New York, NY
Park Avenue Orthodontics

Park Avenue Orthodontics Reviews Summary


Orthodontists | New York, NY


102 E 81st St, New York, NY 10028, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Park Avenue Orthodontics?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 235 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Park Avenue Orthodontics's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
January 23, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Park Avenue Orthodontics's customer reviews analysis

The overall reputation of Park Avenue Orthodontics and Dr. Janet Stoess-Allen is consistently underscored by the positive experiences conveyed in the majority of recent reviews. Patients express high levels of satisfaction with the results obtained from their orthodontic treatments, particularly praising the effective use of Invisalign to correct a range of complex dental issues, such as underbites and shifting teeth. The practice has also been acclaimed for offering alternative solutions to surgical interventions, further enhancing patient trust and credibility. The office’s punctuality, professionalism, and friendly staff are cited frequently, contributing to a welcoming and efficient patient experience. However, a notable concern is the expression of dissatisfaction by an individual regarding the final outcome of their treatment, experiencing discomfort and additional complications, indicating a need for attention to aftercare and the management of patient expectations.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects gleaned from customer feedback for Park Avenue Orthodontics include successful treatment outcomes, with patients particularly mentioning how Dr. Stoess-Allen's expertise in using Invisalign technology has significantly improved their dental concerns without resorting to more invasive procedures like surgery. The quality of the results has left patients feeling confident, exemplified by testimonials of transformed smiles and relieved insecurities. Furthermore, the practice’s ability to handle complex bite cases and avoid unnecessary tooth extractions has been highly appreciated. The friendly, supportive, and professional demeanor of the staff adds to the favorable atmosphere of the office, enhancing the overall patient experience. Additionally, efficiency is noted through on-time appointments and a well-run office environment.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the predominance of positive experiences, there is a notable instance of a negative outcome. A patient reports dissatisfaction with their treatment, highlighting a sense of physical discomfort and worsened dental issues post-therapy. The feedback conveys a specific concern regarding the sensation of an unnatural bite and the potential long-term impact of such an experience. This case raises important considerations for prospective patients regarding the diversity of treatment responses and underscores the necessity for thorough consultations and clear communication about potential risks and expectations of orthodontic procedures. Such feedback emphasizes the importance of ensuring quality aftercare and the ability to address any unforeseen complications that may arise.

Frequently asked questions about Park Avenue Orthodontics

What types of orthodontic issues can Dr. Janet Stoess-Allen's practice address with Invisalign?

According to reviews, Dr. Stoess-Allen at Park Avenue Orthodontics successfully treats various orthodontic issues with Invisalign, including complex bite cases, protrusions, underbites, open bites, and shifting teeth post-braces.

How does Park Avenue Orthodontics handle cases that traditionally might require surgery?

The practice is reported to provide alternative treatments to surgery using Invisalign. Multiple reviews indicate that Dr. Stoess-Allen helps patients avoid surgical interventions and still achieve significant improvements in their dental conditions.

What are the office environment and staff like at Park Avenue Orthodontics?

Reviews commonly describe the office of Park Avenue Orthodontics as spotless, cute, and inviting. The staff, including Lily, Marleny, and Zack, are mentioned as very professional, friendly, warm, and supportive throughout the treatment process.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Park Avenue Orthodontics

Park Avenue Orthodontics
Phoebe Charney
3 months ago
Dr. Janet did a fantastic job on my teeth! She really listened to the areas I wanted to focus on and made sure those were addressed. I struggled with invisalign before I transferd over to her and once I did the process was smooth and my teeth turned out great. I’m really happy with the end results and would definitely recommend going to her!
Park Avenue Orthodontics
3 months ago
Dr. Janet & Team are honestly miracle workers. I was told by multiple doctors that my underbite needed surgery - however after doing research I found out about the bite cases Park Ave Ortho has handled and came in for a consultation. One year later my smile, which had always been an insecurity in the past, has been completely changed for the better. Feeling like a new man at the end of treatment and smiling from ear to ear!!
Park Avenue Orthodontics
5 months ago
Fantastic results! I previously had braces when I was young, but my teeth shifted quite a bit since. Dr Allen’s treatment greatly improved my protrusion, especially on my top teeth.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Park Avenue Orthodontics's customers had a positive experience.

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Park Avenue Orthodontics

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About Park Avenue Orthodontics


Park Avenue Orthodontics: Dr. Janet Stoess-Allen is a family-friendly orthodontic practice in New York, NY. Adults, teens, and children visit our orthodontist in New York for age-appropriate orthodontics to fix gaps and crooked or misaligned teeth. We are a leading Invisalign provider for all age groups, committed to aligning smiles discretely and comfortably. Patients can count on us for braces, the traditional approach to straightening teeth. Whether you need ALF appliances to resolve speech or tongue positioning issues or TMJ treatment to alleviate jaw and teeth pain, visit our New York orthodontist today! Flaunt your best smile and elevate your confidence with our range of orthodontic services.
