Richard Francis Reviews Summary


Orthopaedic Surgeons | Houston, TX


9301 Southwest Fwy # 600, Houston, TX 77074, United States

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What do customers say about Richard Francis?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 214 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Richard Francis's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 14, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Richard Francis's customer reviews analysis

Spine Associates Richard Francis, MD has a mixed overall company reputation according to recent reviews. Patients who had positive experiences often praise Dr. Francis for his surgical skills, professional attitude, and effective treatments that lead to improved quality of life. Success stories include significant pain relief and enhanced mobility post-surgery. However, there are considerable concerns related to administrative issues, including long wait times, lack of communication, and coordination with insurance providers for therapy sessions. A noticeable pattern reveals commendation for medical outcomes juxtaposed with criticism for the patient care experience, indicating that while clinical expertise is a strength, customer service aspects require attention.

Positive Feedback

Positive aspects of customer feedback focus on the high level of professional care and surgical competence demonstrated by Dr. Francis. Many patients describe experiencing considerable pain relief, return to normalcy, and gratitude for the treatment they received. Success stories often highlight a significant improvement in the patient's condition after undergoing surgery, which speaks volumes about Dr. Francis's skills as a spine surgeon. Patients frequently commend the staff for their friendliness and the quality of the hospital environment, as well as the swift actions taken to schedule and carry out necessary procedures. Dr. Francis is also recognized for his empathy, knowledge, and commitment to patient well-being.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the clinical success, negative reviews for Spine Associates Richard Francis, MD bring to light issues primarily related to administrative concerns and patient support services. Long wait times, sometimes exceeding several hours, are a sore point for many patients. Communication breakdowns following surgery, particularly regarding insurance authorization for physical therapy, have left some patients without necessary post-operative care. These experiences have resulted in feelings of neglect and disregard, with a perception that Dr. Francis's office may not value patients' time or well-being post-surgery. The lack of response to calls and emails further exacerbates these sentiments, suggesting that while medical treatment may be effective, the overall patient experience can be significantly impacted by service-related shortcomings.

Frequently asked questions about Richard Francis

What types of spine conditions does Dr. Francis specialize in treating?

Dr. Francis specializes in the treatment of various spine-related conditions, including herniated discs and pinched nerves, as evidenced by the successful surgeries mentioned in patient reviews. His expertise appears to cover a range of spinal issues, offering both minimally invasive and more complex corrective surgical options.

Can I expect long wait times for scheduled appointments with Dr. Francis?

According to patient feedback, there may be lengthy wait times for appointments with Dr. Francis, sometimes lasting several hours. While this may vary, it has been mentioned as a recurrent issue by patients.

How does Dr. Francis's office handle post-operative care, such as physical therapy coordination?

Reviews suggest some challenges in coordinating post-operative care, particularly physical therapy authorization with insurance providers. Prospective patients should confirm with Dr. Francis's office how such matters are handled and may need to be proactive in ensuring communication lines remain open to prevent disruptions in care.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Richard Francis

Richard Francis
Cole Burke
3 weeks ago
After nearly 4 years of having the most excruciating pain in my leg to the point I couldn't walk more then 50 feet or sleep more than an hour straight and having to move to a chair or the floor and going from being 6"1 to 5"8 because of my back issues. I saw Dr Francis and day 1 we met we set up a surgery for my 3 herniated discs in my back. After the surgery it was rough for a couple days but in the end totally worth it after 3 months I have a somewhat normal life again and so close to being able to enjoy everything I used to.
Richard Francis
Renee Carson
4 months ago
Dr. Francis did my spinal fusion revision in June. I had at least a 3 hour wait for each visit. He is supposed to be one of the best so I tolerated the long waits. No one ever apologized or explained why I had to wait for so long. After surgery Dr. Francis ordered 3 months of physical therapy. After 1 month I was dropped from therapy (pretty embarrassing) because Dr. Francis would not sign the Plan of care required by my insurance. Therapy sent numerous faxes and made numerous phone calls but just got the run around. I never received replies to my numerous emails or phone calls about being dropped from therapy. At my 3 month follow up the nurse just shrugged her shoulders when I asked about therapy. She didn't seem to care. Once again I waited 3 hours to see Dr. Francis. I told them I had another appointment and needed to leave in 10 minutes. I actually saw the nurse tell Dr. Francis this. After 10 minutes I got dressed and left. Once again the nurse just shrugged her shoulders and asked if I wanted to reschedule. I said, "No". If you are looking for a spinal surgeon who cares about you as a person I would definitely recommend you look elsewhere.
Richard Francis
Kent Bodin
2 weeks ago
We'll, I'll get right down to it, I've seen quite a few Doctors in last 35 years. I thought that i had a good Doctors list going. Now that I have met Doctor Francis I see that his name is now first of all the good Doctors i have met. Outstanding very professional gentleman. I am so happy the VA. Sent me to meet Doctor Francis!!! We are, as humans go, are highly fortunate to have been blessed with Doctor Francis Thank you for all that you have done. Oakbend hospital Richmond Texas. I was surprised to how quite a hospital can be WOW. I found that the staff were friendly and worked well with each other. I enjoyed there help im thankful. Now the food WOW again that was the best hospital food I ever had better than the V A, Houston, better than Fondren clinic, Temple Tx VA, San Antonio VA. Im a happy camper Thanks to all that helped me 👍👍
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Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Richard Francis's customers had a positive experience.

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About Richard Francis

Orthopaedic Surgeons

Spine Associates is a leading medical practice specializing in scoliosis correction, minimally invasive robotic spine surgery, and failed back surgery.Edit
