Los Angeles, CA
Private Tutors
Tutor Me Education
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Tutor Me Education Reviews Summary


Private Tutors | Los Angeles, CA


1093 Broxton Ave #240, Los Angeles, CA 90024, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Tutor Me Education?

As of Mar 23, 2024, 9 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Tutor Me Education's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
March 23, 2024
Last updated
March 23, 2024

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Tutor Me Education's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of Tutor Me Education - Los Angeles Tutors appears to be predominantly positive based on the collected reviews. Customers widely praise the quality of the tutors provided, citing their professionalism, caring approach, and expertise as standout attributes. Clients appreciate the personalized learning plans, tailored tutoring for specific exams like the ISEE and SAT, and the ability to communicate with bilingual educators. However, some negative experiences were noted, primarily concerning the onboarding process for tutors and responsiveness from the Tutor Me Education team, which may somewhat tarnish the company's customer service reputation. The common trend reflects a high level of satisfaction with the tutoring services, while administrative and communication aspects reveal occasional areas of discontent.

Positive Feedback

Positive customer feedback for Tutor Me Education - Los Angeles Tutors focuses on the exceptional quality and professionalism of the tutors. Clients emphasize the personalized care invested in their children's academic success, noting that tutors often go beyond expectations to support their learning needs. The bilingual capabilities of tutors make communication inclusive for diverse families. Moreover, customers appreciate the convenience and effectiveness of the platform in providing quality tutoring services, often with impressive outcomes such as high scores in standardized exams like the ISEE and SAT. These commendations highlight the company's strengths in expert tutoring and preparation for academic challenges.

Concerns and Threads

Despite many positive attributes, Tutor Me Education - Los Angeles Tutors also has areas requiring improvement as reflected by customer feedback. One significant concern arises from an applicant's experience where support and guidance on the functioning of the online platform were lacking, resulting in disappointment and unmet expectations for beginning a tutoring role. Additionally, issues related to customer service, including difficulty contacting the team and incomplete resolution of inquiries, highlight inconsistencies in the company's responsiveness and availability to both potential tutors and clients seeking assistance.

Frequently asked questions about Tutor Me Education

What type of tutoring services does Tutor Me Education offer?

Tutor Me Education provides personalized tutoring services across a range of subjects, including math, science, and standardized test preparation for exams such as the ISEE and SAT. They offer both on-demand and scheduled sessions, with qualified tutors that cater to specific learning needs.

Are the tutors at Tutor Me Education credentialed and experienced?

According to customer reviews, Tutor Me Education hires professional, credentialed, and experienced tutors. Some tutors have specializations, such as in special education, and others have been directly involved with standardized test boards.

How can I ensure that I will be satisfied with my tutor?

Tutor Me Education seems committed to matching clients with suitable tutors, and they provide follow-up reports after each session to ensure satisfaction. If any issues arise, it is recommended to communicate directly with the Tutor Me Education team for assistance.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Tutor Me Education

Tutor Me Education
leslie salazar
a year ago
Truly Quality and Professional tutors. The tutor we have been connected with actually cares and has been invested in our Childs success. She is credentialed in special education and always goes the extra distance to make sure we are supported. The Tutor Me Education team also set up a learning plan for my child far beyond what the district could ever do. We are grateful to have connected with Tutor ME! Also our tutor is bilingual which allows our whole family to easily communicate with progress updates. Thank you Jenna!
Tutor Me Education
Blake Lagardo
2 years ago
Absolutely perfect. Finally affordable tutoring on demand but with QUALITY Tutors and Teachers. Finding tutors online was easy but all were subpar until I found Tutor Me Education. Jamie, my UCLA tutor was fantastic for upper division calculus and linear algebra. Best system out there by far!
Tutor Me Education
Moen Rico
6 years ago
My daughter has been struggling with math and science over the last year. I have hired multiple tutors from various outlets (mostly from online websites that let us choose the tutors) – What a waste of my time! Not only were the tutors unresponsive, most of them would not commit for more than a moth or two. Tutor Me Education was the opposite! The staff was very professional and were with us every step of the way to ensure that we had the best possible tutor and that every session was perfect. We received a report of how everything went after every session… something the online platforms never offered. Tutor Me Education was the best tutor in Santa Monica. Don’t waste your time with other tutor websites and call them now!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Tutor Me Education's customers had a positive experience.

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About Tutor Me Education

Private Tutors
Hire a local private tutor! Tutor Me Education provides local tutoring to all areas in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Bel-Air, & More! Here are just some of the tutoring subjects we specialize in: Math tutoring, ISEE Tutoring, English tutoring, Science tutoring, History tutoring, SAT tutoring, ACT tutoring, LSAT tutoring, MCAT tutoring, GRE tutoring, GMAT tutoring, Calculus tutoring, Algebra tutoring, Geometry tutoring, Statistics Tutoring, Trigonometry Tutoring and much more! Hire your private tutor in Los Angeles today!