Primary School
Woolton Primary School

Woolton Primary School Reviews Summary


Primary School | Liverpool


Liverpool L25 5NN

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What do customers say about Woolton Primary School?

As of Apr 16, 2024, 9 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Woolton Primary School's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 16, 2024
Last updated
April 16, 2024

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Woolton Primary School's customer reviews analysis

Evaluating the overall company reputation of Woolton Primary School via recent reviews presents a mixed picture. Positive feedback highlights the school's extraordinary grotto and lauds its facilities, staff, and educational offerings which create an environment where children thrive and look forward to their school experience. Some reviews suggest that the school is renowned in Liverpool and is associated with excellent afterschool activities and club participation. However, isolated incidents tarnish this perception with experiences of organizational mishaps and staff behavior falling short of expectations. A particular case involving a young child being denied a bathroom break has led to serious concerns regarding the handling of student welfare and communication protocols with parents. These negative instances, while fewer, carry significant weight and are potentially detrimental to the school's reputation due to the sensitive nature of the issues raised.

Positive Feedback

Woolton Primary School has been recognized in several reviews for its exceptional school environment. Feedback commends the school for its fabulous facilities and fantastic staff who contribute positively to students' growth. Parents have expressed satisfaction with the school's ability to engage children with new experiences, helping them thrive academically and socially. Moreover, there is an appreciation for the breadth of afterschool activities and clubs, particularly in the realm of sports, where children have the chance to participate in city-wide events. These aspects affirm the school's reputation as being one of the top choices among primary schools in Liverpool, with families recommending it to others based on these strengths.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the general positivity, Woolton Primary School faces notable criticism that cannot be ignored. A distressing incident involving a child refused access to toilet facilities by a staff member has sparked concerns about basic student rights and the school's handling of personal dignity and bullying. Furthermore, the issue of inadequate communication with parents is evident, exacerbating the situation. Another review expresses disappointment with the organization of a school fair where children were denied the opportunity to see Father Christmas due to ticketing issues. These instances reveal organizational shortcomings and suggest that some staff actions may be inconsistent with the high standards expected by parents and the community.

Frequently asked questions about Woolton Primary School

Does Woolton Primary School offer afterschool activities and clubs?

Yes, Woolton Primary School offers a variety of afterschool activities and clubs, including opportunities to participate in external sporting events around the city.

How does the school communicate with parents regarding student welfare?

Communication concerning student welfare at Woolton Primary School typically involves direct contact with teachers or staff. However, some reviews have indicated areas for improvement, particularly in serious incidents.

What is Woolton Primary School’s reputation within Liverpool?

Woolton Primary School enjoys a positive reputation in Liverpool for its facilities, staff, and contribution to student experience, with some considering it to be a top primary school in the city. Nonetheless, some isolated negative reviews highlight areas for potential improvement.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Woolton Primary School

Woolton Primary School
Will Kirby games
6 years ago
In response to the review below. The school fair is organised and run by a small group of parents and friends of the school and therefore this incident cannot be held up as a reflection of the school or it's staff. Furthermore we have contacted the lady involved and her grandchild is being rung by Father Christmas himself on Saturday, a resolution she seemed happy with. Our school grotto must be one of the best in Liverpool, it's very popular and we have to stop selling tickets during the fair or Santa would be there all night.
Woolton Primary School
6 years ago
Disgusting staff! took a one year old and 2 year old to the Christmas fair to see Father Christmas was aware there was a charge they just wanted to see Father Christmas waited in the que in hail stones the lot to get told they can’t go in as we need a raffle ticket and there all sold out !! My children will never attend a PRIMARY school with staff who deny children like that they didn’t even want a present!! And now I have one very upset little boy!
Woolton Primary School
Natalie Obrien
5 years ago
My child attends this school he is only 5 years old asked if he could go to the toilet was told by a teacher assistant named miss Willis that he was not allowed very shocking as that’s your human rights to go the toilet. Because she never let him go he the weed himself infrount of all of his class friends, he was very embarrassed and ashamed miss Willis did not apologise to my child how disgusting and still has not. He went to change into his p.e kit and heard his class mates in the toilet skitting him he was then bullied for it all day ,1 child even dragged him across the floor, he was sent to medical but I was not given a slip to be aware of that. His accident happened at around 11am he was left stinking off wee all day had no socks on as they was soaking with wee so his p.e pumps had been rubbing all day which have caused blisters on his heels. If only he had been allowed to go the toilet this could of saved my son a lot of embarrassment been bullied and humiliated . I have since tried to speake to miss Willis about this matter but as she is an assistant am told I am not allowed have to speake to his teacher, I have also asked to speak to head teacher but she was not available and children broke up from school today so have to wait until kids go back in November. Just feel really disappointed because when your children go to school you want to be assured that there in good hands. Also not happy that a member of staff took my child out of his class asking him are new addresses? What child that young knows where they live very unprofessional should always ask parents not children my child doesn’t really no that teacher it’s stranger danger .
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Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Woolton Primary School's customers had a positive experience.

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Primary School