Flooring Contractors
Luxury Flooring And Furnishings

Luxury Flooring And Furnishings Reviews Summary


Flooring Contractors | Leeds


1 Canal Pl, Leeds LS12 2DU

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Luxury Flooring And Furnishings?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 528 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 3.7 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Luxury Flooring And Furnishings's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 25, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Luxury Flooring And Furnishings's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of Luxury Flooring and Furnishings is predominantly positive, reflected through several key elements mentioned in recent customer reviews. Customers praise the quality of products, particularly engineered wood and laminate flooring, and feel satisfied with their purchases, often expressing intent to buy again for other rooms in their homes. The company's website is commended for ease of use, and the provision of samples, which play a significant role in the decision-making process, enhances the customer experience. Follow-up support regarding fitting and aftercare is appreciated, maintaining a balance of being helpful while not overly intrusive. However, there is a notable instance of dissatisfaction concerning delivery issues, where a customer's flooring was attempted to be delivered to the wrong address multiple times, leading to frustration and inconvenience. Communication difficulties in resolving delivery problems also detract from an otherwise commendable customer service record.

Positive Feedback

Positive customer feedback highlights a number of key elements that contribute to Luxury Flooring and Furnishings' favorable reputation. Firstly, the accessibility and functionality of the website have been praised for facilitating an easy and efficient shopping experience. Secondly, the provision of flooring samples, often accompanied by complimentary tea and biscuits, has left a lasting positive impression, indicating a thoughtful approach to customer care. The product range, including the quality and finish of engineered wood and laminate flooring, has largely met or exceeded customer expectations, helping cement trust in the company's offerings. Furthermore, swift delivery and the helpfulness, patience, and attentiveness of customer service representatives like Lewis have been influential in establishing a reliable and professional image.

Concerns and Threads

On the flip side, the principal negative aspect arising from customer feedback pertains to delivery issues. A customer reported not receiving their flooring due to it being erroneously delivered to the wrong address, with repeated offenses causing significant inconvenience. Furthermore, the same customer highlighted an inefficient communication system, finding it difficult to get through on the phone to resolve the delivery mishap. Another minor critique involves a sample not representing the full effect of the flooring, though it did not ultimately deter the customer from placing an order. These negative experiences could potentially harm the perception of the brand's reliability and customer service efficiency.

Frequently asked questions about Luxury Flooring And Furnishings

How can I ensure that the flooring I order will look like the samples provided?

Our samples are intended to provide a close representation of the final product. To ensure satisfaction, please review multiple samples to get a comprehensive idea of the variations and textures. Keep in mind that, on rare occasions, the full flooring effect may differ slightly due to natural variations.

What is the process if there's an issue with the delivery of my order?

In the unlikely event of a delivery issue, our customer service team is committed to resolving the matter promptly. We advise customers to contact us directly, either by phone or email, to assist with correcting any delivery mishaps and to ensure your order arrives at the correct destination.

Can I return or change my flooring order after it has been placed?

Customers can make changes to their order up to the point of finalizing it for dispatch. For any modifications or to discuss our return policy, we encourage customers to contact our sales team, who can provide assistance tailored to individual needs.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Luxury Flooring And Furnishings

Luxury Flooring And Furnishings
Andrew Ellis
3 days ago
Recently bought some engineered wood flooring from Luxury Flooring and Furnishings for our new extension. Really good website, easy to find exactly what we needed. A good range of products and accessories, super service, especially being able to get samples of flooring to check "in the flesh". The prices were as good as anywhere, very happy with the overall experience. The follow-up was just right, not too intrusive, just the right level of support emails for fitting and aftercare. I would be happy to recommend and I'll probably return again for some of the other rooms.
Luxury Flooring And Furnishings
Laura Finney
2 weeks ago
Great customer service from Lewis. I ordered some samples and he gave me a call to discuss my requirements to make sure I could get all of the flooring i needed for my project in the time I needed it for. He was pleasant and patient and managed to give me a great price. I look forward to receiving my flooring
Luxury Flooring And Furnishings
Beauty Sandra Igene
a month ago
Amazing service. I ordered for two samples to match flooring and the Engineering Oak matches what we were looking for. The delivery came with a little treat. Tea bags and Bitscuit . This was a lovely thought from a company. We're going to place our orders once we receive our new home keys. Product was great. Good quality and nice finishing.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Luxury Flooring And Furnishings's customers had a positive experience.

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Luxury Flooring And Furnishings

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About Luxury Flooring And Furnishings

Flooring Contractors

Luxury Flooring stocks the finest selection of beautiful, affordable and robust flooring to transform any home. Our range includes the finest in solid wooden flooring, laminate flooring, carpets, engineered wooden flooring and every fixture and fitting you’ll need for installation – all at discounted prices.
