Philadelphia, PA
Private Tutors
The Tutoring Center
Teach Each Child LLC - Philadelphia, PA logo

The Tutoring Center Reviews Summary


Private Tutors | Philadelphia, PA


2734 Orthodox St, Philadelphia, PA 19137, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about The Tutoring Center?

As of Apr 16, 2024, 34 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.7 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of The Tutoring Center's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 16, 2024
Last updated
April 16, 2024

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The Tutoring Center's customer reviews analysis

Teach Each Child LLC, operating as The Tutoring Center in Philadelphia, PA, generally maintains a strong and positive reputation among its clientele. Reviews consistently highlight the center's professionalism, cleanliness, organization, and the tailored academic approach it provides for each child. The professional demeanor of the staff, as well as the welcoming and friendly atmosphere, contribute significantly to the overall customer experience, fostering confidence in the tutors' ability to improve academic performance. Notably, the no-contract, month-to-month payment model is mentioned as a distinct advantage, adding to the appeal for families seeking flexibility. However, amid largely positive feedback, there exists a concern regarding overcrowding and disorganization at one of the center's locations, which has impacted service quality for at least one client. The lack of adherence to the child’s school curriculum and issues with scheduling have also been characterized as detriments to the center's reputation, overshadowing the center's otherwise commendable attributes.

Positive Feedback

Customer testimonies for Teach Each Child LLC present a multifaceted overview of the positives associated with the tutoring services provided. Key aspects repeatedly applauded include the center’s approach to cleanliness and an environment that is conducive to learning. The tutoring center is described as organized, which is likely to enhance the learning experience. The staff's friendliness and professionalism are frequently commended, suggesting that interpersonal aspects factor considerably into customer satisfaction. Another major positive is the individualized attention and personalized learning plans offered to each child, signaling a commitment to address specific educational needs. Also noteworthy is the convenience offered through flexible payment options, such as the month-to-month payments with no contractual obligation, which seems to resonate well with the financial and commitment preferences of many patrons.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the commendations, Teach Each Child LLC is not without its criticisms. A significant negative aspect pertains to the reported overcrowding at a facility on Aramingo Avenue, pointing to potential resource limitations and management issues. This overcrowding has reportedly resulted in logistical mistakes, specifically in scheduling, which compromises the allotted tutoring time - a critical factor considering the tuition cost. Furthermore, an instance of the center's curriculum not aligning with a child’s school syllabus has raised concerns about the adequacy of academic support provided. The leadership's response to these problems, particularly from the director Rodney Marshall, is perceived as inadequate, with parents feeling their children's academic needs were not sufficiently met. Comparing this center unfavorably with other local services further illustrates the potential for dissatisfaction among clients seeking the best educational support for their children.

Frequently asked questions about The Tutoring Center

What is the payment structure for tutoring services at Teach Each Child LLC?

Teach Each Child LLC offers a month-to-month payment model for their tutoring services, with no requirement for a long-term contract commitment.

Does the tutoring provided at Teach Each Child LLC cater to individual student needs?

Yes, each child is assessed, and a personalized work plan is created to cater to their individual academic needs.

Does Teach Each Child LLC have any safety measures for in-person tutoring during the pandemic?

The Tutoring Center practices social distancing and maintains a clean environment to ensure the safety of students during in-person tutoring sessions.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for The Tutoring Center

The Tutoring Center
Barbara Scott-Wortham
2 years ago
I recently took the opportunity to personally visit The Tutoring Center in hopes of possibly establishing tutoring for a couple of my nephews. I was indeed pleasantly suprised with the quality and professionalism of the center! The level of professionalism, organization, cleanliness & bright atmosphere immediately stood out and after a brief tour, it was clear to see this is a place where anyone wanting/needing tutoring services should start here!
The Tutoring Center
Rosa Lopez
3 years ago
I happened to walk by the center and out of curiosity decided to see what the Tutoring Center would have to offer to my grandchildren. I was impressed with the set up, and the fact there are cameras everywhere. The center director was courteous the whole time. The best thing that got me hooked was the month to month payments and no contract commitment.
The Tutoring Center
Natasha Duprey
3 years ago
The tutoring center is very clean and organized. The staff is always friendly and professional. Each child is tested and given a work plan that caters to their individual needs. We are new to the tutoring center but i can already see the changes in my childs confidance when approching academic task.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of The Tutoring Center's customers had a positive experience.

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The Tutoring Center

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About The Tutoring Center

Private Tutors
Teach Each Child LLC Tutoring Center practices a One on One tutoring technique through that heightens student focus and concentration while they learn.