Atlanta, GA
Driving School
Nathan'S Driving School Inc
Nathan'S Driving School Inc

Nathan'S Driving School Inc Reviews Summary

Driving School | Atlanta, GA

What do customers say about Nathan'S Driving School Inc?

As of Apr 27, 2024, 94 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.1 Star out of 5. The following report provides an in-depth analysis of customer reviews collected.

Source: This report was produced by TrustGuide based on a randomly selected sample of 10 publicly available reviews, sorted by relevance. See source

Created by
Trustguide AI
Published on
April 27, 2024
Last updated
April 28, 2024

Overall Reputation

Based on the selected reviews, Trustguide has assessed this business as follows:
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Customer Satisfaction Rate
Trustguide uses AI for unbiased and objective review summaries. We strive for accuracy but aren't responsible for source material or decision outcomes.

Nathan'S Driving School Inc's customer reviews analysis

Analyzing the reviews provided for Nathan's Driving School Inc., the overall company reputation appears to be mixed with some distinct strengths and weaknesses. Customers praise the instructors for their patient and informative approach, often highlighting the successful results in passing driving tests, with a particular mention of instructors like Mike, Joe, Ms Sabrina, and Ms Earnestine for their positive impact on learners. The experiences cited frequently include appreciation for effective teaching methods, the ability to instill confidence in new drivers, and instructors' ability to make the learning process enjoyable. However, there are apprehensions regarding administrative challenges such as scheduling difficulties, unresponsive communication, and concerns with certain instructor's inappropriate behavior, which undermine the reputation of the driving school. Despite these opposing perspectives, the prevailing sentiment reflects that the school is capable of delivering valuable driver education, with the caveat of customer service inconsistencies that need attention.

Positive Feedback

The key positive aspects of customer feedback for Nathan's Driving School Inc. emphasize the quality of instruction and the positive outcomes of the learning process. Many reviewers expressed satisfaction with the competence and teaching style of the instructors, specifically noting patient, clear, and supportive methods that foster a good learning environment. Students reportedly felt more confident as drivers and enjoyed both the theoretical and practical components of their education. Noteworthy positive experiences with classroom and behind-the-wheel instructors such as Ms Sabrina and Ms Earnestine suggest a strength in personnel that engages students successfully. The ability to teach practical skills effectively, such as parallel parking and defensive driving, also reflects a high instructional quality that customers value. Moreover, the convenience of taking the road test with a certified driving school, alongside positive results, further reinforces the positive experiences shared by customers.

Concerns and Threads

Regarding the negative customer feedback, administrative inefficiencies and poor interpersonal interactions feature prominently. Issues with scheduling, such as difficulty making appointments or receiving follow-up communication, have caused frustration among clients. Incidents involving the customer service department's unavailability and the apparent disconnect between the scheduling system and instructor employment status contribute to these frustrations. Furthermore, a significant concern arises from reports of unprofessional conduct by one instructor, with alarming accusations of rudeness and inappropriate behavior toward a student during a road test. Another negative experience shares the sentiment of an instructor being dismissive and mocking a student with a visual impairment, which overlooks the empathetic approach expected in an educational environment. These incidents have led to a tarnished image for the school and suggest a need for improvement in staff conduct and communication practices.

Frequently asked questions about Nathan'S Driving School Inc

Are instructors at Nathan's Driving School patient and supportive with new learners?

Yes, many reviewers commend the instructors for their patience and supportive nature, which often results in students gaining confidence and achieving a positive outcome in their learning experience.

How is the scheduling process for driving lessons at Nathan's Driving School?

Feedback suggests that some customers experience issues with scheduling, including difficulties in securing appointments, unresponsive communication, and inconsistencies that may require persistent follow-up.

Does Nathan's Driving School offer road testing services in-house?

Nathan's is a state-certified driving school in Georgia, and as such, they offer in-house road testing services, which many students find convenient and effective for obtaining their driver's licenses.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Nathan'S Driving School Inc

Nathan'S Driving School Inc
Fay Ann Sherris
a month ago
I highly recommend Nathan's driving school. The test administrator did such a wonderful job. Her passion about safety was so evident. I value how seriously she treated the entire process and how she communicated with my son both before and after the driving test. My son also really enjoyed his time with his driving lessons, as well as his experience over December for the classroom time. The benefits are priceless. My family and others on the road will benefit from everything Nathan's is doing to ensure safety and driver education.
Nathan'S Driving School Inc
a week ago
Took the 6 hour behind the wheel driving courses with Mike and learned a lot. He was very patient with me and prepared me for the driving test I'll also be taking at Nathan's too. He showed me parallel parking so much easier than I was led to believe. I also took the online driving lessons with Joe who was very informative.
Nathan'S Driving School Inc
India Jones
2 months ago
Thanks to Nathan’s Driving school, I was able to get my license on my first try. I had Ms Sabrina for the classroom and Ms Earnestine for my 6 hours driving lessons. Ms Sabrina tried to make a long 30 hour class fun while teaching us defensive driving techniques. ( Ask her to tell you some of her stories) Ms Earnestine helped me to be a confident driver on the road. I was a little nervous driving but she helped me get over it. I would definitely recommend Nathan’s to anyone.
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About Nathan'S Driving School Inc

Driving School
We are a local comprehensive driving school. We have been in business for over thirty years. We provide private driving instruction to teenagers and adults. We also provide defensive driving courses that are court ordered and/or for insurance reduction purposes. We teach the National Safety Council's Defensive Driving and Alive@25 Courses. We teach PRI DUI and Risk Reduction Courses and are able to provide assessments. We are providers of the GDEC Scholarship program. We are fully licensed in all areas. We teach on site at schools and facilities as well as in our own facilities. Please call with any questions and let us know how we can serve you.