New York, NY
Property Management
Real Property Management New York Gold

Real Property Management New York Gold Reviews Summary


Property Management | New York, NY


118-35 Queens Blvd #400, Queens, NY 11375, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Real Property Management New York Gold?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 116 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Real Property Management New York Gold's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
January 10, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Real Property Management New York Gold's customer reviews analysis

Real Property Management New York Gold displays a varied company reputation based on the collected customer reviews, which show a mixture of positive experiences alongside some critical feedback. Initial observations indicate that certain members of the team, specifically Roland Yuzon, Ray Delfino, Jinella, and Eleni, are commended for their responsiveness, professionalism, and ability to resolve issues, contributing positively to the overall customer satisfaction. However, there are serious concerns reflected by some clients regarding unaddressed tenant issues, poor communication, especially during a company transition, and difficulty in reaching staff or obtaining prompt service. The management of financial transactions is an area that requires special attention, as inconsistencies in rent deposits and undisclosed deductions have caused distrust among customers. The mentioned decline in service quality over the recent period has significantly impacted the confidence of at least one long-term client. The review analysis suggests a divided customer experience, with strong individual performance offset by systemic operational challenges.

Positive Feedback

Positive feedback for Real Property Management New York Gold is anchored by their staff's responsiveness and professionalism, with notable mentions of Roland Yuzon, Ray Delfino, Jinella, and Eleni, who are praised for providing efficient service and clear communication. Customers appreciate fast resolutions to their problems, satisfactory customer service, and the convenience of online administrative tasks. In particular, Ray Delfino has received recognition for restoring client confidence through his attention to repair problems and timely feedback. Clients also express relief and satisfaction for the company's handling of rental properties, describing their personal stress reduction and the ease of receiving consistent rental income as major advantages. This sentiment is echoed by those who have had positive renting experiences, underscoring a certain level of competence in managing the day-to-day operations of rental properties.

Concerns and Threads

The negative remarks about Real Property Management New York Gold convey critical operational issues that seem to affect overall client satisfaction. Some tenants report having to contact city services due to unaddressed essential services, such as lack of heat or hot water, signaling possible neglect in maintenance. Communication appears to be a core issue, as some customers find it impossible to reach a representative, while others express frustration over not being informed about important transitions, including the 'sale' of RPM New York Gold. The lack of timely responses to both property owners and tenants, coupled with the mismanagement of financial transactions and late rent deposits, has eroded trust for some long-standing clients. Additionally, the perception of the company being non-proactive in addressing the well-being of buildings or the concerns of clients suggests room for significant operational improvement.

Frequently asked questions about Real Property Management New York Gold

What measures does Real Property Management New York Gold take to ensure timely and effective communication with clients?

The company aims to provide timely communication through dedicated staff members, as evidenced in cases where clients have been satisfied with quick and informative responses to their queries and concerns. However, some reviews indicate a need for the company to improve their communication protocols, particularly during critical transition periods.

How does the company handle maintenance and repair requests for the properties they manage?

According to positive customer feedback, certain team members, like Ray Delfino, are recognized for their quick follow-up and professional handling of repair problems. However, some negative experiences suggest that there can be a delay in addressing maintenance and repair requests, which the company needs to address for consistent quality service.

Are financial transactions for rent payments processed accurately and consistently by Real Property Management New York Gold?

While some clients are satisfied with the financial management and appreciate the convenience of online transactions, other reviews highlight inconsistencies in rent deposits and challenging experiences with financial operations. Ensuring accuracy and transparency in financial dealings appears to be an area the company may have to review and improve.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Real Property Management New York Gold

Real Property Management New York Gold
Allen Spiegler
8 months ago
Roland Yuzon, the management coordinator and Ray Delfino, the maintence coordinator always answer my questions to the best of their ability, or respond promptly, after checking the information. Therefore, I am kept updated regarding the property and tenant issues, so I can make the best decisions.
Real Property Management New York Gold
Eileen Amato
a year ago
They are the ABSOLUTE worst! We've had to call 311 multiple times because of no heat or hot water. This has yet to be resolved. When you call them you get the run around as well. No direct line to reach a human! My daughter rents one of your apartments. I have no interest in speaking with your office. I have already contacted the actual Owner & we are resolving this issue. It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to reach anyone at your office. Thank you anyway.
Real Property Management New York Gold
Vikkie L. Wilkinson
3 years ago
I have been with this company since 2013. Initially It was a great experience. Unfortunately the last year and a half there has been a steady decline in prompt and professional service. I wouldn't recommend my worst enemy here. The tenants issues were not being addressed in a timely manner. The are open items over a year old with no response. My tenants have complained about their lack of response. Communications with the owners is almost non-existent They are not proactive in managing the well being of the building and as an owner I have lost confidence. The business of taking care of the building has totally fallen by the waste side. The final straw is when RPM New York Gold was "sold" to another RPM business and as an owner, i was not notified, I found out when I checked the portal and was locked out. Panicked I called the office and was unable to reach anyone. After several days and emails I finally got person who told me there was a change. No official notification was ever sent out to me. Additionally, the rent money due was held up! With again not notification on when I as an owner would actually receive the funds due to me. They also changed how deposits were sent. It's inconsistent and to dollar amounts are not correct. I'm receiving less than the amount I am due. Deducting the tenants "late fee" from my deposit. Who does this??!??! They have wasted enough of my time and mismanaged enough of my resources. I'm done.... Don't do it!!!!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Real Property Management New York Gold's customers had a positive experience.

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Real Property Management New York Gold

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About Real Property Management New York Gold

Property Management

Real Property Management New York Gold provides professional property management services including on-going communication, comprehensive marketing and advertising, full-service leasing, thorough tenant screening and selection, timely rent collection, regular inspections, cost-effective and reliable maintenance, strict and compliant evictions, and comprehensive accounting. We help protect your investment, service your tenants, minimize your costs, and maximize your income—without interrupting your daily life. For over 30 years, tens of thousands of rental property owners and investors nationwide have trusted Real Property Management offices to take care of their rental property.
