Art Galleries
Gallery Of Modern Art
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Gallery Of Modern Art Reviews Summary


Art Galleries | Glasgow


111 Queen St, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow G1 3AH

Trustguide Rating

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What do customers say about Gallery Of Modern Art?

As of Apr 15, 2024, 1021 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Gallery Of Modern Art's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 15, 2024
Last updated
April 15, 2024

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Gallery Of Modern Art's customer reviews analysis

The Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow has been met with a generally positive response from visitors, suggesting a solid reputation within the local and tourist community. Customers appreciate its central location, free entrance, and the variety of contemporary art displayed across several floors. The building's neo-classical architecture, complemented by a café and library in the basement, enhances the overall visitor experience. However, ongoing external renovations seem to somewhat detract from the full experience, as visitors have noted difficulties in recognizing the gallery due to obscured signage and scaffolding. Another noted aspect is the gallery’s commitment to community outreach, offering free resources to residents and interactive stations that engage visitors in the creative process. Though reviews highlight a positive experience with access to famous artists like Warhol and opportunities for tranquility in the downstairs library, some guests find the gallery lacking in terms of exhibited content, mentioning sparsity in certain areas or floors that were closed during their visit.

Positive Feedback

Visitors of the Gallery of Modern Art praise several key aspects which contribute to positive customer feedback. First, the facility’s location in the heart of Glasgow and the no-cost entry are universally appreciated, making art accessible to a wider audience. The gallery's presentation of art, with multiple floors dedicated to contemporary works, is noted as inviting and well-curated. Additionally, it is commended for its community support, offering resources like free sanitary products and food programs. The building’s architecture and the provision of a café and library are also mentioned favorably for complementing the art experience. Visitors enjoy the dynamic nature of exhibitions that cater to varied tastes, with some highlighting specific retrospectives, like the 2023 Banksy exhibition, as highlights of their visit to Glasgow.

Concerns and Threads

Although the Gallery of Modern Art is well-regarded, certain criticisms have been noted in customer feedback which may impact the decision-making for potential visitors. The ongoing external renovations have caused inconvenience for some visitors, leading to confusion regarding the gallery's operational status and a partially compromised aesthetic experience. This disruption has been accentuated by insufficient signage to navigate around the renovations. Additionally, some visitors have expressed a desire for a wider range of exhibits, feeling that certain areas of the gallery appear sparse or finding the modern art difficult to understand. Critically, closures of specific floors, as observed in some reviews, may lead to disappointment for visitors expecting a full offering.

Frequently asked questions about Gallery Of Modern Art

Is there an entrance fee to visit the Gallery of Modern Art?

No, entry to the Gallery of Modern Art is free, although occasionally there may be special exhibitions that may have an entrance fee.

Are there any facilities for visitors within the Gallery of Modern Art?

Yes, the gallery has a café and a library in the basement where visitors can enjoy a quiet break. Additionally, there are accessible restrooms available.

Can visitors expect new art on future visits to the Gallery of Modern Art?

Yes, the main exhibition space adapts continuously, offering new art experiences on future visits that can vary greatly according to personal taste.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Gallery Of Modern Art

Gallery Of Modern Art
Nikos Parastatidis
a month ago
Contemporary art is heavily represented in this gallery. Right in the center of Glasgow, it is easily accessible, entrance is free and there are multiple floors and spaces to enjoy art. The main hall exhibits two local artists at the moment. The building itself is a beautiful neo-classical melange and is currently undergoing restoration. There is also nice cafe and library in the basement with easily accessible restrooms.
Gallery Of Modern Art
3 months ago
Hard to get the full experience whilst Goma is under renovation externally. The building itself is an integral part of its story and infused with the collections. Like all museums in Glasgow it has free entry and is continuously adapting its main exhibition space (gallery 1) so on future visits you might find the art more or less to your taste. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” as they say. Adelante!
Gallery Of Modern Art
5 months ago
More than art. Good layout, cute gift store, and little library and cafe in the basement. I don’t really understand modern art, but I love that it exists for residents for free. There’s also creative stations for you to engage with the the art and create art. They also put a lot of focus on making sure resident visitors know the resources available for them like free feminine hygiene resources for menstruating women, food programs for those in scarcity. They are doing more than most museums of modern art. Love that.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Gallery Of Modern Art's customers had a positive experience.

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Gallery Of Modern Art

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About Gallery Of Modern Art

Art Galleries
Eye-catching mansion with permanent collection, temporary exhibitions & artists' talks.