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Power Home Remodeling

Power Home Remodeling Reviews Summary


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Seaport Drive 2501 Chester 19013 US

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Power Home Remodeling?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 11597 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.6 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Power Home Remodeling's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

About this report

This report was produced by Trustguide on Mar 13, 2024, based on a randomly selected set of publicly available reviews, sorted by relevance. Trustguide uses Natural Language Processing to analyze the data set and produces unbiased and objective review summaries. See source

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Published on
January 18, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Power Home Remodeling's customers had a positive experience.

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Power Home Remodeling's customer reviews analysis

Power Home Remodeling appears to retain a considerably positive company reputation based on the feedback from the provided customer reviews. The praise in the reviews revolves primarily around several key aspects of the customer experience: professionalism, courtesy, efficiency, clean work environments, and quality of the installation work. Customer interactions, starting from sales representatives to installers, are frequently described as very informative, friendly, and non-pressurizing. The operational transparency and thorough communication throughout projects are well-received, enhancing customer trust. Another recurring theme is the tangible results delivered by the products, such as improved energy efficiency after roof and attic insulation system installations. Notably, the level of satisfaction has led to direct recommendations and referrals from existing customers, which signifies a high level of overall satisfaction and trust in the company's service offerings.

Positive Feedback

The positive aspects highlighted by customers focus predominantly on the professionalism and knowledgeability of the Power Home Remodeling staff, including salespeople and installers. The company's employees are commended for their courteous nature and efficient completion of projects - often ahead of schedule. The high quality of installation and the immediate, noticeable improvements to homes post-project install, such as energy cost savings, are also seen as definite strengths of the service. Moreover, the simplified and courteous customer service experience, including the absence of phone trees and the policy of not placing customers on hold, is another attribute contributing to positive sentiments. Transparent billing practices and the provision of adjustments when overcharges occur further demonstrate integrity and fairness, thus enhancing the company's reputation.

Concerns and Threads

Although the reviews provided are predominantly positive, there is mention of 'minor damage to the drywall in the kitchen window' during an installation. While this point of criticism stands relatively isolated within the context of overall glowing reviews, it does suggest the potential for unintended property damage during project execution. However, it is important to note that this instance seems to be an exception rather than a trend in the feedback. No other significant negative patterns have been identified in the reviews provided, indicating that negative experiences with Power Home Remodeling are not common or were not expressed in the given datasets.

Frequently asked questions about Power Home Remodeling

What can I expect in terms of communication and project updates from Power Home Remodeling?

Customers report excellent communication from Power Home Remodeling. You can expect to be kept in the loop about project progress, with the company maintaining tidy work environments and providing clear explanations of work being performed.

Is Power Home Remodeling considered trustworthy when it comes to billing and pricing?

Yes, Power Home Remodeling has been recognized for its integrity in billing practices. One review noted the company's proactive approach in rectifying an overcharge, which highlights their commitment to fairness and transparency.

How do customers generally feel about the professionalism and expertise of Power Home Remodeling installers?

Customer feedback consistently indicates that installers are professional, knowledgeable, and efficient. The install teams are frequently commended for their friendly demeanor and for ensuring that worksites are clean after job completion.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Power Home Remodeling

Power Home Remodeling
2024-01-17 18:50:13 +00:00
Very professional (all), VERY courteous (all), very well explained. Jared was amazing at going over all the paperwork in an easy to understand way. Absolutely loved talking with him. He's the kind of person everyone needs in their life.
Power Home Remodeling
2024-01-18 03:01:36 +00:00
My new roof and attic insulation system has more than lived up to expectations. My cost is now lower than average for my area. Installers were efficient and friendly. I also appreciate the ease of speaking with customer service. I have never had to deal with a phone tree and have never been put on hold!
Power Home Remodeling
Diane Anderson
2024-01-18 02:43:29 +00:00
Everyone we met and dealt with was very nice and courteous! The guys who actually did the installation were very nice and knew what they were doing. The completed the job and were finished by the end of the day. They cleaned up any messes and we were impressed with all of the professionalism! Great job everyone!!
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