Dallas, TX
Driving School
Secure Lane Driving School
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Secure Lane Driving School Reviews Summary


Driving School | Dallas, TX


9401 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Suite# 275, Dallas, TX 75243, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Secure Lane Driving School?

As of Apr 11, 2024, 37 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 3.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Secure Lane Driving School's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 11, 2024
Last updated
April 11, 2024

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Secure Lane Driving School's customer reviews analysis

Evaluating the overall company reputation of Secure Lane Driving School through recent reviews reveals a polarized customer experience. On one side, numerous clients praised the school for its effective teaching methods, knowledgeable instructors, particularly Julius Ekhator, and flexibility in scheduling. They highlighted the proficiency and patience of the teachers, the efficient and quick learning process, and the value for money. However, there's a concerning trend in negative feedback focusing on customer service issues, including rude behavior by staff, scheduling problems, alleged unethical practices such as failing students on purpose to elicit additional test fees, and unprofessionalism in acknowledging and dealing with clients on-site. These negative experiences are contributing to a damaged reputation and may significantly affect prospective students' decisions.

Positive Feedback

Positive aspects of the Secure Lane Driving School from the customer reviews include the quality of instruction and the instructors' ability to teach driving skills effectively. Julius Ekhator, in particular, is frequently mentioned as an exceptional educator whose patience and communicative approach have left students feeling comfortable and well-informed. Clients have also expressed satisfaction with the school's teaching methodology, which many found to be efficient in identifying areas needing improvement and quickly helping students to correct these issues. Additionally, the flexibility in scheduling and the school's clear orientation towards optimizing customers' time and resources are noted as significant pluses by several reviewers. These positive responses suggest that when the school's system works as intended, it provides a competent and valuable service.

Concerns and Threads

On the downside, Secure Lane Driving School has garnered criticism from a series of customer experiences that raise concern about the school's client interaction and professionalism. A common complaint pertains to poor customer service, with claims of the staff, presumably including the owner, being rude and dismissive. Reports of scheduling problems -- including ignored appointments and prolonged wait times -- suggest operational inefficiencies. There are also serious allegations of purposely failing students to generate additional revenue. These negative experiences have clearly marred the reputation of the school for some and could deter potential customers who are seeking a dependable and respectful driving instruction service.

Frequently asked questions about Secure Lane Driving School

What should I do if I have issues scheduling my appointment?

If you encounter any scheduling issues, try to contact Secure Lane Driving School directly through the listed phone number or email provided on their official website. If the problems persist, it may be worth considering alternate driving schools to ensure your needs are met in a timely manner.

Does Secure Lane Driving School provide the actual driving license after tests?

No, Secure Lane Driving School does not issue driving licenses. After passing your road test with the school, you must take your paperwork to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to obtain your official license.

Can I expect quality instruction from Secure Lane Driving School?

Based on customer feedback, Secure Lane Driving School has instructors who are knowledgeable and can provide quality instruction. However, experiences seem to vary, so it's important to consider all feedback and perhaps meet with an instructor to discuss your specific needs.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Secure Lane Driving School

Secure Lane Driving School
Sasha Robertson
9 months ago
DO NOT waste your money. He fails you on purpose if you choose the single test option so you can pay to take an additional test. He's not friendly at all. When I asked what documentation he needed just to be sure I had everything, he responded, "Go to the website." NOT to mention, I waited 40 minutes past my schedule time. I ended up paying another tester in the area 20 more than what he charges just to avoid giving the scammer anymore of my money. DO NOT go here!!!
Secure Lane Driving School
Chrystal Morris
9 months ago
Do not do business with this company. The guy who runs it is rude. He could not even schedule an appointment. He lacks customer service etiquette and basically told me that "I needed to learn how to do business in the US...and I need to learn to read." I would not typically write a review but if your reading this, trust me. Go to another company.
Secure Lane Driving School
Evie Gilligan
9 months ago
I’m gonna say I was nervous going into this class, and was somewhat skeptical on if I was going to learn anything. But to be honest, doing the lessons and the class time is good and you will learn from this class. Though at times it may be unbearable uncomfortable, it’s fine. Your here to learn how to drive.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Secure Lane Driving School's customers had a positive experience.

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Secure Lane Driving School

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