Philadelphia, PA
Private Tutors
Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia

Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia Reviews Summary


Private Tutors | Philadelphia, PA


6537 E Roosevelt Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19149, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 22 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.7 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 25, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia's customer reviews analysis

Sylvan Learning of Philadelphia presents a mixed but generally positive company reputation. Customers express satisfaction with the progress their children are making, specifically citing improvements in school performance after attending Sylvan. Tutors and staff are frequently described as nice, helpful, and amazing, contributing to a positive learning environment. However, technical issues with outdated computer equipment and a single instance of negative interaction with staff have marred the experience for some customers. The mention of obsolete computers that interrupt learning with updates implies a need for infrastructure improvements. An isolated report of a staff member being perceived as rude and a teacher's impatience with a child's understanding of material indicate inconsistency in customer experience.

Positive Feedback

Several key positive aspects of Sylvan Learning of Philadelphia emerge from customer feedback. First and foremost, the noticeable academic improvement in children, as observed by parents, underscores the center's effectiveness in education. Moreover, the attitude and demeanor of the teachers are frequently highlighted: they are described as very nice, helpful, and integral to the students' progress. Additionally, the cleanliness of the facility contributes to a welcoming atmosphere for learning. The warmth of the staff, as characterized by their willingness to provide personal comfort items such as space heaters, also enhances the customer experience positively.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the positive remarks, there are notable negatives that require attention. The primary complaint pertains to the outdated computer systems, which have caused disruptions during testing due to untimely updates. This technological shortfall may jeopardize the credibility and efficiency of the learning environment. Additionally, there is a mention of a rude encounter with a staff member. Although this appears to be an isolated incident, it can significantly impact the perception of customer service. The dissatisfaction of one parent with a teacher's responsiveness to their child's needs illustrates potential shortcomings in instructional methods or teacher patience, which could detract from the learning experience if not addressed.

Frequently asked questions about Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia

What academic improvement can I expect for my child after enrolling at Sylvan Learning of Philadelphia?

Many parents report significant academic progress in their children as a key outcome of their experiences with Sylvan Learning of Philadelphia. Improvements in school performance are commonly observed after attending tutoring sessions here.

How is the quality of the teaching staff at Sylvan Learning of Philadelphia?

The staff at Sylvan Learning of Philadelphia is broadly appreciated by parents for being friendly, helpful, and effective at teaching. However, there have been instances where customers experienced less satisfaction with a teacher's methodology or staff interaction.

Are the facilities and equipment at Sylvan Learning of Philadelphia up to date?

While the facility itself is noted for being clean and welcoming, there have been concerns regarding the outdated nature of the computer equipment. Some clients have experienced technical issues during testing, suggesting a need for infrastructural updates.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia

Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia
Carol Kidd
2 years ago
I greatly appreciate being able to test at Sylvan. Michael was very kind, and he even shared his space heater with me because I was cold. However, i do think that their computers are rather old, and should be upgraded. The computer that i was testing on, shut down to update while I was testing... Thank God i didn't loose my work.
Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia
Veronica Hernandez
5 years ago
Love everything about them all the teachers are very nice and helpful😊. My son is doing so good in school now because of them. I am so proud of him and seeing his growth so awesome ..
Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia
Andy Lee
3 years ago
The teacher was just what my child told me...if she didn't get it next...no1 should just say next.if some1 don't understand...this is y I didn't want 2 renew her class....but God know i will be thankful 2 them...
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia's customers had a positive experience.

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Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia

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About Sylvan Learning Of Philadelphia

Private Tutors

Make a direct impact in school with Sylvan's Personalized Tutoring for K-12. Our local team of expert educators are here to give you the support you've been looking for. Our proven Sylvan Method™ means we tailor lessons to your child's specific needs and deliver guaranteed results. Count on us for the best in math, reading, writing, SAT/ACT prep and homework help. We can't wait to show you what's possible for your child to become their best!
