Primary School
Moor Green Primary Academy
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Moor Green Primary Academy Reviews Summary


Primary School | Birmingham


Moor Green Ln, Birmingham B13 8QP

Trustguide Rating

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What do customers say about Moor Green Primary Academy?

As of Apr 16, 2024, 36 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Moor Green Primary Academy's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 16, 2024
Last updated
April 16, 2024

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Moor Green Primary Academy's customer reviews analysis

Moor Green Primary Academy has garnered positive acclaim from parents and pupils alike, as evidenced in recent reviews. The feedback consistently underscores the nurturing and supportive environment fostered by the school's staff and teachers, who are frequently praised for their dedication and attentiveness to individual student needs. Parents often cite not only academic improvement in their children since attending Moor Green but also notable enhancements in confidence, social skills, and enthusiasm for learning. Additionally, parents appreciate the school's robust anti-bullying policies, activities such as forest school and extracurricular clubs, and events facilitated by an active PTA. Indeed, Moor Green's reputation is bolstered by these repeated positive experiences, leading to high recommendations from current school families.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects that emerge from the customer feedback about Moor Green Primary Academy include an environment that is both nurturing and conducive to student development. The school's approach is characterized by a deep recognition of children as individuals and an emphasis on care and safety. Parents have expressed high satisfaction with the school's capacity to support children through challenges, exemplified through tailored attention when a child faced a physical injury, and providing valuable social experiences for those formerly homeschooled. Academic excellence is noted, with reports of Moor Green achieving top SAT scores nationally. Furthermore, innovative learning experiences, such as forest school and contact with nature, not only enrich academic life but also contribute to students' happiness and motivation.

Concerns and Threads

While predominantly positive, the reviews provide minimal direct insights into any significant shortcomings or negative experiences at Moor Green Primary Academy. It is worth noting, however, that one family initially could not secure a place for one of their children due to space limitations. Additionally, there is a brief mention of the children's previous school experience involving lack of attention from teachers and harshness from peers; these negative aspects were resolved upon moving to Moor Green. The absence of further criticism could suggest that any negative experiences are either infrequent or overshadowed by the school's successes as per the provided reviews.

Frequently asked questions about Moor Green Primary Academy

How does Moor Green Primary Academy accommodate students from non-English speaking backgrounds?

Based on a parent’s account, Moor Green Primary Academy is inclusive and its teachers treat each child as an individual, ensuring children from non-English speaking countries are welcomed without prejudice and are supported in their growth academically and socially.

What extracurricular activities and special programs does Moor Green offer?

Moor Green provides a variety of extracurricular activities, including a forest school, local and regional trips, and a range of clubs. The school also has a PTA that organizes many events, enhancing the school community experience.

What efforts does Moor Green Primary Academy make to ensure child safety and well-being?

The school is commended by parents for creating a safe environment, with attentive staff that handles individual concerns effectively, such as providing support for a child with a broken leg. Additionally, anti-bullying policies and a play-led approach to learning contribute to overall child well-being.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Moor Green Primary Academy

Moor Green Primary Academy
Nur Izzah Abd Azes
a year ago
I come here on March 2021 from non-English speaking country with my family. Both my daughters have to go other school since Moor Green doesn't have a space for one of my daughter. The teacher there wasn't so keen enough to pay attention to them, and other kids were harsh. New terms came and there are placement for both of my children at Moor Green. I wasn't having high expectation prior to previous school experience. But after a year, I can say that I am very happy and grateful with the school and teachers. Teacher are so nice, they didn't have prejudice and treat each kids as an individual. I can see my kids growing so much they become brave, confident, well behave, good in social skills and not to mention good on the academic side as well. They really enjoy going to school and make a lot of good friends as all kids enjoy each other company. They also have anti-bully policies which make the kids support each other if bullying happen. I would like to say thank you for all the teacher, I am grateful from the bottom of my heart and hopefully my kids will enjoy the rest of their school years with Moor Green and proud to be the alumni.
Moor Green Primary Academy
Jackie Logan
5 years ago
Our girls have flourished at Moor Green Primary School and loved the teachers and staff. We always feel our girls are safe and cared for. When our daughter broke her leg the staff were amazing and it never became an issue for our daughter. We really feel the teachers know our girls and treat them as individuals. The teachers are always honest with us and listen to any concerns we have. We highly recommend the school.
Moor Green Primary Academy
Skiesof Clarity
8 years ago
We home schooled our daughter to give her a child centered education and we felt being born in August, she was too young to start full-time education straight away. Half way into the reception year she would have been placed in, we felt she was ready and decided she would benefit from being in a school with a larger social circle. I compared Moor Green Primary Academy with another local primary school and decided on Moor Green Primary as they are a lot more focused on the making learning an engaging and interactive experience. They show genuine care of the children and their well-being and our views as parents were heard and valued, both at the initial viewing and in the whole time our daughter has been attending this school nearly a year later. The school dinners are varied and nutritious, and they provide a good selection of extracurricular activities both within school time/play time and after school. I love the fact this school has it's own gardens and beautiful woodland and parkland so close by, which they use as much as they can to enhance the learning experience. The staff work extremely hard and are passionate about providing the best rounded education for the children hence the high rating from me. Thank you to the staff of Moor Green Academy for your dedication!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Moor Green Primary Academy's customers had a positive experience.

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Moor Green Primary Academy

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Primary School