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Social Care Alba Reviews Summary


Home Care Services | Edinburgh


1st floor, 26 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LD

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Social Care Alba?

As of Apr 23, 2024, 11 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.2 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Social Care Alba's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

Social Care Alba is quite good.

very responsible and professional

Efficient care and very friendly staff

Healthy work Environment

Excellent service

Very friendly staff


This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 23, 2024
Last updated
April 23, 2024

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Social Care Alba's customer reviews analysis

Social Care Alba appears to operate with a commitment to responsible and professional service, as evidenced by feedback highlighting their efficiency and the friendliness of their staff. However, the company faces challenges with staff turnover and consistency in care quality. The variability in staff training, particularly concerning personal hygiene routines, suggests that new employees may require more comprehensive onboarding to meet the organization's service standards. A need for improved communication and record-keeping is also noted, with suggestions for a client file system that could help in maintaining service continuity. Additionally, the unpredictable arrival times of carers, despite communication about delays, could impact the client experience, suggesting an area for operational refinement.

Positive Feedback

Customers largely appreciate the efficient care provided by Social Care Alba and frequently mention the friendliness of the care staff, which contributes positively to the user experience. The company is regarded as one of the best service providers in Scotland, with a professional demeanor and a healthy work environment that likely reflects in the service quality. The recurring compliments suggest that when the service is delivered effectively, it exceeds expectations and garners high recommendations, evidenced by explicit endorsements from clients.

Concerns and Threads

There are notable areas of concern for Social Care Alba, primarily revolving around high staff turnover, which may suggest issues with employee retention or job satisfaction. This leads to a lack of consistency in care, as different carers may have varied levels of training—particularly in essential areas such as washing routines and overall hygiene. The client experience is further compromised by a lack of efficient communication regarding early arrivals of carers and inconsistency in scheduling. These issues point to a potential need for enhanced staff training and development, along with better communication and organizational protocols to ensure punctuality and consistency.

Frequently asked questions about Social Care Alba

How does Social Care Alba ensure continuity and consistency in their caregiving services?

Based on customer feedback, Social Care Alba could improve its continuity and consistency by developing a client file system to record personal requests and care instructions. Additionally, standardized training for new hires would likely enhance the uniformity of care provided.

Can clients expect carers from Social Care Alba to arrive at the scheduled times?

Carers from Social Care Alba may arrive up to one hour early or more than one hour late; although they do notify clients of lateness, there is no communication for early arrivals. Timeliness is an area highlighted for improvement by client reviews.

What is the overall impression of the staff at Social Care Alba from their clients?

Clients consistently describe the staff at Social Care Alba as very friendly, efficient, responsible, and professional, contributing positively to the overall service experience.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Social Care Alba

Social Care Alba
Julia Edinburgh
4 years ago
Social Care Alba is quite good. It has a high staff turnover. It is hard to tell how many Carers have visited but close to 60 (or perhaps more). More training is needed for new staff such as for the washing routine and hygiene levels - it varies from Carer to Carer, although most are fine. Personal requests are taken onboard by Carers - to improve upon service these could be passed to a Client file, so they don't need to be repeated each time. It is understandably difficult for the Carers to keep to set timings and they can arrive anywhere from 1 hour early to more than 1 hour late. If they are running late they do call and notify the Client, however if they are early there is no phone call. The Carers are friendly people.
Social Care Alba
Darya Zhyvokina
3 years ago
Very responsible and professional service provider. The best in Scotland. Efficient care and very friendly staff. Highly recomend !
Social Care Alba
Binoy Alphonsa Joy
2 years ago
Very Efficient and Healthy work Environment
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 66.67% of Social Care Alba's customers had a positive experience.

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About Social Care Alba

Home Care Services
We are a highly rated care at home provider operating in Edinburgh.