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Juicy Reviews Summary


Juice Bar | Glasgow


284 Byres Rd, Hillhead, Glasgow G12 8AW

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Juicy?

As of Apr 25, 2024, 127 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Juicy's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

10/10 experience

warm place to stay

great place to get amazing food

bringing the build-your-own salads back

natural, fresh and tastes great

service is lovely

Not good at all

It used to be great

huge disappointment

so disappointing

extremely rude

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 25, 2024
Last updated
April 25, 2024

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Juicy's customer reviews analysis

Customer experiences at Juicy are varied but contain identifiable trends that impact the company's reputation. Patrons have frequently mentioned the quality of customer service, often describing staff as friendly and going above and beyond, with specific employees like Aurora receiving individual praise. The location's ambiance, with its Instagrammable quality and music selection, also receives positive remarks. However, a notable segment of feedback suggests dissatisfaction with recent menu changes, specifically lamenting the loss of 'build-your-own' salad and rice bowl options and noting a perceived decrease in value due to increased prices and reduced portion sizes. The freshness of ingredients and the inclusion of vegetarian and vegan options are regular positive highlights, though, some reviews indicate inconsistency in product quality, such as underfilled juices and lack of advertised menu items. These mixed reviews illustrate a challenge for Juicy in managing customer expectations with shifts in their product offerings.

Positive Feedback

The positive feedback for Juicy centers on its customer service, with staff described as consistently friendly, attentive, and going the extra mile for the clientele. Specific employee mentions, such as the commendation of Aurora, exemplify the personal connection that customers appreciate. Another resounding theme in the positive feedback is the quality and freshness of food, particularly the vegan and vegetarian options. Customers are enthusiastic about the taste and perceived healthiness of the meals, with special note of the value offered by the food portions. Additionally, the aesthetically pleasing nature of the venue and its atmosphere, including musical tastes, contribute to a satisfactory dining experience for many patrons.

Concerns and Threads

On the flip side, recurring negative feedback for Juicy centers on issues with product offerings and pricing structures. Customer disappointment is evident due to menu changes that have removed popular items like 'build-your-own' salads and rice bowls, leading to a sense of reduced choice and customization. Price increases are another pain point for customers, with some perceiving the adjustments as diminishing value, particularly when combined with smaller portion sizes or less generous toppings. There also seem to be occasional lapses in food quality and preparation, with underfilled juices and missing ingredients from the menu description. Furthermore, issues like overly warm interior temperatures and isolated incidents of poor staff attitudes have marred the overall customer experience for some visitors.

Frequently asked questions about Juicy

Has the 'build-your-own' salad option been permanently removed from the menu?

Recent feedback indicates that Juicy had removed 'build-your-own' salads from their menu but has since reintroduced them, albeit with some changes that have impacted customer satisfaction regarding the quality and variety offered.

Are there sufficient vegetarian and vegan options available at Juicy?

Yes, customers have positively highlighted the availability of vegetarian and vegan options, with specific mentions of items like the Vegan Duck rice bowl. Juicy is appreciated for its fresh ingredients and inclusive menu catering to different dietary preferences.

Does Juicy accommodate special dietary requests or customizations?

While the recent menu changes have led to a perceived decrease in customization options, historically, Juicy has been known for allowing customers to build their own meals. It remains unclear to what extent they currently accommodate special dietary requests.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Juicy

Rachel Roy
3 months ago
Every time I go to Juicy I always have a 10/10 experience. The staff in Byres Road go above and beyond to make my experience a good one, with both the amazing food they serve and the outstanding customer service. Today, I tried the Vegan Duck rice bowl, which was amazing, an incredible substitute for vegans or veggies! Along with a Greens number 2 fresh juice, both of which were prepared freshly to order. Juicy itself is a super instagrammable location (and the staff have great music taste!) Will always be a returning customer, my favourite lunch. Vegetarian options: Amazing vegetarian and vegan options
Jian Feng
a month ago
I think it’s a warm place to stay and they gave us a free drink because of the delay ! I really enjoy it !
Charlie Hudson
a month ago
Not good at all, taking people's money and giving a poor product. The juice was half filled with ice cubes. The rice bowl was not as it said on the menu, no wholegrain rice, no spinach and underwhelming. Braehead staff were lovely and offered a free juice to compensate.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 50% of Juicy's customers had a positive experience.

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Juice Bar