Atlanta, GA
Tattoo Shops
Timeless Tattoo
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Timeless Tattoo Reviews Summary


Tattoo Shops | Atlanta, GA


2271 Cheshire Bridge Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30324, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Timeless Tattoo?

As of Jul 06, 2024, 347 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Timeless Tattoo's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

people are very friendly

work done here is excellent

my tattoo came out great

artists did excellent work

Di is extremely talented

very nice and professional

absolutely beautiful

perfectly replicate

lines are straight, thin and beautiful

consistent, abysmal customer treatment

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
July 6, 2024
Last updated
July 6, 2024

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Timeless Tattoo's customer reviews analysis

Timeless Tattoo appears to have cultivated a reputation for exceptional artistic skill and a friendly, professional environment, as observed from recent customer reviews. Clients consistently praise the high-quality artistry of the tattoos, often citing that the final results surpass their expectations and are of a superior standard. The tattooists at Timeless Tattoo, particularly Marcel, Di, Kristin, Lew, and Brian Snape, have been highlighted for their ability to accurately translate clients' visions into finely executed tattoos, demonstrating technical proficiency and creativity. Additionally, the helpful and enjoyable interactions with staff, such as Andrew at the front desk, contribute to a positive overall experience for clients. There is, however, a notable instance of dissatisfaction where a long-time customer experienced arrogant and dismissive behavior from one artist, which has impacted their perception of the studio's customer service negatively.

Positive Feedback

The positive customer feedback for Timeless Tattoo centers on several key aspects. Firstly, the professionalism and approachability of the staff, including non-tattooing personnel like Andrew, enhance the shop's ambiance. A sense of cleanliness and excellent staff demeanor contribute to clients feeling welcome. Secondly, the remarkable talent of the artists resonates in reviews, with numerous clients stating that the tattoos they received are of top-tier quality, boasting exceptional line work and fulfilling complex, personalized requests. Moreover, artists like Di have inspired loyalty in clients who follow them from shop to shop. Lastly, the shop's ability to accommodate both appointments and walk-ins efficiently, ensuring minimal wait times and a satisfactory completion of multiple tattoos in one session, reveal a well-managed operation that values client time and satisfaction.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the numerous commendations, Timeless Tattoo's reviews also reveal areas for improvement, particularly related to one artist's customer service. An instance of perceived arrogance and poor treatment from this artist stands out as a significant blemish on the company's reputation. The customer described feeling unwelcome and dismissed when their tattoo idea was rejected by the artist, who was accused of prioritizing high-priced projects and demonstrating an overall lack of professional courtesy. This experience was troubling enough to the client that they shared it within their personal network, potentially affecting the shop's word-of-mouth recommendations. It is a reminder of the lasting impact of each artist's interaction on the company's reputation and customer retention.

Frequently asked questions about Timeless Tattoo

Are walk-ins welcome at Timeless Tattoo, or do I need to make an appointment?

Timeless Tattoo caters to both walk-ins and appointments. While an appointment is recommended to ensure the availability of a specific artist or for a complex design, walk-in clients have also reported successful experiences with immediate service.

Can Timeless Tattoo artists execute custom tattoos from descriptions or reference images?

Yes, artists at Timeless Tattoo are skilled at creating tattoos based on descriptions and reference images provided by the client. Reviews indicate that they are adept at bringing clients' visions to life with accuracy and artistic excellence.

Does Timeless Tattoo provide aftercare instructions for new tattoos?

Yes, aftercare is an essential aspect of the tattoo process, and Timeless Tattoo provides aftercare instructions to ensure optimal healing and longevity of your tattoo. It is advisable to follow the artist's specific instructions tailored to your tattoo.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Timeless Tattoo

Timeless Tattoo
Nick Brittin
3 weeks ago
This is an outstanding shop: the people are very friendly, and the tattooists are true artists. My wife and I recently visited, and we both got unbelievable tattoos. Marcel did a fantastic Bubo (Clash of the Titans) for my wife, and Di did Bunnicula for me. Both pieces are top tier work, and we're very pleased with them. These images would look great on Canvas, so I can't imagine the talent it takes to put these on skin. Top quality art for sure! Also, shout out to Andrew the man who works the desk. He's super nice, and he seems to really enjoy meeting people. Next time we're in Atlanta, we'll definitely be back.
Timeless Tattoo
Ronald Robinson
3 weeks ago
Love this shop - the staff is awesome and the place is super clean. The work done here is excellent as well - I push all of my friends to come here. Huge shoutout to Di as well - I followed her over from another shop. Her work is stunning - both black and color work.
Timeless Tattoo
Shami Patel
11 months ago
I went there about 1.5 weeks ago to get a tattoo done on my forearm area. Kristin did my tattoo and I had made an appointment with her. I had told her over email what I was looking for, and when I got there she had drawn up the design exactly how i described it! The tattoo took about an hour to do and the whole time she was talking to me and made me feel very comfortable. My tattoo came out great and I love it! There space to sit if someone else comes with you as well. I will be back when I am ready for another tattoo!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 90% of Timeless Tattoo's customers had a positive experience.

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About Timeless Tattoo

Tattoo Shops
Established in 1995 by Cap Szumski, we set the standard for Atlanta