Juice Bar
Joe & The Juice

Joe & The Juice Reviews Summary


Juice Bar | Liverpool


John Lewis, 70 S John St, Liverpool L1 8BJ

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What do customers say about Joe & The Juice?

As of Apr 16, 2024, 332 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Joe & The Juice's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 16, 2024
Last updated
April 16, 2024

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Joe & The Juice's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of JOE & THE JUICE, as gleaned from recent customer reviews, reflects a mix of experiences. Positive feedback emphasizes friendly staff, a clean environment, tasty offerings with flavorful spicy tuna and quality ingredients, and an enjoyable atmosphere conducive to relaxation. Repeated praise is directed towards the customer service, highlighting staff who go out of their way to accommodate and engage, which contributes to a pleasant customer experience. On the other hand, there are noteworthy complaints about inconsistent service standards, specifically at the Liverpool branch, which include unacknowledged wait times, perceived rudeness, and inattention to order detail that impacted the quality of experience. Issues with refunds and misinformation about processing procedures also surface as clear detriments to the customer experience. Further, some customers find the pricing to be high given the portion sizes, and there are occasional remarks about the ambiance being less than ideal, with comments about excessive noise levels and uncomfortable temperatures.

Positive Feedback

JOE & THE JUICE receives commendable remarks for the quality of its product offerings, especially the spicy tuna sandwiches, which are frequently described as having great flavor and being made with good-quality ingredients. The customer service also stands out as a strong point, characterized by friendly, accommodating, and memorable interactions with staff who make an effort to know customers and personalize service. The atmosphere of the venues is generally appreciated, described as clean, friendly, and relaxed, creating a suitable environment for enjoyment. The freshness of the juices is verified by customer testimonies, and the overall enjoyment of the food and beverage offerings is a consistent element of positive feedback, indicating that JOE & THE JUICE meets, and sometimes exceeds, taste expectations for its target market.

Concerns and Threads

Certain negative aspects concerning JOE & THE JUICE are recurrent in customer reviews. The Liverpool branch, in particular, has been singled out for subpar customer service, with reports of uncommunicative staff and a lack of courtesy in acknowledging wait times or providing apologies for service delays. Moreover, issues with the handling of refunds and misinformation given by in-store staff have led to customer frustration and a perception of incompetence. The prices are considered steep by some patrons, especially relative to the portion sizes of the juices, making the value proposition a point of contention. Additionally, comments about an uncomfortable store atmosphere due to loud music, high temperatures, and cleanliness have adversely affected the customer experience.

Frequently asked questions about Joe & The Juice

What are the standout menu items at JOE & THE JUICE?

Customers have highlighted the spicy tuna sandwich as an exceptional item for its flavor and quality ingredients. Freshly made juices are also a favorite among patrons for their fresh taste.

Is the customer service experience at JOE & THE JUICE consistent across branches?

Reviews suggest that customer service quality can vary by location. While some branches receive high praise for their friendly and engaging staff, others, like the Liverpool branch, have been criticized for a lack of attentive service.

Are the prices at JOE & THE JUICE reflective of the value received?

Opinions on value for money are mixed. Some customers feel the prices are justified by the product quality, while others believe the prices are high for the portion sizes offered, particularly for the smaller-sized juices.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Joe & The Juice

Joe & The Juice
natalia maggiora
4 weeks ago
Great members of staff :) The two males and a female were lovely, friendly and helpful. I have ordered two items through the app and I had a request in regards my order - they were accommodating and it made my experience enjoyable. Thanks guys x
Joe & The Juice
Dawud Shahid
5 months ago
I came today for my spicy tuna. An English girl with brown hair served me but as I waited to be served she didn’t acknowledge my wait or say ‘bear with me’ she literally just stared. When I was served no apology for the wait. My sandwich I felt like she didn’t spread the filling which made me feel sick. My name wasn’t called out when my order was ready I had to go up myself when they knew I was waiting. The girl with brown hair was so rude she was working Liverpool branch 3.55 14/11. Really disappointed. Shop was also quiet so they have time to give good customer service but chose to be rude. Is there a customer care email I can discuss this issue further? I am shocked that they treat customers like this. I am regularly visiting Joe juice but the Liverpool branch is the worst.
Joe & The Juice
sienna oni
a month ago
shambles of an establishment. don’t usually pop into these places but did. first they said 5min delay. which was fine with me. then 10mins later a woman told me it’d now be 15mins would i like a refund? i said sure. went to scan my card i payed with so it could be sent back, she said no need it just “gets sent back to me”. 1 week goes by, come back into store asking about my refund that never arrived, met with gormless staff that went to “ring someone” about it, came back and a girl said to “just email customer service”, who of which informed me apologetic that none of their establishments hold any customers data at all, so my refund was never on its way and i was lied to lol. thankfully customer service dealt with my refund, but they seemed quite humiliated by the service i received.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Joe & The Juice's customers had a positive experience.

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