Positive Feedback

While the overwhelming majority of customer feedback regarding ZIPS Cleaners is negative, it is fair to note that there is an undercurrent of appreciation for the brand's quick service. A few customers have implicitly acknowledged the convenience offered by the company in terms of turnaround time. This suggests that for individuals looking for rapid service, ZIPS Cleaners may have previously met expectations. Pricing is another aspect that is alluded to in the feedback; the company is perceived as a budget-friendly option, which could make it an appealing choice for customers prioritizing cost over service intricacies.

Concerns and Threads

Many customers have experienced significant issues with ZIPS Cleaners that are damaging the company’s reputation. Incidents of lost garments and items returned with damages, such as broken buttons, rips, and stains, have been recurrent. Additionally, concerns were raised about items not being properly cleaned or returned in a worse state, hinting at the company's failure to meet basic service expectations. Customer service issues include claims of a confrontational seamstress and uncooperative management when dealing with complaints and claims, further complicating the customer experience. The quality of service appears to be inconsistent and unreliable.

Frequently asked questions about Zips Cleaners

What should I do if ZIPS Cleaners damages my clothing item?

If you find that your clothing item is damaged after using ZIPS Cleaners’ service, contact the store immediately with your claim. Provide photographic evidence of the damage and a detailed explanation of the item's condition prior to service. It's advisable to review their claims policy for compensation procedures and timelines.

Can I trust ZIPS Cleaners with delicate garments or special-care items?

Based on recent customer reviews, ZIPS Cleaners has had incidents where items labeled 'dry clean only' or delicate have been damaged. Customers are advised to exercise caution and possibly seek services that specialize in handling delicate garments if they have concerns about the handling of special-care items at ZIPS Cleaners.

How consistent is the quality of service at different ZIPS Cleaners locations?

Customer feedback indicates an inconsistency in the quality of service and pricing across different ZIPS Cleaners locations. Before using their services, it might be beneficial to seek out reviews specific to the location you intend to visit and consider other options if there is significant variability in customer satisfaction.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Zips Cleaners

Zips Cleaners
Danny Shelton
3 months ago
Kind of aghast. I dropped off a few shirts a while back, I don't have need to wear white dress shirts very often, so I just looked at them while preparing for a night out. Somehow one of my shirts returned more wrinkly than when I dropped them off, after a press. And another returned with a broken button and some kind of glue hardened onto the inside of the shirt - I've only worn this shirt one time! It's brand new! I've dropped things off before for a press or a dry clean and the service was a bit off and the products were a little lackluster, but nothing worth leaving a review about. But after this I will not be returning. Just unacceptable.
Zips Cleaners
Larry Goldman
3 days ago
The worst!! Two years ago they lost two of my wife’s items so we stopped going to them. However, we had two queen size comforters, that we wanted laundered, so we took them to zip. I only got one back and they lost the other. They won’t settle the claim for 30 days and they can’t tell me how much I will receive in compensation. I’m sure it’s going to be a fraction of the replacement cost for the item. American Valet (next to Guapo’s in Tenleytown) is a family run dry cleaner that does excellent work. Don’t take a chance, use them. Avoid Zips!
Zips Cleaners
Vee Mac
6 months ago
I brought in some shirts and dresses here and they all came back with the food stains they had! Clearly no washing was done here! I don’t understand exactly what they did… I’m really disappointed! They are quick and fast but they are not washing the clothes!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Zips Cleaners's customers had a positive experience.

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About Zips Cleaners

Dry Cleaners
ZIPS Cleaners offers high-quality cleaning at unbelievably low prices. Buy yourself more time and happiness. Outsource the laundry. Live for you. Not for laundry.