Olympic Fence Reviews Summary


Fencing Contractors | New York, NY


100-35 Atlantic Ave, Queens, NY 11418, United States

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Olympic Fence?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 89 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Olympic Fence's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
January 29, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Olympic Fence's customer reviews analysis

Olympic Fence's reputation appears to be a mix of commendation and criticism based on recent reviews. Positive experiences highlight the efficiency of installations, professional and hardworking crews, and exceptional customer service from certain team members. On the other hand, negative reflections center on issues such as perceived unprofessional behavior by staff, concerns over the quality of the fencing, and a possible lack of consistency in customer service. Recurring themes include praise for the speed and standards of installations, as well as a family-owned business aura; however, there are repeated concerns about customer interactions that suggest possible improvements in professional conduct and communication processes.

Positive Feedback

A significant proportion of feedback for Olympic Fence emphasizes the company's effective and quick service delivery, specifically noting a professional approach to fence installation tasks. Customers are particularly impressed with the expeditious completion of projects, attention to detail, and the finesse of the final product. Moreover, the company is recognized for its capacity to undertake complex commercial projects, exemplified by one instance of installing a comprehensive fencing system rapidly. Additionally, positive interactions with staff, particularly on-site teams like Charlie, Juan, and Monty, contribute to customer satisfaction. The helpful guidance provided during the consultancy phase and the resolution of issues without high-pressure sales tactics is also commended. Some positive experiences were recounted concerning the provision of supplies, courteous service, and personal acknowledgment of customer referrals.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the positives, Olympic Fence has garnered considerable criticism on aspects that affect customer trust and satisfaction. Reviewers have expressed dissatisfaction with certain employees' attitudes, highlighting experiences with unprofessional behavior, disorganization, and rude communication that are particularly off-putting. Complaints range from the unfortunate incident with 'creepy Carl,' a fencing estimator's unannounced visit, to antagonistic encounters with customer service personnel, specifically Vicky. These accounts suggest an area of internal culture that might need addressing. Quality concerns have also been raised, with one client feeling the installed fence was inadequate to address privacy and security issues with a neighbor. The aforementioned issues, combined with reports of a rigid cash-only policy and claims of delayed or incorrect orders, sketch a picture of organizational challenges that could impact the company's long-term reputation and customer loyalty.

Frequently asked questions about Olympic Fence

How quickly can Olympic Fence complete a large commercial fencing project?

Olympic Fence has received praise for completing large-scale fencing installations efficiently. As per a review, an extensive fence installation of 200 feet was completed within two working days, indicating the potential for quick turnaround times for commercial projects.

Does Olympic Fence provide quotes and consultations for potential jobs?

Yes, Olympic Fence provides consultations for potential jobs. Customers are guided through each phase of the project without high-pressure sales tactics. However, it's advisable to maintain clear communication to ensure mutual understanding and service expectations.

What payment methods does Olympic Fence accept for supplies and services?

There are indications from customer feedback that Olympic Fence may have a preference for cash transactions. Customers reported a cash-only policy for supplies, which could be a consideration for those who prefer alternative payment methods.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Olympic Fence

Olympic Fence
David Balkan
8 months ago
Olympic Fence just completed a major fence installation for me at our company's commercial property: Installing approximately 200' of 8' high steel fencing and poles. They are also removed 2 pre-existing fences that were each about 200' long. In additon, they installed a rolling gate across my commercial driveway. To be honest, I find it amazing that the full scope of work was completed in just two work days. What a hardworking crew; and equally professional. I now have a stunning showpiece of a fence, done at an incredibly reasonable cost, and to super high standards. I always try to use the best vendors available for all of my projects, and Olympic sure met those standards. Kudos, and thanks to a great family owned and operated neighborhood business! Check out "after", "during" and "before": Service: Fence installation
Olympic Fence
Sheena Shook
6 months ago
Disorganized and creepy! Also when you call to comment on the fact that the fencing estimator was just in your backyard after you specifically said you would not be available to meet them at this new time, they defend creepy Carl’s actions instead of apologizing for his unprofessional behavior. He lied and said I told him to go in the yard not realizing that I was the person he spoke to on the phone. Then he said, “Hey honey I had an appointment”. No sir, you did not have an appointment to go in my back yard unattended. You certainly did not have an appointment to scare my children when they saw you in the backyard. I have dogs and am getting a new fence because I am concerned they will get out. Of course I would not give someone permission to go in my backyard unattended. Unprofessional and creepy. Then called me honey on top of it to undercut my point about his creepy lying behavior. I was already planning to use someone else because of the hectic chaos leading up to the appointment. Multiple repeat phone calls while I was in a meeting. Miscommunication between front office and field crew. Now a demonstration of no ethics. This is obviously a culture problem. I wish I had seen the other 1 star review before scheduling with them. The way they talk to potential clients is terrible & condescending. I completely agree with everything the other 1 star reviewer said. Whew. Lots to unpack there. Step 1: Stop acting annoyed when your clients are speaking. Step 2: Reel in creepy Carl’s unannounced, trespassing peek-a-boo backyard visits. Step 3: Assume your clients deserve basic common courtesy and respect. Watch sales go through the roof!
Olympic Fence
Rev G
a month ago
Our mentally-ill neighbor has been harassing us for months, and this company built a poor-quality fence that allows them to harass us further. They have no morals, they only care about money. Update: our crazy neighbor has been arrested and we now have an order of protection against them. It's like they say: karma is a B :)
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Olympic Fence's customers had a positive experience.

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